30 Weird Stories From Delivery Drivers About The Strangest Stuff That Happened With Their Order

Eating in is the new dining out. Just scroll through your bank statement of the last month and see how those delish treats reign the balance. But who doesn’t like their hot and steamy food delivered straight to the comfort of their home?

With a pandemic changing the ways we live, food deliveries have become a key part of our new reality. It’s now predicted that US restaurant delivery sales will rise an average of 12% a year to $76 billion in the next four years. So not only will we be eating in way more, we will also have more workers getting on board the delivery business.

And with that comes some very weird and funny real-time stories where food orders meet crazy, hangry, and sometimes, super nice customers. Let’s see some of the best stories from food delivery employees themselves who shared ‘what is the strangest scenario you have had with an order?’ in this viral thread.


I got one! That one time a followed a weird middle aged guy into his basement for a life affirming surprise....

Delivering pizzas my attitude is that nothing can really go that wrong so long as I drive carefully, avoid muggings, and never enter a customer's home. When I was younger and hadn't yet adopted that last rule I delivered a proper stack of pizzas to a really nice house in a very wealthy neighborhood where I was greeted by a classic mid 50's suburbanite guy. I had like 50lbs of pizzas and he' was just vibrating with excitement like a little kid asking me if I wanted to see something amazing in his basement where the pizzas were going anyway.

Yeah it sounds like a lot of red flag, but from his vibe and the amount of pizza he'd ordered I figured he was having some kind of game night with his buddies and was eager to show off his layout, entertainment system, bar, etc... Wealthy guys love showing the sweet toys they worked for to broke younger folks, and when you're working for tips sometimes an "oooh" or an "aaah" at a car or in-home luxury you don't care about is worth an extra $10. So I followed him into his huge house, preparing myself to express amazement at his whatever.

We get down to the basement and it was a puppy party. A true and actual puppy party, some sort of adoption event he'd set up for his kids b-day. Exactly as I'd expected, there was a classic rich guy basement with a full bar and pool table and wall sized entertainment center and huge sectional couch and recliners. What I didn't expect was a gaggle of 8th grade girls playing with DOZENS of puppies being supervised by handlers. Every kind of puppy I could imagine. I set the pizzas down on the bar and just sat on the floor and squealed and giggled while puppies tried to eat the smell of pizza off of me, succeeding only in devouring my heart through my face.

After a few minutes I stood up all teary eyed and flushed with happiness and the guy just grinned his understanding at me, gave me an envelope of cash, and sent me on my way. The hit of oxytocin and seratonin from those puppies still warms me years later... F**kin puppy party, man. My life is fuller knowing that can even happen.

Image credits: ManicExpressive


The delivery instructions were to "Beat on the door like you're the cops, and then rawr like a T-Rex to scare my kids" I did this but a small extremely confused lady answered the door. Apparently the husband had written those instructions for a prior delivery and had not realized delivery instructions copy over to the next delivery if not deleted.

Image credits: nightcore4ever


Took a big pizza order to a college dorm. It was like just under $200. When I go there I knew the code to get in because I had been a dorm head in the same building a few years earlier and there was one door with a code instead of swipe card.

I knew exactly where the room was so I knocked and the guy opened it and said "hold on" and closed the door. I heard an alarming amount of movement in the tiny dorm. And about 2 minutes later they opened the door with no lights on. In the dorm was around 15 dudes all in cloaks and holding lightsabers. One addressed me as Master Jedi of the zaa technique. I was laughing so hard I almost dropped their drinks. They tipped like 100 bucks and said I could join their club anytime.

It was amazing.

Image credits: hxcsweewee


Drop-off instructions said "Text me when you arrive, and come to the side of the house. I broke my leg and I can't come downstairs, but I'll lower a backpack down to you on a rope. Your tip is in the loop on the back. Thanks!" I thought it was a setup, but turned out to be legit. I thought it was amusing!

Image credits: Adventurer_By_Trade


I worked for a delivery company about 6 years ago.. I got an order for a single cigar. Total cost of goods about $3. Delivery fee $13.50 (he lived way the hell out in the boonies.) He also tipped my like $10. Turns out he was drunk and "delivery fee is less than a DUI"

Image credits: AtG68


This is one of my favorite random interactions from my time as a delivery driver for a Japanese restuarant.

I was sent to this house with an order of a steak hibachi and a couple of sushi rolls that added up to something like $19.60. I liked to call before I got to a place, just to give people a bit of a head's up, so by the time I got to the door it was already open. In the doorway stood a chubby kid, about 9 or 10 years old that reminded me a lot of the kid from Bad Santa, but without the curly hair.

