“What Makes You Nervous No Matter How Many Times You Do It?” (68 Answers)

In 2018, Twitter user M. Molly Backes used the term "an impossible task" to describe how it feels when a seemingly mundane thing becomes overwhelming, no matter how simple it should theoretically be.

3 days ago, Redditor u/WinstonChurchillin decided to revisit this idea with a new spin. In a post on r/AskReddit, they asked, "What makes you nervous no matter how many times you do it?" And it went viral. Turns out, impossible tasks are pretty universal.

From walking behind a woman on a quiet street to going on job interviews, here are some of the most popular answers.


When my boss goes 'can we just have a quick chat?'

Image credits: zagreus9


Drive in front of a police officer when I have no reason to be nervous.

Image credits: DapperCam


Walking out of a store without buying anything!

Image credits: KillerJupe


Answering the door. Sometimes I just don’t.

Image credits: cannabisandcocktails


Driving in between two semi trucks on the freeway. Bonus points if one or both is carrying a bunch of logs.

Image credits: princess_mediocrity


Tuning my violin.

Image credits: TheLettre7


At meetings when they say, “Ok, everyone, let’s go around the room and introduce yourself.” Even worse when they require stupid things like, “Include your favorite food and why you like it” or “Tell us why you’re here.” Uhhh…because it’s mandatory?

Image credits: DareWright


Trying to mingle/start conversations in social settings where I don't know anybody.

Image credits: leroystrong32


Using my table saw. Even though I am a Carpenter.

Image credits: jakobrivers


Walking behind a woman on a quiet street.

Image credits: turkeysub3000


Killing a spider

Image credits: Blooregard89


Calling off work

Image credits: LumosNox116


Merging onto a busy highway

Image credits: WhoRunTheWorld_Dogs


Calling someone on the phone. I'm a fairly outgoing person and I love talking to people, but I rely a lot on seeing a person's face and observing their body language, which isn't possible on the phone. Voicemails are less terrible, but I still panic a little because if I mess up while leaving a message, the other person has a freaking recording of me being really awkward. I'm so thankful texting exists.

Image credits: smugmisswoodhouse


Walking over a storm drain with my keys in my hand

Image credits: Groovy_Chainsaw


Going into small businesses that I haven't been in before

Image credits: plscallmeRain


Climbing a ladder

Image credits: wert38


When my someone says to me "can I be honest with you?"

No, lie to me, please!

Image credits: Worldly_Ambition_509


Parallel parking

Image credits: AwesomeDawson_


Let’s break ourselves into small groups and…


Approaching a green light that has been green too long but you are getting to the distance where you don't know whether or not you should stop or if you can stop


Poop in someone else’s house or away from home


Going through the car wash. Ever since I was kid, I’ve been scared the brushed Will destroy my windshield and then me.


Coming out of my room when guests are visiting.


Cutting my infants fingernails.


Surprise guests.


Job interviews.


Public speaking


Flirt, ask someone out.


Putting my luggage in the overhead storage on a plane. Major anxiety like what if I’m the last person on the plane and have to run around and look for a place to put my luggage


Any time I hand edit a database.

Image credits: dbasinge


Sticking my hand inside the disposal when I drop a fork In it.

I’ve seen people telling me to unplug the disposal, how does one do that?


Using an (I think) aluminum measuring tape but especially when clicking the button to make it roll back into its case. At the speed it recoils, I’m scared the tape will slice my hand right open.


Handling my six month old. They just seem so fragile and he is just so wiggly, I am constantly paranoid that I may accidentally drop him.

To be honest almost all the steps of parenting now that I think about it, if I’m not afraid of accidentally bumping him, I am constantly worrying about what I need to do to be a good parent to him.


Driving over train tracks and bridges. It just scares me so much and I have to cross bridges and train tracks to get to some places so that doesn’t help. Walking on them also scare me. Since I was 5 it always scared me. I don’t know why it just does.


Coming face to face with people in my apartment building. After being in lockdown and working from home I’ve become covid stupid. I’m not able to even get out a hello.


Going to local bars when I’m not a local lol. Those motherfuckers can like smell you’re not from there even if you live the town over. They all stare at you like you’re an outside who needs to leave. So strange.


Phone Calls


Discussing something I am well educated or very knowledgeable about The pressure some people put on you to know everything about that topic gets me


Finding a tick on my body....


