Hey, if it works—don’t knock it! I’m personally a huge believer that if something functions well, if it gets the job done, then it’s not stupid no matter how ridiculous the thing might look. Sure, style and form are important to me and you, dear Pandas, but at the end of the day, the results speak for themselves! So, step aside style, we’ve got some weird DIY masterpieces to praise.
Welcome to another feature of ‘Redneck Engineering!’ A Reddit community of over 423k people, r/redneckengineering has been an important part of ‘the front page of the internet’ since being founded in 2013. It’s an online group dedicated exclusively to showing off the most bizarre and hilarious-looking DIY solutions to many of life’s problems.
Got no water service? No problem! As long as you’ve gone some snow and a crawfish pot, you can MacGyver up an impromptu bathtub. You’re about to enter the world of DIY miracles, dear Pandas, so make sure you’ve got your hardhat and your workboots on. Let’s scroll on down!
Mind the gap, upvote the photos that you enjoyed, and read on for what the founder of r/redneckengineering, redditor Flounder19, told Bored Panda in a follow-up interview. Later, if you’re in the mood for some more of the finest chaotic DIY engineering around, check out our earlier article here.
Don’t try this at home. Your safety is paramount! (But if you do... be very, very careful! And upload it to the ‘Redneck Engineering’ subreddit.)
#1 An Upside Down Umbrella Keeps All Your Tools And Fittings From The Bottom Of The Ocean

Image credits: Craptivist
#2 Damn, That's A Clean Duct Tape Paint Job

Image credits: lord_vader_jr
#3 Think Smart

Image credits: carson0412
In itself, redneck engineering refers to the use of various unorthodox (read: stuff that makes you say, “Holy cow!”) and out-of-the-box methods to build, repair, or modify things. This can include using strange work techniques or tools and materials that seem out of the ordinary. In short, it’s a (dangerous) way to jury rig your way out of the Desert of Problems and saunter your way into the Oasis of Solutions.
The founder of r/redneckengineering, redditor Flounder19, told Bored Panda that you don't have to have any special materials to get started with redneck engineering and DIY projects. All you need is creativity and some basics: " The things you can do with duct tape and zip ties alone is amazing. Plus it doesn't need to look good as long as it works right," the head moderator pointed that looks mean nothing if whatever you're building functions well.
#4 Homemade Alarm System

Image credits: Subtotalpoet
#5 Just Don't Bring It To The Boil

Image credits: dmanning283
#6 Rain Shower Heads Are Not Cheap So

Image credits: beetlejules57
I was curious to find out more about the origins of the subreddit. Flounder19 was kind enough to share with Bored Panda how everything got started. The post that kicked everything off is this one right here, shared on r/funny, featuring a couple of rednecks having the time of their lives in a boat with a picnic table inside it. Flounder19 saw the photo and declared that they'll start r/redneckengineering for content specifically like this. It was all a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Finally, the founder of the sub had one simple piece of advice for anyone thinking of getting started with this dangerous brand of DIY: "Don't die, please."
#7 How To Do Laundry While Living In A Vehicle. Available Programs; Off-Road, Highway And City

Image credits: Curledsquirl
#8 I See Nothing Wrong With This

Image credits: xarzilla
#9 7 Wheels Are Better Than 4?

Image credits: cold_in_ottawa
Earlier, my colleague had a chat with the founder of r/redneckengineering about the subreddit, the type of content it focuses on, as well how the community has changed over the years. According to the founder, redneck engineering is a broad-enough term, however, it’s also “the kind of thing you know when you see.” So trust your gut on this one! If you think that it looks like redneck engineering, then it probably is.
“It [redneck engineering] can range from something as common as using a hand mirror to replace a side-view mirror to something complex like building a backyard water slide with a loop-de-loop,” the founder told Bored Panda earlier. What’s more, the members of the subreddit tend to look kindly upon those DIY projects that would “make an OSHA inspector cringe.”
#10 Does This Count? Seen In Devon

Image credits: benjm88
#11 Slavic Redneck Piping

Image credits: anyaeversong
#12 My Dad Sends Me A Picture Whenever He Uses The Turkey Fryer I Bought Him. Today, He's Seemingly Cooking For The Guys At His Shop With The Help Of A 30t Overhead Crane

Image credits: Bananaramas
In the earliest days of r/redneckengineering, way back in 2013, the subreddit’s founder was the one who made the majority of the posts. However, as the member count grew, everyone became more active, so the founder no longer had to post most of the content.
According to the founder, most posts on the page are “low-budget workarounds to everyday problems with a few high-effort engineering projects and other submissions sprinkled in.”
#13 Old Boat As Pool

Image credits: dustindee
#14 So... The Analog Stick's Head Broke And I End Up Gluing A Cork From A Wine Bottle... I Like It

Image credits: SoulProfaner
#15 How To Truck Camp In The Winter (Found In Local Classified)

Image credits: jRqGv
#16 It Caught On Fire Last Year. But This Year I Give You Portable Fire Pit 2.0

Image credits: d-real87
#17 I Give You The Double Decker Sofa. Ideal For Game Night With The Guys

Image credits: thievery127
#18 Found This On Denton, Texas Facebook Group

Image credits: NicCage4life
#19 Found This One

Image credits: Mylo-s
#20 I Wanted An Outdoor Super Bowl Party, But I Threw Away The TV Stand Long Ago

Image credits: Gand
#21 Hole In Your Boot. No Problem

Image credits: AlpacaDude02
#22 Lightbulb Is Safe Now

Image credits: de_bruh
#23 DIY - How To Fix Falling Fence With Two Screws!