I tell him the total as I pass off his food. He hands me a $20 bill and with a straight face he smugly says, "Keep the change, pal." Immediately after, he closes the door and I stood there for a second trying to process what just happened. When I got back to my car I noticed the time and realized it was way too early for that kid to be home from school. I couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation.

I wasn't even mad at getting a 40 cent tip because this kid probably faked being sick so he could stay from school and was probably in there watching TV or playing video games while eating sushi and feeling like a big shot. I know I would've at that age.

Image credits: -eDgAR-


I once had a delivery for 10 bacon cheeseburgers, but literally just as I parked in front of the address Skipthedishes called me and said the order had been cancelled. However the guy at the delivery address was sitting on his porch and saw me and he just goes "Skipthedishes?" so I say "yeah but they let me know the order's cancelled". He says "yeah you're the fifth delivery I've had, but this is the first time it's been cancelled."

Turns out he had gotten into a disagreement with a woman down the block and her way of getting back at him was by setting up a fake account for him and just delivery bombing him with ridiculous food orders (this was pre-pandemic when choosing cash payment was still allowed, so she didn't have to pay anything up front to do this). Skipthedishes must've been in the process of blocking the account just as I pulled up.

Anyway he and I laugh at how petty the whole thing is and then I accept my next order and start heading to the next restaurant. Except I am now in possession of 10 bacon cheeseburgers (good burgers too, if you've ever had a burger from 5 guys & fries they were very similar to that).

Anyway I eat one, but obviously I can't eat 10 burgers so for the rest of my shift I got to be a hero by giving the gift of burger. Each time I would go to a restaurant to pick up my order I would give the restaurant worker a free meal. I also counter-offered burger to a homeless person that came up to my car to ask for money; he seemed surprised but he accepted.

Eventually once I was onto my last delivery at Montana's I still had 2 burgers left so I gave them to a server working there and she just kinda melted, like she was seriously so touched, it was adorable. She was like "really?.. you're just gonna give me free bacon cheeseburgers? Oh my god thank you so much." I think she must've been due for meal break or something cause it was so sincere.

More than one restaurant worker insisted on giving me something in return so I ended up with a stash of drinks in my car by the end.

Image credits: mapleflavoredslurpee


I used to deliver for Dominos and was delivering during a night with freezing rain so it was very slick. I get to this one house with a steep driveway way with no way I could drive up. I tried multiple ways to walk up the driveway and even on the grass but would only make it a few feet. So I call the customer and explain the issue and they come out with a rope and I tie the pizza bag to it. So they pull it up the driveway take the pizza and put the cash in the bag with a nice tip.

Image credits: crutchlen1


I delivered a pizza to a sketchy house. The guy who answered looked like a typical Alan Moore style weirdo. He asked if I liked cats. I said yes, ready to be murdered. He pulled out a baby bengal cat that literally had 6-8 toes PER PAW. It's feet were so big with toes that it kind of looked like lynx feet. 10/10.

Also one time I got hit by a car right outside the house I was delivering to. My customer-first dumb ass still knocked on their door, scraped and bleeding, crying my eyes out, apologizing that their pizza got crushed as I fell down the hill. The lady said, "The pizza is not my concern right now." And I was like ??? I learned a very valuable lesson. You can care too much about customer service. 2/10.

Image credits: donutemperor


I used to deliver pizzas, and one time I arrived at a house at the same time as a driver from another pizza place. We looked at each other confused for a sec before we went to the door. Turns out they had some people over and one of the people there really liked one restaurant over the other, so much so that they ordered a separate pizza.

Image credits: rnilbog


One time during the early days of the Pandemic I got an order for like a ton of BBQ ribs from some newly opened restaurant in Atlanta. I got all this food drove out to some random upscale Hilton Hotel off the beaten path. After a ton of back and forth with the concierge he finally directed me to the correct room. I finally reach it only to be met at the door by 2 naked folks and another 2 more “waiting” on the bed in the hotel room. I’m not saying those BBQ Ribs were gonna be used in that orgy I interrupted but I can’t definitively say there wasn’t a connection

Image credits: MagEncarta


I work for UberEats on top of my part time job. About two months ago, I was dropping off a Chick-fil-A order to a house not too far away from where I live. It was a pretty standard meet at door delivery. As soon as I pull up to the house, I hear my customer yelling "Nala, no!" This giant pitt bull, who I can only assume was Nala, comes barreling towards me as I'm taking the food out of the delivery bag in the backseat of my car. I thought the dog was just coming to say hello to me, and I like dogs, so I didn't really mind. My own dog is excitable, too. But no. This giant dog leaps into the backseat of my car, looking around, jumping, doing all sorts of dog stuff. The customer and I spent the next few minutes coaxing the dog out of my backseat. He apologized profusely and increased the tip in app. I wasn't mad about it, it's my favorite delivery story to tell by far.

