Street-Smart People Are Listing Tips They Think Everyone Should Know (70 Posts)

Growing up downtown as opposed to a quiet suburb are vastly different experiences. We could spend hours debating the pros and cons of urban life but let's leave that discussion for another time and focus on something different instead. 'Street smarts.'

We at Bored Panda discovered a few posts on Reddit (one by u/breadedsnake and another by u/ForcupinePucker) with a very similar angle: both OPs asked users to share tips that can help people stay safe in the city. And since some of the entries are so useful, we thought why not combine them into a compilation? You never know when you might need them!


Walk fast and look pissed off.

Image credits: Heroshade


Street smarts to give your kids: if you get lost, find the the closest adult with kids.

I saw this in action once at Disneyland when a 4 year old kid approached me and my kiddos while we were eating. She joined us very calmly, introduced herself, and said her parents gave her the above advice. I heard her parents shouting her name not long after, and the relief on their faces was a sight.

Image credits: Aguacero7


You won’t get mugged if you look like you’re going to mug someone.

Image credits: thisisntnamman


If the situation doesn't feel right, it's not right. Trust your spidey sense.

Image credits: E_911


Never flash your whole wad of cash in a public place while paying for something. Keep a few bucks loose in one pocket for spending. Keep the majority of your cash in a separate pocket. Don’t open a wallet full of all your money where other people can see you.

Image credits: MrsDoctorSea


If a group of people suddenly get down, so do you.

Image credits: aardvarkheart


If it sounds too good to be true it is

Image credits: Dizzy_Amphibian


adults DO NOT ask children for help.

Image credits: ninten-dont


you might be "correct" when you have the right of way, but you're still the one that's going to be dead when you get whacked by the car if you're walking or on your bike.

Image credits: Dajerts


Don’t ever tell the cab driver you don’t know where you’re going.

Image credits: H0T-S0UP


Lock your doors as soon as you’re in your car

Image credits: kothecat


Carry an extra wallet with $50 in it and throw it if someone tries to rob you. STREET SMARTS!

Image credits: spacemanspiff66


If I'm in an unfamiliar city, I'll explore freely every neighbourhood as long as there are women and kids around. Most mums don't hang outside with their kids if the street/area is unsafe.

This worked very well for most throughout Latin America, Europe and Asia.

Image credits: =Xiaozhu


Be aware of surroundings, look like you belong either through body language, attire, or occupation (without being oblivious to things around you). The moment you look lost, out of place, or unsure is the moment you can look like a good target. If someone is looking at you with an expression questioning why you are there, be prepared to answer it with confidence and give an answer they would accept, or be prepared to leave before they can ask.

Image credits: SpecificFail


If somebody asks you your name, have a fake generic name and use it all the time. Mike, Dave, and John will do.

Image credits: AggravatingOne3960


Having good manners, and speaking with respect, will keep you from getting in trouble you didn't know was there.

Image credits: Sin117


never drink/ do drugs in situations you don’t know about. Could be someone spikes it, takes advantage by robbing, rape, kidnapping whatever it is. Always be paying attention


Always ask for only one scoop of ice cream first because they make single scoops bigger, then act like you changed your mind and ask for a second scoop. They will be pressured to match the size of the first scoop, providing you with a massive amount of ice cream.

Image credits: gustavoramosart


Before using any ATM, tug hard on the plastic card reader. Scammers often put a fake one on top that steals your info.


Eye contact. A lone assailant will often use the element of surprise to their advantage. If you’re walking alone and someone is following you, make eye contact to let them know that you are aware of them. This will often dissuade them from attacking.

This tactic has worked for me in the past.

Image credits: MildlyobsessedwithSB


Look up and notice if street lights have been shot out or smashed.

If so, avoid those areas at night - there's a reason they've been disabled . . .


Do not trust taxi drivers if you are a tourist

Image credits: silverguy23


If you are in any sort of confrontation and someone balls their fist and looks away for a second, or even just looks away for a second, you should be prepared for the possibility of a sucker punch.


You should always be afraid of secondary locations

Image credits: ShinyNinja25


If you’re going to be away on holiday or somewhere you’re unfamiliar with for any length of time, it’s a good idea to try to always make sure that someone knows roughly where you’re going to be and what you’re going to be doing on a given day. Even if you’re like me and you don’t like to plan out a full itinerary, a rough indication of what your plans might be can help work out your movements if ever there is an issue.

Image credits: lukemantel


Wear shoes you can run the f**k away in.

Image credits: Crocutaborealis


Always know where the exits are in any place that you enter so that you don’t get lost in an emergency.

Also, never place yourself in a “hole” in public where there is only one entrance and exit and no other people around. These are often crime hotspots

Image credits: StefanFaniePetrus


When it comes to knife fights: The loser dies in the street; the winner dies in the hospital.

