We like to think of our pets as the most beautiful, understanding, deeply affectionate beings we would give up the world for (hoping they’d do the same in return). But in reality, cats are known as notorious a-holes, totally self-absorbed furballs who shamelessly occupy your bed, your sofa, and your life.
Dogs, even though sometimes easier to get along with, have plenty of soft spots. Like, we all know how easy it is to bribe them and become their favorite hooman just by giving them a bite of your cinnabun. Meaning they may swap you for your jerk neighbor who keeps sneaking their trash in your bin.
But it’s time to restore our faith in the empathy, kindness, and sheer wholesomeness of our beloved pets. When someone asked “What's the kindest thing a pet has done for you?” on Reddit, answers started pouring in, with touching real-life stories from pet owners who had their pets to get them through hard times, family drama, and depression.
And it totally proves that just because your cat doesn’t always meet you excitedly at the door, that doesn’t mean it doesn't care about you. They will be here when we need them the most and that's what really matters.
I was going through a bad break-up and had all the classic heartbreak signs: loss of appetite, bad sleeping patterns, lethargy. If I fell asleep on the couch, my dog would (try to) pull a blanket off the back of the couch over me. If I didn't eat, she would either drag me to her full bowl or wake me up by dropping kibble on me. If I slept too long, she would drop toys on my face. Up to and including her favorite Chewing Rock. Which was a fist-sized rock she liked to chew on.I miss her.

Image credits: Q-Dot_DoublePrime
My dog legitimately saved my life. Long story short I was 11 and walking him along the road. Me not paying attention didn't see/hear the car coming at me around 60mph cresting the hill. He pulled on the leash so hard I fell over. The car missed by a few inches. F**king loved that dog...
Image credits: KGBXSKILLZZ
I had a parrot and got dumped by this girl and was heartbroken. Granted I was only 14 at the time so I just started crying.That bird flew down to my bed, ran up my arm and stared giving me kisses and wouldn't stop till I broke out laughing then it joined me.
His name was Elvis, he was my buddy for about 24 years and always was at my side when I was down.

Image credits: MadLintElf
Saved my life.When I was a baby my aunt was on her phone not paying attention at all and baby me was crawling on our deck and then all of a sudden I fell into the pool my dog Zoie saw and began to bark like crazy until my aunt came over and saw me drowning. I was told I was under the water for 10 minutes and the doctors said I wouldn’t make it but I survived and it’s all thanks to her I literally wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her.

Image credits: Gingerkid64
He sleeps in the middle of the bed, and when he sees I'm getting ready to go to bed he actually moves aside. Pretty unusual for a cat.#6
My cat used to partially walk me to and from work when I lived with my parents. He'd come with me across the street (and he learned to look both ways. It was a busy street to cross.) when walking to work before he'd disappear into a neighbours yard, and he'd be waiting on the street corner for me when I came home, and would walk me the rest of the way to my house.#7
Not me, but people I love.My dog sitters were close family friends, a widow in her 60s and her adult daughter, who has Down Syndrome. They all loved each other a bunch so I let my dog go over when I didn’t need to, a “girl’s night out”. She always slept in the mom’s room.
Until the daughter had to have major surgery. My dog, who isn’t that affectionate, refused to budge from her room and slept by her side the whole night. It brought a lot of comfort to the daughter. I was so touched and proud of my dog.
My dogs are sweet boys who cuddle me all the time, especially if I'm sick or sad.But I always think of the cat my mom had when my sister and I were babies.
If we cried, he would come running and act very worried. "The babies are crying, the babies are crying! Help, woman!"
He also never missed bedtime story time. My mom or dad would pull out a book, and he'd come running so he wouldn't miss a minute.
When my boyfriend and I first started dating, I was sleeping over at his place and must have tossed the covers off during the night.Woke up shaking shivering like crazy and couldn't get warm.
He has a little mini schnauzer who was sleeping on his side of the bed - felt me shivering, got up, walked around to my side, got under the covers and snuggled up with me. Instant heat!
One time when my bf and I were pretend fighting my bf’s dog kept trying to get in the middle of it and kiss us trying to get us to make up. He’s so precious I love him.#11
One of my cats stayed by my side everywhere I went the first few weeks after my mother died in February. It was like she knew I was hurting beyond belief and just wanted to make me feel better. Same cat has stuck to my 5 year old like glue since my mother in law passed last month (2021 has been a real s**t year for my family so far). My 5 year old is struggling with the loss of her grammie so the my cat spending excessive amounts of time with her is a good distraction.#12
I had my wisdom teeth removed and both my cat and dog cuddled next to me in bed even though my husband was cooking in the kitchen and both are notorious beggars and food thieves. They slept beside me for 4 hours until the medicine wore off and I got up.#13
My cat isn’t much of a cuddler, but he always senses when I’m having a panic attack or a bout with depression, and comes to lie on my chest and lick my face.#14
I was dog-sitting a very large golden retriever for a week and managed to catch H1N1 bird flu on day one. That absolute gem ferried me from my bed to the bathroom and back each and every sick sesh for five days and I'll never forget it#15
Not really a pet, but I had a pony as a kid. One time while riding Patches, the saddle came lose and I slowly rolled to one side and wound up under him. He stopped immediately when he felt me sliding and then wouldn’t move again until he saw me up and clear of him. My parents had gotten him from a camp/home for blind children so he was well trained not move as not to hurt a fallen rider anymore.He was the best pony, haven’t thought of this in years and now I miss him. Funny how little memories from years (decades) ago can hit you like that. RIP my friend.