Image credits: queenofcannoli


Many years ago I was a driver for Pizza Hut. We had someone place an order, their home address was saved to our system but in the notes it said to deliver it to a hotel literally down the road from said home address. So I go to the hotel, knock on the door and a dude answers in his boxers with a girl in bed peeking around to see who was at the door. 99% sure I walked into an affair encounter.

Image credits: rlw0312


I saw a woman give birth. I was delivering for a pizza place at the time, and we delivered to a large children’s hospital about a mile from the store. I pulled up to where we normally delivered (the valet loop), and a blue F150 comes flying in as I’m walking away. The driver jumps out of the truck screaming that his wife is giving birth, and out of the passenger side I can see plain as day a few mm of dilation staring me dead in the eye.

Image credits: Jesus_Was_an_Alien


My boyfriend and I used to do grocery delivery. One time I had a woman order 33 oranges. Another time, he had someone order 24 jars of vanilla frosting. The store didn’t even have enough vanilla frosting in stock to complete the order. Then one week later, we saw that the same man placed another order for 20 more jars of vanilla frosting.

Image credits: happilyeveremma


I am a door dash driver, and ill never forget my weirdest drop off experience. It was a couple pizzas from Little Caesar’s, and it was in a location I’d never been before. I get there, and it is this sketchy ass rundown apartment building. It was dark outside and I was a single woman, so I was already on edge. The apartment I had to go to was in the basement of this building - oh great. So I get down there, and I knock on the door and I hear music from inside, death metal music. This guy opens the door and I can see into the dimly lit apartment, and seated on the ground is 5-6 people all sitting cross cross apple sauce in a circle, and they ALL turned to look at me when he opened the door. No one had eyebrows. NONE OF THEM. Not even the guy that opened the door. Needless to say, I swiftly gave him the pizzas and speed-walked back to my car. I don’t know what in the hell was going on in there, but I was not about to be part of it!!!

Image credits: madsterspillman


I deliver for UberEats and last week I was delivering some wings to a dude. Simple delivery, leave at door, no contact. I compete the delivery and a couple minutes later my phone rings and I could tell it was coming from the customer through Uber. I thought something was wrong with the food, no, he called to thank me for delivering his food, cool, no problem, dude. Then my phone rings again, same number, and I ignored it, so he calls again, ignore. Dude calls AGAIN so I finally answer and he asked if he could have my number for future orders and I told him I didn’t think that would be appropriate and ended the call. I did a couple more deliveries after his and when I finally got home I get on Facebook and this dude tracked me down and sent me a friend request. F**king creepy. Deny. Block. Reported to Uber.

Image credits: LoveAfterTeenMom


A few years ago I was working for Doordash. I got a order for 27 slices of bacon from Waffle House. I thought it was a mistake so I text the customer and they was like "yeah man that's what I want."

Get the order and drive to their place. I knocked on the door. When he opens the door, smoke comes pouring out of the house. So much smoke I thought the Undertaker was there.

There stood a man that was high as a kite. He goes "Mannnn....I'm so glad your here...I'm starving.....

I was like oh I noticed. I gave him the food and started walking away and hear him yelling " Your a hero mannnnn!"

Image credits: neodemon278


A grown man who insisted that I refer to him as “Snow White”. He tipped pretty good though. I’d take the money and say “thanks Snow White” and get back in my car.

Image credits: Rossi-5


I drive for Uber Eats and one time someone ordered Freshii (a healthy food/vegan place) and I saw that the order was: 8 small bags of chips. Not even anything off their menu, just 8 bags of chips.

Then while I was on my way to deliver it they messaged me twice in the app, the first time they said "Please" and the second message was "Be Careful"

To this day I have no idea what was going on, or why they didn't go buy chips from the convenience store near their house

Image credits: Wilikeye


I made a delivery to a dude with dreads wearing a NASA shirt. The dude said, "I think you forgot my honey mustard". He said this after only glancing in the bag... I told him that I would check in my car for another bag. No other bag. So I apologized and said that they never gave them to me, and that he's going to have to call support. He thanked me and I left.

After a few more deliveries, I went back to pick up my last orders of the night. And I was told, "there's some honey mustard off to the side here that you forgot, if you can drop these off with your other delivers, that would be great.. etc" I went to get those honey mustards. Fifty of them. It was fifty. Fifty dipping sauce cups of honey mustard. What the actual food?