Image credits: rd1970


If you're walking and someone approaches, don't break stride. You can carry on a conversation while walking, but people who are looking to proselytize, sell you something, or mug you will want you to slow or stop to address them.

If they want to chat, make them keep up with you. You can even tell them that you're in a rush but would love to talk and walk.

They'll likely find someone more stationary, because if you can make a person slow, you can make them stop. If you can make them stop, you've already adjusted their priorities and placed yourself at the top.

It's a subtle power game. Keep going where you're going, and you retain your power. Stop and cat, and you've given it up and opened yourself to possible problems.

Image credits: Diablo165


Never post vacation information on social media until you’re back. You’ll most certainly get robbed at some point if you’re not smart about it.

Also, don’t put expensive product boxes (TV, computer, appliances) outside before trash day. People will see your new toys.


Always tell my kids to walk with a purpose.


Just because someone is friendly with you, doesn't mean they have a good heart.


Here are a few of street smarts that makes it harder for pickpockets to steal your stuff:

Do not keep your wallet in the backpocket of your jeans. This is a super easy place for pickpocket to take it from.

When in crowed touristy areas it sometimes is better to wear your backpacks or purses to the front of your body. If you sit down in a restaurant, keep your backpack in front of your feet.

Be especially aware of your belongings when there is a bit of pushing, like when entering a subway or metro wagon.

Be alert in situations where a potential group of thieves try to distract you for example by asking you for directions on a map. While you are distracted by showing the person the directions another thief will open your bags and take your stuff without noticing.

Edit: Another thing to lookout are people in European cities asking for cash donations for the blind, deaf or handicapped. The huge majority of them are not for real charities but just to A) get some money from me and B) more importantly for an accomplice to see where you store your wallet.

Image credits: TheBassMeister


If you're driving and hit black ice just take foot OFF GAS BUT DON'T BREAK until the slide stops.


There are 146 street suffixes acknowledged by the U.S. Postal Service. Alphabetically, the first is "alley" and the last is "yard". These are also bad places to duck into if you're being followed, because there's only one exit.


If you're alone on the street and you think you're being followed, immediately call someone, forget about conversation starters, and give away your location. You should add " I think I'm being followed". Speak loudly enough so the person you think is following you hears you doing it. If you're right and they were following you, that will be a big turn off. If you're wrong you have nothing to lose.

It might sound harsh, but if anyone approaches you and asks to use your phone for anything ( especially emergency-related ), don't fall for it. They will usually tell you what the "emergency" is, so walk away, tell them you don't have a phone/whatever, and for your inner peace call the emergency and give away that person's location. Tell them exactly what the person told you. Either they really needed help and you're sending it their way, or they tried to trick you into something horrible and will most likely try it again with the next passerby.

Whenever you are, plan ahead and blend in with the crowd. I mean don't dress all-fancy in the hood-kinda thing.

Please, for the love of God, stop using your earphones while on the street. At least try to only have one earbud in if you can't help it. It' s not healthy ( ear fatigue, potential risks to your hearig,etc.) but at least it won't completely cover the background noises.


Carry a fork with you. if someone approaches you, say “lord, thank you for this meal I’m about to have” and charge at them with the fork


If you are in an area where there are storefronts, use the reflection in their window glass to see behind you as you walk. There may be people on the street that you pass, but if they make a sudden move on you, you can react.


Don't tell even close friends the amount of money you have on you. I was set up by an 18 year old female coworker this week. She seemed like a sweetheart and was giving me rides to work for a few days. I asked on the Monday if we could go to bank as I needed to cash a check for roughly $4500. Minutes after dropping me near house I was robbed at gunpoint of everything by 2 guys. They knew how much they were looking for. The robber said he watched me leave bank but the police saw on camera near home that they had been waiting for me for an hour. One of the robbers was her ex/current boyfriend it turns out.


I grew up in a a pretty rough neighborhood in chicago and probably the best thing you should do when walking by yourself at night is pay attention to every car. Usually they’ll drive past you and scope you out, if you look like a target you’ll see that car again, or they’ll meet u farther down your path while you’re walking past an alley. Always be ready for something when walking past an alley and stay close to the houses, that way if anything’s suspicious, you can run into a backyard.


Nobody approaches you on the street because they want to do something for you. It's always because they want something from you.


If you’re ever locked up and some of the guys are playing cards and you happen to see a card fell into one of their laps, don’t try and be helpful and point out that they dropped a card.


This is a niche tip, but if you ever suspect something to have an electric current, do not touch it with the palm side of your hand. It can cause your muscles to contract and not let go. Always use the backside of your hand or even better, use a blade of grass or something not too conductive.


If you are a tourist and want a local to take a pic of you with your phone either have it be an employee or someone you can outrun.

Wear one headphone so you can still hear whats around you


Don't talk if you don't need to.