Image credits: TrueDonut
#24 Stick Fix

Image credits: dustindee
#25 This Dude Was Towing A Shed With A Lawnmower

Image credits: B0ok_wyrm
#26 My Brain Is Hurting From Looking At This

Image credits: Humble-Republic-382
#27 Seen At A Hospital In Argentina, Latin American Countries Are A Goldmine For These

Image credits: IngFavalli
#28 Redneck Rv

Image credits: nic20071
#29 This Seems To Fit Better Here

Image credits: stereoberrys
#30 Heavy Duty Office Chair

Image credits: Dr_Zol_Epstein_III
#31 Pool Time

Image credits: SirAbadie
#32 No Toaster? No Problem

Image credits: zDraxi
#33 When Someone Buys You A Bath Bomb And You Only Have A Shower

Image credits: preludachris8
#34 Red Neck Hot Tub Goals... Yes This Is My Basement

Image credits: verity519
#35 Not Sure If This Fits Here But I Needed A Longer Aux Cord

Image credits: OwlOperations
#36 This Took A Good Year Or Two To Make

Image credits: saturnn22
#37 Handmade Hoverboard

Image credits: popcorn644
#38 Less 'Redneck' More Of A Nutcase. Reposted From 'Denveruxer'

Image credits: DonkeyWorker
#39 The Honda Ridge Line

Image credits: whitetail91
#40 At Least He Made "Safety" Rails

Image credits: shaunj656
#41 Hillbilly Atv

Image credits: Dr_Zol_Epstein_III
#42 Here's My Cousin

Image credits: PhatKiwiBird
#43 Who Thinks Of This?

Image credits: SlyAFWalrus
#44 He Needed A Sprayable Lubricant. That's Motor Oil

Image credits: thatsed
#45 Very Nice Shoe Dryer Prototype For You Guys

Image credits: 5Lastronaut
#46 Aw Yes, Where It Belongs

Image credits: ccm9876
#47 What The

Image credits: Disaster_Plan
#48 Now That's One Well Engineered Redneck Wood Pile

Image credits: verity519
#49 Brake Light Switch

Image credits: Bogduke
#50 Lost The Straw To My Wd-40. Attached A New One From The Capri Sun Of My Son

Image credits: Luther_Vandross_
#51 The Ultimate Defense

Image credits: JoeyDee86
#52 Cooking Some Trailer Steaks

Image credits: verity519
#53 Zip Ties

Image credits: muchaschicas
#54 Okay, Sir, I Fixed Your Air Conditioner

Image credits: EternalSophism
#55 I Was Told This Would Appreciated Here

Image credits: gregben77
#56 We Have Ourselves A Craftsman

Image credits: A_WaffleorTwo
#57 Found This At An Estate Sale

Image credits: PolesawPolska
#58 Genius

Image credits: thegoat1000
#59 When You Forget Your Spoon At Home

Image credits: NoWasExpected
#60 Perfect

Image credits: 8-Salosar
#61 Roku Stick To Hot? Ice Cold Juice Box Wedged Behind It

Image credits: retiredfireman
#62 I Took A Free Broken Laptop And Hooked It Up To A Monitor, Used The Monitor Box As The Holder. Been Using It Daily For Almost A Year No Problems

Image credits: b3nchvis3
#63 The Forbidden Cake Mixer, Made From An Electric Fan

Image credits: eddie1099
#64 Hello And Welcome To Poland

Image credits: eggmcgginton
#65 Redneck Go Kart

Image credits: ProConverters
#66 Found This In The Wild

Image credits: curdibane
#67 Old Sheep Skin I Use To Keep The Controls From Freezing On My Garbage Truck. Works Like A Freaking Champ!

Image credits: doorgunner43
#68 My Attempt At A Homemade "Airconditioning". My Friends Called Me A Madman But It Works!

Image credits: Skateboard_Raptor
#69 At First Glance It’s A Minivan On A Trailer

Image credits: kailai2133
#70 Shovel And Salt Your Driveway The Redneck Way! Yee Yee!

Image credits: Elijah_Emmitt
#71 Mad Angler With Mad Homemade Vessel

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3iUbIMD
via Boredpanda