Image credits: afos2291


Delivering for Pizza Hut in a s***ty part of town. I arrive to a run down house late at night. It’s dark. Nobody answers the door. I’m walking back to my car and several cars pull up. Large group of Hispanic dudes get out. One of them walks up to me and starts f**king with me. “What’s that pizza man? What you got huh? What you doing in this neighborhood hood?”. I’m about to piss myself. He starts laughing and slaps $60 in my hand for a $20 order and tells me to get outta there. Best tip I got working at that location. Quit soon after.

Image credits: Cheese_Sox


Delivered a pizza to a guy, he grabbed it and went back inside to set it down and grab some cash for a tip. Left me standing there with the door open. I just waited on his porch until he got back. Then a little toddler, prolly 3 or 4 years old, walked up to the door, I smiled and waved, the girl said, “*sshole” and closed the door.

The man I delivered it to witnessed the whole thing, as he was walking back to the door. It was his granddaughter. We both laughed hysterically for like 3 minutes.

Image credits: willydillydoo


About 10 years ago I was a driver for a certain red shirted a**hat's chain. On one of my shifts I get an order for one of our regulars I had never delivered to yet. Part of his order is a cinnamon bread thing with frosting, he orders it with EXTRA frosting. So I make up the order and after I add extra frosting, my best friend that also worked there saw the food and was like NO DUDE, when that dude says extra he means absolutely bury that thing in frosting. So I drive to the address and the guy invites me in and has a quick conversation and I mention that a coworker straight up saved me because I didn't realize how much frosting he wanted. Mind you this guy is probably a solid 350, no judgement just an observation, he's also probably the nicest man on earth. Anyway he says "oh yeah the missus likes it that way" I'm thinking he's referring to his wife. Nope, the man opens the box puts in on the floor and exclaims " Here's your food fatass" I'm like oh no I want out of here before the missus comes out. Instead the until now unnoticed absolute unit of a cat appears and demolishes this thing. This cat was an easy 50lbs, by far the fattest cat I have or probably will ever see. Totally caught me off guard. The guy tipped me like $20 and I was on my way.

Image credits: Gigantapithicogre


Recently did a weird one. 14 bags of various chips, two 24packs of mountain dew, 12 cans of frozen juice, lots of bulk stuff like that.

i ended up pulling up to an amish horse farm. the hell are these amish people drinking mountain dew for. They were very nice and the horses were beautiful

Image credits: high-hungry-horny


I once had a woman curse at me, call me a lying c*nt, and slam her door in my face because there weren't napkins in her meal bag. I delivered to her apartment.

Image credits: CajunNativeLady


A guy I worked with had a delivery where the customer said to knock on the door and say “Food’s here b**ch” or no tip.

A couple weeks ago I had a customer pay in change. No big deal, happens sometimes. The weird part is that all the change wasn’t in a bag, an envelope, nope, it was a vinyl glove. There was also a silver dollar in the change too

Image credits: darkknight941


Already a pizza on the porch. I was delivering Coldstone. It was a Sunday at 2pm. The guy open the door. The essence of weed hit me strong. His eyes blood shot. Classic rock on the radio. Guy in a plush robe. A girl dancing in the middle of the room. He said thank you. I picked up the pizza for him. He giggled. And I turned around laughing.

Man was high on life and I was jealous of him in that moment

Image credits: kyrokip


I delivered pizzas for years. There was this one house that I just dreaded going to. It was a tiny little house, and they had a tiny little dog, and the dog s**t all over the floor. It was just everywhere. The woman who lived there was absolutely nuts. She shouted at the kid on the phone who took her order, she shouted at me, and I'd hand her the pizza and she'd shout that I probably f**ked it up. It'd be right and she'd say "well, okay then" and she'd give me a $15 tip.

Come to find out, I was the only one who would go there. None of the other pizza places in town would deliver to her, and none of the other people at my Hungry Howies would deliver there.

That's when I learned that my price for allowing myself to be shouted at was $15.

After I had been there a year, she stopped calling. Then the house was bulldozed. Now there's a pizza place where she used to live. And it's s**tty.

Image credits: KevinFederlineFan69


I worked at a pizzeria making deliveries and one night someone ordered 10 boxes of pizza. So I go to the house and theres 1 car in the driveway. I ring the doorbell, someone answers and and sure as s**t the ENTIRE house was being hot boxed. This dude was higher than the car Elon Musk shot into space. So it's just him and his wife in the house and the the total was about $205 and this man hands me $300. As I'm getting ready to give him change he goes "naaahhhh man I'm too high to do math right now, here take a slice for the road" and then proceeded to hand me 4 slices of pizza

Image credits: youeyg96

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/2Vmb69f
via Boredpanda

30 Weird Stories From Delivery Drivers About The Strangest Stuff That Happened With Their Order Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
