64 People Share The Funniest “Oddly Specific” Rules They’ve Encountered That Must Be There For A Reason

Humans are curious creatures. Our craving to know and understand is the driving force behind our development as individuals and our success as a species. But we're also dumb.

So when Reddit user Ryyi23 posted this question on the platform: "What oddly specific rules have you seen that are probably only there because someone actually did it in the past?" the replies came flooding in.

From a warning not to fill a water fun with urine to a suggestion to remove a child from a piece of clothing before washing it, continue scrolling and check out some of the funniest ones!


On an AirFrance flight from Morocco to Mauritania, the flight attendant gave the safety brief in French at first. My french is not good but my ears pricked up when I heard the words "feu de camp." I obviously discounted my translation as misunderstanding the brief until she went into the brief in English.

We were given the standard safety brief on all aircraft, but at the end we were specifically reminded that there are to be no cooking or camp fires lit on the plane at any time.

Can you imagine your seat mate getting hungry and deciding to start a fire on an airplane to cook up some snacks?!?!?

Image credits: Filthy_rags_am_I


We once got a piece of clothing for one of the kids and right on the label, I kid you not, ‘remove child before washing.'

Image credits: randomredditor12345


“Do not fill with urine” on a water gun.

Image credits: beesuz


In rehab our cottons swabs were taken away because a guy decided to jam one into his eardrum to get sent to the hospital and get painkillers. Every seemingly dumb rule we had in there had a backstory to it.

Image credits: itsvic27


In Florida " You may not have sexual relations with a porcupine".

Image credits: Drunken_Scott


Never iron clothes while they are being worn.

Image credits: MisfitMishap


“Do not put 14 rolls of toilet paper in the toilet” -Walmart 2019

Image credits: SteveCorpGuy4


in NZ it is illegal to name your kid "Pink panties" ...

Image credits: BlightPaladin


Do not pick up this lawn mower and use it as a hedge trimmer.

Image credits: chasepna


Used to work in a big name book store. In the office we had a huge sign saying "no boiled eggs allowed in staff office"

Image credits: rawr_nickie_rawr


“Don’t take (prescription drug) if you're allergic to (same drug).”

Image credits: wpascarelli


In my lease, I had a clause to properly dispose of my used tampons.

I asked why and apparently my landlord had a tenant that caused $50,000 of damage because she threw her used tampons into the cabinet under the sink. She rented the apartment for years and there were 3+ years worth of used, bloody tampons in there.

The, uh, blood caused a bunch of damage akin to water damage to the bathoom. The floor under the cabinet was rotted through. From bloody tampon storage.

The thought of a steamy, gelatinous glorb of blood gooping through the sh**ty linoleum and blooming a bloody Clicker from The Last of Us makes me want to actively die.

Image credits: salty-MA-student


If the water between Denmark and Sweden freezes, and the Swedes walk over we (the Danes) are allowed to hit them with sticks.


At my company's picnic outing: "Anyone who jumps in the lake will be fired."

Image credits: cats_n_things


My father’s hometown, Marion, Ohio, had a rule that you couldn’t eat a donut while walking backwards. If I remember correctly, it had something to do with attracting police horses to lure them away from the police.


Please do not add dish detergent to the water fountains.

Image credits: Somkeythedog591


No bouncing balls on city sidewalks…it scares horses.

Image credits: MagicMushroomFungi


For my fellow scientists: Transferring chemicals by mouth (mouth pipetting) is forbidden.


There's a town in Alabama where it's illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket.

Image credits: Dragnil


In church, there was a sign above the votive candles that read:

"Light only one candle - $7 each."

Apparently, for $7, someone had lighted all 50 votive candles in the stand.

Image credits: Back2Bach


"Do not use for drying pets" on the microwave.

Image credits: MisfitMishap


Do not dress game (e.g. deer, pheasant) in dormitory kitchens.

I wonder who dragged a deer into the dorm and cut it up for venison...

Image credits: SchnarchendeSchwein


Remove baby before collapsing stroller.


On a package of precision screwdrivers "Do not insert into penis."


Do not smoke when applying hairspray.