Missy, my late Jack Russell Terrier mutt: Whenever I was hurt, sick, or sad, she'd lay on the couch with me and not leave my side until I was better. The exception was when my son was sick or hurt. She saw me taking care of him, so she'd stick with him.Momo the Corgi: I work from home. Sometimes when it's nice out, I work outside. Whenever I do that, Momo either comes outside with me, or sticks her snoot out the dog door to keep an eye on me.
A pet of mine had waited after school for me everyday on the top of my chair at my moms, near the window watching me walk up, and one day I was at my dads, and he had a heart disease that had eventually made him very sick. I was away at my dads for the weekend. He was weaker due too the sickness but had brought up the strength to climb to the top of that chair. After that my mom had come home, to see that he had passed sitting on that chair waiting near the window.#18
Whenever I was sick my cat would be right there with me or very close by. I felt like she was very protective of me. Either that or she was waiting for me to die so she could eat my remains.#19
In college I had a cat. I actually had him for 7 years after that, but I got him in college. He was not overly affectionate, but late at night, and when no one was looking, he would get snuggly.Anyway, once, when I was really unhappy and sad, I was laying on my couch, and he came into the room and jumped up and sat on my chest. He only did it one time in his entire life and he was a very good kitty.
My cat stayed In bed with me the entire time I had COVID. I was shocked because he’s usually an a-hole.
Image credits: GaryNOVA
I have a rescue dog, shes half great dane and half English bullmastiff female. We live in the boonies on about 23 acres and there are lots of coyotes at night. I'd only had her about 6 months and one night I was awakened by her. My initial thought was that for some reason she'd gone crazy and was going to attack me as she was on top of me making the most terrifying noises you've ever heard. I quickly realized that she was crouched over me protecting me from the coyotes outside. I was very humbled by her bravery, she always puts herself between me and anyone she doesn't know yet she's incredibly gentle and my children adore her but she watches always#22
My dog (huge Malinois/pit) interrupts panic attacks, he’ll bring a toy and shove it into my hands until I focus on him instead. Hard to ignore a giant dog climbing into your lap, shoving toys in your hands!My mother’s German shepherd/pit has also headbutted me when my sugar has gone low until I checked it and ate something
I have had sleep paralysis episodes at least since I was 7 (still get them to this day). My mom's dog Sugamama (a shih tzu) basically slept in my room during my gap year when I stayed with my mom. Whenever I would have a SP episode, she would lick my face and hand to wake me up and snuggle with me after I woke up.I really appreciated that; if you've ever had SP, it's such an isolating and jarring experience (especially if you're having them at least once a week), and I was thankful to have her comfort. Part of the reason I want a dog now, but the circumstances aren't right currently.
Not for me but a friend.Something happend with his microwave and it caught on fire while he was asleep.His dog managed to open the door of his room and jumped on the bed to wake him up.Probably saved his life.#25
I had a rabbit for a month. Every day he’d escape his room and come lick me until I woke up. Every time I fed him a big pile of parsley he’d come climb my legs and sit on my lap#26
Sometimes my rabbit doesn’t insist on a sizeable portion of my snacks and leaves me in peace. Pretty rare, though.#27
Loved me unconditionally. I was in a catastrophic auto accident. Spent almost 5 years in a wheel chair before being able to stand up again. I got her to ease my loneliness. She was with me for almost 17 years. She was raised in my wheel chair and couldn’t pass a stroller or a cart without begging to get in. LOVED to be pushed in my walker.I have had a lot of dogs, hope to live long enough to have a few more, but Tummy was my “special”, her ashes are waiting to be buried with me.
