Hey Pandas, What’s The Craziest Rumor That Turned Out To Be True At Your School?

I’m sure we all have heard some weird rumors at school.


There was a rumour that one of the new boys that started had spent nearly a year locked up in a mental facility because he was a psychopath. Apparently he had burned a building down just so he could watch it! He'd also tried to kill a teacher at his last school!

A nice girl I met on my first day warned me to be on the lookout because she didn't know which of the new kids it was.

I explained to her that I was not a psychopath, but a sociopath, there are subtle differences. And I didn't burn a building down just so I could watch it burn! I did it because the building was declared too unsafe to knock down and there was a housing crisis in our area. We needed the space for new builds so it seemed the logical thing to do!
Also I didn't try to kill a teacher! I don't even know where that came from!
She was quite chill about it and we remain friends to this day.


I haven't thought about this in years... but in 4th grade I had this friend. He was extremely emotionally disturbed. Had a horrible life etc. Everyone called him Joe Luna - tic. Note I said he was my friend. I was his only friend...well his only real friend, he of course gravitated towards the other trouble makers. But I saw more in him. Anyway one day I was getting ready for school and had the radio on and news story broke about a child that committed suicide late the evening before after basically a stand off with the police. His face flashed into my head. I got chills and then dismissed it as they never said a name because it was a minor. By the time I gotten to school I had forgotten all about it until I got off the bus and saw everyone crying. Turns out it WAS Joe. What was worse was because I was his friend and sat right next to him the teacher made me clear out his desk THAT day. (no couth at all) What pissed me off even more was that was the day I learned that people are fake af. Everyone crying when they all HATED him. It made me sick. Joe would be about 41 now and wherever you are, I hope you're happy and safe.


When I was in high school there was a rumor that the French teacher was a drug dealer. There were a lot of jokes about this as she didn't seem all that street-savvy or the type. Turned out she was not only a drug dealer, but was the kingpin for a local drug cartel, was arrested, and convicted as such.


We had a rumor that the theater teacher at my high school was having some kind of relationship with a few students. The summer I graduated we all found out it was true and the teacher was arrested


Our valedictorian-to-be...the quiet, 5-foot tall kid with a gentle smile that looked like an accountant's assistant with a tidy haircut, a polo tucked into his khakis and glasses that were most of his face, sporting a 6.x GPA....was the biggest drug dealer in town. The admins found out and tried to cover it up and tell him to stop. The police found out and weren't so kind. Could have gone to any university in the country, but by graduation could only go with the best local school, since he wasn't allowed to leave the state.


Before I knew that I was lesbian there was a rumor going around that I liked girls. I mean at the time it wasn't true, but it is now. Lmao


We heard a rumor that our female Vice Principal was having an affair with one of the already married teachers. We thought it was just made up gossip. Turns out that teacher was our PE teacher. His wife served him with divorce papers and our Vice Principal was transferred to another school district, much to the protest of the students.

We also heard that there was a teacher whose wife won 2.1 million dollars off the lottery. Didn't believe it at first. Turned out that, not only was it the most boring and hated teacher in our high school, but he chose to stay and continue teaching instead of retiring. How did we find out it was true...he couldn't help but brag about it to every one of his classes.


I was very young, but there was a rumor that our principle had kids almost our age, but his wife killed them one day when he was at work. Turned out to be very true and very tragic. Someone posted a link to the newspaper archive decades later. It said he came home and found his kids, and the police found his wife wandering the streets not long after. I had never imagined it was true.


That one of our teachers, Mr Hodgson, was inappropriate with the male students he mentored. This was the early to mid '80s, and those were mostly just referred to in humorous tones as "Hodgy's Prodgy's."

Except that it was entirely true, Hodgson went to jail, and one of my classmates' families moved to the US to keep him from being subpeona'd to testify.


Our baseball coach was said be having an affair with a student. Turns out he was sleeping with three of them. Later he got divorced and married one of the students.


I went to the equivalent of high school in Norway. The seniors here have about a month of driving around on pimped out busses and partying at the end of the year. (Russetid)

When i was in my second year of high school, the rumor was that some first year students mom had been hired to do a strip tease on top of one of said busses just outside the school.

Turns out it was, and she did. The girl whose mom it was never came back to school, and I don’t blame her.


The school Dean, who was also the Driver's Ed teacher was arrested for DUI on a bicycle.

He was riding a bicycle home from the bar because his driver license was suspended....for a DUI


When I was in elementary school, there was a rumor that one of the male 5th grade teachers would have female students stay after school, then make them stand on the desks so he could look up their skirts. Skip three decades, I'm in my 40's and read a newspaper article about him being arrested for sexual misconduct with his female students. This went on for 40 years before he was caught!!!


Not me, but a cousin. The rumor was that some of the custodial staff were sleeping with some of the female students at the high school. They would drink and do drugs with the girls when school let out in the empty rooms. The men were in their 40's - 50's, the girls 14-17. It was a pretty big scandal.




There was a rumor that the refrendar was pregnant after having sex with 3 different teachers on class trip. Didn't really believe it, but one year later we had a new girl in class after changing schools and one of the teachers was actually her mother's boyfriend and she confirmed the rumor.

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3hbkNjb
via Boredpanda

Hey Pandas, What’s The Craziest Rumor That Turned Out To Be True At Your School? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