You're not allowed to bring vuvuzelas into a Metallica concert.

I really just want to know the story.


Curling iron instructions: Do not use while sleeping


I worked at a video rental store and we had a big sign at the front of the store that said “CONTROL YOUR CHILDREN” because kids are an organizational nightmare

Image credits: lilmissscum


Pharmacy worker here. We have to specify to unwrap suppositories BEFORE insertion. Apparently someone thought the foil was part of it.


Do not stop chainsaw blade with genitals.


In Arkansas, it's illegal to keep an alligator in your bathtub.


I blame Johnny Knoxville for this, but "toilets are for display purposes only".


‘Absolutely no roller skates in the lab.’ My husband worked for a private lab startup and half the women there did roller derby. The lab was (as many are) a repurposed warehouse with nice smooth concrete floors. One of the women thought it would be fun to skate between machines. She got a lot done but the boss figured osha wouldn’t be too thrilled so the sign went up a few days later. You could still wear your skates in the break room.


Last year’s company christmas party email specifically stated to bring an extra pair of pants if you will be urinating in the first pair.


I had the same Biology professor for Bio I and II.

Because of me, the Bio II power point included a new excuse that wouldn't be accepted for missing/late work: "My drunk room mates threw it out while cleaning!"


No rings on ship decks. They can get caught and deglove your finger, which is exactly as horrid as it sounds.


Worked at an auto body shop. The break room microwave sign said “no fish or birds”.

There were a few Vietnamese guys working there. The guy who worked in the wash bay detailing the cars before they were given back to the customers was about 60 years old, and he always had “weird” stuff for lunch. I’ve seen him with bags full of fish heads, entire birds (feathers and all), mystery bags of unknown meat, etc.

Apparently he had used the break room microwave to cook these sorts of random things and made the entire office reek for days at a time. They ended up putting the old break room microwave in the wash bay (which was in an unattached building) so he could cook all the nasty sh*t he wanted to eat without disturbing anyone else.


In a supermarket, by the cherry display: "For the safety of employees and customers, please do not discard cherry pits on the floor."

Couldn't figure out why it didn't just say "please don't eat the cherries" but I'm sure there's an injury lawsuit involved!


I've been trying to buy a house and at several open house inspections, there have been signs asking people not to use the seller's toilet.


Bathing a donkey this is a law because in a hurricane as a donkey was taking a bath it went missing and people had to look for him


"Don't throw pickles on the* glass!" Burger King


I worked for a company that would send us out of town and put us up in hotels for weeks. We had per diem for food but they told us we could absolutely not use it on alcohol. Found out the company use to have an open bar at the hotel for employees until some former employees got so drunk they hired prostitutes and ended up doing cocaine and were killed out of the hotel and arrested.


I live in student accommodation, on the back of the bathroom door there are diagrams of the right and wrong ways to sit on the toilet.

Image credits: admiral_trapbar1


At my last job, we had a sign on the back door that said "you must walk trash all the way to the dumpster; DO NOT TRAIN THE RACCOONS!!!"

The story behind that is the facility I worked at does dog daycare and training, and Darcy the Human (not to be confused with Darcy the Poodle) didn't like having to walk all the way across the parking lot at the end of the night to take out the trash, and trained about three raccoons to drag the bags to the dumpster because he couldn't be bothered to walk 50ft to it. He got away with it for about a year, and even named them. The manager only found out when she opened the back door to throw out some boxes and saw a bunch of raccoons immediately run up and cart them off.


At a 7-11, I saw a sign on the chili dispenser for hot dogs that read, “Do not fill Big Gulp cups with chili.”


I went to work in a remote part of Alaska as a line cook. They had a mandatory drug test and very extensive background check with several interviews held by various admins in the company. This doesn't seem weird until you consider the type of people who work seasonal jobs. Especially remote seasonal jobs several hours from the closest 'town'. It takes a special kind of weird to even be interested in spending 6 months there.

When I finally arrived in camp and asked around, I found out the previous summer they had some issues with one specific employee.