Taking my cat to the vet. That stresses me out. Between the 30 minute wrestling match to get her into the case, followed by the nonstop screaming, then her chewing on the bars and trying to rip the door open, the throwing up from motion sickness in the car, the vet overcharging me for some tiny procedure, followed by the "your cat needs 8000 teeth extracted" or she needs the "Kangaroo Vaccine incase she is kidnapped to Australia" ... please bring her back in tomorrow so we can do this.


Answering the phone at work. Work is at a psych hospital so calls range from someone who’s psychotic, someone who’s sad and just wants to talk, or someone who’s seconds from suicide. The anxiety is high


Going to the hospital


Using a mandoline slicer.

Even using the safety guard I get a little queasy when I have to use it.


The dentist, no matter how many times I go there it's always stressful


Anything that has to do with my car. I have been scammed even over a simple oil change.

even if I try to be confident, it's very clear once I start talking that I have no clue about cars. Literally had someone quote $400 to change an air filter. I said no because I could not afford it.... found out later how insane that quote was. Sadly that just fueled my fear.


When the plane I’m on is taking off.


Standing up for myself. Not sure if it's how I was raised or lingering PTSD from a violent childhood event or whatever but my adrenaline immediately spikes expecting a confrontation, even when just politely asking someone not to speak me in a certain tone or whatever.

Every damn time


Wearing a bikini in public


I've been playing guitar for 35 years. I play in cover and tribute bands, and every time we perform I am pretty nervous for at least the first couple of songs. I always ask myself why I am doing this?! When it's over I'm super excited and can't wait to play again.


When I was a server, going up to a new table. Always nervous.


For context I routinely work with 460volts at about 40 amps.

Turning it all on for the first time. So many times I have done this. I have trained people how to do it. I have never once done it where had I not done it right I could have been injured. Yet still every time I almost hear a voice "this is it. This is the moment in the video, shown by insurance companies for safety training, where it starts playing. All that comes next is pain and blackness".

I know it is absurd. I pull tested the wires. I made sure that I have a power sequencing plan. I know the SCCR. It won't explode because there literally is not enough energy to explode and even if it did the cabinet would protect me.


Starting a new job, because I can't stand the first few weeks where I don't know what I'm doing. But I love walking into a job after 6 months or so when I might as well own the place cause they can't operate without me!


Waiting for a result. If I even think about an exam for which the results haven't been declared, I get a LOT of anxiety. Currently waiting for the results of a very important exam I gave in Feb.

My heart rate is 120 while writing this. And now I have stomachache. Fml.


Getting off a ski lift




Ordering at Subway


Getting air blown on my eye at the optometrist


When a stranger hands me a baby I feel like having a panic attack and needing a smoke to calm down after.


Going to to work after the weekend. For whatever reason it always makes me anxious.


I've been teaching for over 10 years, but I always have nightmares the week leading up to the first day of school.


Talking to a border customs agent.


I am always super paranoid that I forgot to lock the front door of my work. I've even gotten off of the train and gone back just to make sure it's locked - it always has been when I've gone back to check and I should trust myself that I did it at this point. I now yell at myself as I'm doing it so I hear confirmation of it, too before I step away.

My mom was always really paranoid about this, too (she would make us go back a couple mins into road trips) so I guess it really rubbed off.


The CEO at my company used to occasionally take employees out to lunch. He’s a really cool guy but I am really introverted and it was excruciating trying to act like I have a great personality and have ambitions and drive.


There's an open ocean swim i do with a friend. I love swimming, in pools and lakes... but ocean is different. This is in Canada, in a wetsuit. Its 1.8 km, and no bottom in site - just black. I know seals follow us because friends have told me. The first time we went he commented that I was fast, I'm not fast, it's pure adreniline. I am motivated by pure fear. I won't do it by myself, and have only done it about 10 times. I am terrified every time. Lots of self-talk and I always feel great afterwards.


Opening a can of pillsbury dough


Walking in front of people, like in a crowd or something. I get so nervous.


Any kind of needles. Coming from a person who has several piercings and big tattoos. I get super nervous for vaccinations too.

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3gGLE59
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“What Makes You Nervous No Matter How Many Times You Do It?” (68 Answers) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