Let's say a kidnapper throws you in the back of a trunk. Don't panic! Once you get your bearings, find the carpet that covers the taillight. Peel back the carpet, make a fist, punch the taillight out the back of the car, thus creating a hole in the back of the automobile, then stick your little hand out and wave to oncoming motorists to let them know that something hinky is goin' on.


Buy a daily moisturizer with sunscreen in it.


If you are a woman and have a handbag with a zipper, make sure the opening end is towards the front (where you can keep an eye on it). This prevents someone walking behind you from opening your handbag and taking your wallet/anything valuable.


Security guards, doormen, food cart owners, and blue collars in general, know where the closest bathrooms are.


Utilized a retail store's big reusable bag to hide an expensive purse when walking at a sketchy section in the city.


If you are forced to walk through a bad/dangerous neighborhood, keep your chin up and maintain a confident and comfortable look on your face.

Nothing screams “abuse me!” more than an out-of-place person waking around with their chin down, looking at the sidewalk.

I learned this after visiting a new girlfriend many years ago in a bad section of Philly. I was walking down the street towards her house and a local female walking by my said, “keep that chin up around here, white boy.” The more I considered that advice, the more logical it sounded.


When walking in an unfamiliar city...or trail, look back regularly. It will help you to remember landmarks that will guide you back home.


Don't fuck with that dude with cauliflower ears. He can take more and harder hits than you think.

Get those stickers off your car identifying you as a female. ("Girls just wanna have FuNe!"). It makes you a target.

If you live in an urban area with high transient population, regularly check locked gates and rare use access points. Look for things like small pieces of tape on locks. You are being target and tested for for access to your home that you do not regularly use.

Carry two wallets. One is a honeypot, you hand over if getting robbed. The other is you real wallet. (Pro tip: put a little cash and expired credit cards in the honeypot. This will help it look more real.)


Do not unlock your car when halfway across the parking lot from it. Unlock it once you're close enough to see if anyone tries to get into it.

If you're having trouble finding your car, you can hit the "lock" button to get it to chirp w/o unlocking it.


If you have a random cop come to your house on The night before you leave for Europe with your family, don’t tell him your going away until you call his superior to make sure he’s a cop.

Your welcome you filthy animals


Everyone respects true crazy. I once was approached in downtown by a man asking for all my money. I looked him square in the eyes and blurted out something like "blahblubvlahhhhhh". He walked away and I kept my monies.


If you feel uncomfortable in a metro/underground car, slip out as the doors are closing. For bonus security travel back 1d3 (1 to 3) stops, then resume your journey.

Having been mugged once, I'm gonna make 'em work for it if there is a next time.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Stay safe.


For girls, make up a fake boyfriend to get creeps away. If you’re being followed, don’t freeze up and just keep walking. Go into the nearest fast food place or store. Keep your eyes forward and don’t look at people. And please, for the love of god, don’t stop in the middle of the sidewalk.


The only people who ever truly "win" fights are those who successfully avoid them.


If a stranger talks to you in public, and it's not immediately clear why they're talking to you, ignore them. Just keep minding your own business, don't look at them, and don't say a word. Most hustles start as "just a friendly chat".


If someone asks your shoe size start walking lol


Every answer on the street in a not-so-nice area is No.

"hey can i have a cigarette?" no

"hey you got the time?" no

"hey can i borrow your phone to make a call?" no


Never turn your back to someone who you don't trust or is aggressive. YouTube is full of videos of people getting sucker punched from behind.


The most dangerous time to drive is right when it starts raining, cause any oil on the street has mixed with the water, making it slippery, but hasn't had enough time to wash away yet.


If you want to know if you can trust somebody you let in your home, leave a $5 bill in a place that looks like it was forgotten about and that they would see it. If they'll take you for $5 now, they'll take you for more later.


This reminds me of a comedian who was saying the best way to stay safe in a rough neighborhood is to fake a Russian accent cause Russians are terrifying.


If you are walking alone at night and you feel like you’re being watched/followed. Start talking to yourself.. loudly about crazy shit. Make it a conversation even.

Omg did you SEE her dress?

That dress was so crazy long. Like how could she walk? Let alone walk in that grocery store!!

And those cheap plastic shoes!!

I own those cheap plastic shoes!! Are you saying I’m Cheap!!

If the cheap plastic shoe fits honey!

I’ll admit to doing this. I used to work graveyard shifts and you gotta be aware. Most people no matter how bad try to avoid crazy. Crazy will hurt you back.


Walk around your car before you get into it.

Keep your head up and be alert, or at least look alert.

FFS, turn off your car and take the keys with you when you stop at a store or gas station.


If there is one house that looks occupied on a mostly empty street with burnt down houses......that's a trap house.


When in New York City, odd numbered streets go west and even numbered streets go east. Additionally, odd-numbered buildings are on the north side of the street and even-numbered addresses are on the south.

from Bored Panda
via Boredpanda

Street-Smart People Are Listing Tips They Think Everyone Should Know (70 Posts) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