Before that summer, employment with the company was very liberating. You show up for your shift, you're good. Not much else to it. You're also surrounded by wilderness for 100s of miles and purposefully scheduled 3 day weekends so you can enjoy it.

Well one guy brings his son with him. Apparently that's not too weird at the time. The son starts stealing personal items of female employees and stashing them under his mattress. The dad is also getting coke smuggled in by either a trucker or the mail. It all culminates with one big episode that no one really wanted to discuss.

After that... mandatory drug tests and very detailed interview process with background checks.


When I worked at a warehouse, I was told that we can't ride pallet jacks like scooters.


Since Covid and things going digital, we now have a ‘You must wear clothes’ rule…and we already had a pretty casual dress code.


Worked at a call center, as it was moving towards shutting down they weirdly got super stringent about rules. Couldn't have pen and paper so I brought putties and non-sticky slime to give myself something to do during downtime. Email goes out, no putty or slime. Okay, I'll finally learn to crochet. Bring in yarn and needles. Email goes out, no crochet or knitting. Fine, l write as a hobby so I'll type up some blurbs on Word. Maybe make an 'annoying customer' bingo sheet on Excel. Email goes out, no longer allowed to use Word or Excel.

Every email was sent like a week or less after I started doing the thing, with the exception of the putty. Timeline made sense to me and my friends, kinda, but I'm sure for everyone else in the call center they were bewildered as hell.


To me, employees must wash hands before returning to work..... Who the hell doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom, especially working in food service.


Worked as a substitute teacher. During training there was a good 30 minutes reviewing strange rules. One he heavily specified was how we are not allowed to take home class pets. Turns out a sub the year before had taken home a class gold fish because the tank was too small and then ransomed the gold fish to the class until proof of a larger tank.


There was this one residence hall on campus where we had to inform students on move-in day not to twist their apartment room key a certain way into their bathroom door otherwise they could possibly get locked in if closed. They were encouraged just to use the inner lock bolt body system. Students got charged $5, after one free pass, if a staff member got a call and had to rescue them from trapping themselves in their own bathroom. Working in that hall for two years, I rescued students 7 times and 4 of those times it was the same girl.


Back in the 90s, I used to work in a convenience store in New Jersey. Once a year I’d have to go to the health department and get certified as a food handler. It is in this capacity that I learned that there is a law on the books in the state of New Jersey that you cannot store food under a leaking sewage pipe. You just know health inspector went into a store and said “what the hell?! You can’t store food under leaking sewer pipe!” And the store owner said “cite the statute!”


I work as a counselor at a boy scout camp that happens to have coconut trees. One of the rules I have to read to the scouts is "Do not take a coconut and stick it between your legs and try to stab it with your pocket knife" this is because at least one kid some time ago did this resulting in an emergency hospital trip


I flipped a car over an embankment once and they put up a yield sign


My all time favorite, in the Taco Bell i frequented as a teenager:

"Please do not spit on the managers."

It wasn't even a freakin paper, it was a plaque, someone got spit on enough times to go out and pay for a plaque.


In Little Rock, Arkansas, I believe it's illegal to walk cattle down Main Street on Sundays.


Caution: Do Not Hold Wrong End of Chainsaw


There was a sign in one of the bathrooms at my college "Please do not dump coffee grounds in the toilets." It was only in one wing of one building, so I'm sure something happened.


I had an English teacher that had an ironclad rule about no one touching her classroom door except for her.

Rumor is that some kids super glued her classroom door shut a few years ago.

This led to some of my classmates rubbing themselves all over the door when she was absent for a day and when she went on maternity leave.


In California "it is illegal to hunt deer with explosive arrowheads"


A fairly small apartment complex pool (indoors) that had a sign reading:

No Running No Diving No Smoking No Kayaks


"If you've had diarrhea in the last 48 hours, please do not enter the pool water."


My father's hometown, Marion, Ohio, had a rule that you couldn't eat a donut while walking backwards. If I remember correctly, it had something to do with attracting police horses to lure them away from the police.

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/2Z6HJtd
via Boredpanda

64 People Share The Funniest “Oddly Specific” Rules They’ve Encountered That Must Be There For A Reason Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