My dog didn’t want me to overeat so she nicely ate 2 steaks off the kitchen counter while they were marinating. Moreover she even licked up every spare drop so I didn’t have to clean up either. What a saint#29
Went through a period of really bad depression and my dogs (who are normally wild) would not leave my side. I spent a lot of time in bed and they would lay on top of me, wake me up with kisses, bring me toys, shoes, ect. My youngest could get me out of bed with super gentle chomps (it was like she was just pulling me up) and my oldest would refuse to come inside which forced me outside as I don't leave them outside alone (fence jumper and a busy neighborhood). As much as it irritated me to be outside and chasing him, that's what I needed and it's hard to be so sad when the dogs are so happy. And then we'd go back in and go back to bed and they'd wake me up in a few more hours.#30
I used to have a rescue tuxedo girl. When I had the flu and didn't eat for 3 days she worried about me. So she went out and got me a snack. I woke up to a plump little bird and a very proud, concerned cat on my bed.#31
My dog as a child would protect our whole family, herd us together when we were out walking, sit proudly and protect our things if we put them down when we were at the park or woods. She would also calm my mother if she was having a bad day. Really good dog.#32
I was choking on water in the kitchen. After my coughing fit, I turned to see my son and dog standing side by side, both staring at me in total panic. They had both come from the other side of the house. I am loved.#33
watches me eat... cats are most vulnerable to predators when eating, so they like someone to watch them eat to make sure they won't get attacked. they return the favor if they like you. So my cat watches me eat so I can be safe and feel comforted.#34
Whenever I have a panic attack or breakdown my dog will run up to me and lick the tears off my face.#35
My dog scared my dad away from me when he was throwing tools cause he was angry. I miss that dog she was the best.#36
Wasn’t my pet even though we hung out a lot, my family’s landlords dog protected me from being kidnapped as a young kid.#37
just before christmas, my mom’s close friend passed away after a battle with cancer. she was a beautiful person, too young to have gone. i think about her and her husband and children often, i can’t even imagine how her family must feel. on the evening i got home from the funeral, my boyfriend had brought his dog, which was a sweet surprise. i was still crying. normally his dog gets super excited when he sees me, but he immediately sensed something was wrong and became calm. he sat with me and leaned against me as i cried, didn’t leave my side. they both supported me until i was able to breathe again. it was such a bittersweet moment.#38
I had a Brown labrador who had to bite something whenever he saw me or anyone from my family. He wouldn't bite me or anyone from my family because he knows it hurts, so whenever he saw us he would desesperatedly look for something on the floor to bite and be around us.#39
There was a stray dog outside my home so basically i fed him for 2 days and next morning he started following me when I walked toward my school (15 min walk) so at one point he stopped at the entrance gate of the school , but incredibly after 7 hours when I got out I found him at the same spot I left him in the morning.#40
I was going through a bad break up when i was 22. This girl CRUSHED me. It sounds kinda silly now but then i thought my life was over. I was in my bed a crying blubbering mess, I just wanted the pain to stop I felt like a shell of my former self. So i got in my nightstand drawer and took out a 120 count bottle of Tylenol or the generic form. I opened the bottle filled my hand with 10-15 (I was planning on taking a few hand fulls).. I dont know why but i stared at the pills for 20 seconds contemplating what i was about to do, when my dog jumped on my bed and sort of nuzzled my arm with his snout and made most of the pills fall out. Then through the tears i looked at him with his big brown eyes. It was almost as if he was telling me........Hey big guy, I know your sad, but I'm here for you. and I love you. Maybe it was his big brown eyes, maybe it was body language i dont know. but just couldn't do it after seeing how he looked at me. I know he probably had no idea what i was about to do, Im sure all the knew was that i was sad. However i knew with a friend like that by my side i would get through it. I did get through it. I am glad i was able to, because i became a lifeguard the next year and have saved alot of GIDs (guests in distress). I had the opportunity to make a difference in other peoples lives because of him. I had to put my pup down 2 years ago but ill never forget what he did for me. He saved my life just by being mans best friend.
Image credits: EviedenceMatters5678
First depression when I was 7 years old. I was sobbing at night and my cat went to lie against my face, licked my tears and rested his head against mine all the night.
Image credits: Successful_Pea_1492
Not for me but I had a cat as a teenager who hated everything that moved. She would tolerate me and my dad but only in small doses. Anyone else she would hiss, scratch the works.When my grandmother was dying of cancer (it must have been one of her last visits to our house before she went into hospice care), that cat just sat on the chair arm and let my grandmother stroke her for over an hour without any fuss.
Sadly about a year later we also lost the cat to cancer, but as she was a cat she was allowed to have a pain-free and dignified end, unlike my poor grandmother. :(

Image credits: MesocricetusAuratus
Just existed. When I moved schools my sophomore year my mom got me an old man cat named jack. He was the one I talked to after and before school. He was the one who waited for me by the door when I got home. He was the one who cuddled me at night making sure I wasn’t lonely or cold. He never left my side as long as I was home and it did more for me than words can express. When you’re a confused teenager who’s whole world was just turned upside down due to your mom moving in with her a-hole boyfriend, all you want is a friend and that exactly what he was. If it weren’t for him I wouldn’t have woken up in the morning for school/work. I wouldn’t have tried. I wouldn’t have cared. He sadly passed away last month but I’ll never forget how he changed my life. You’ll never truly understand how great of an impact an animal can have until they’re gone. I’ll never meet another cat like him. Rest In Peace Jacky boy.
Image credits: Accomplished-Art-301
When I was pregnant my cat would just lay across my belly, he started this before I even knew that I was pregnant. Every once in a while he would lick my stomach. When I miscarried he moved up to my chest and would lay his head right over my heart. It’s been years but he still does it. It makes me cry sometimes but I know he had been excited about my pregnancy.
Image credits: mgentry999
I was sobbing my eyes out after my grandfather died a couple years ago and she (my cat) came up to me and just laid with me for hours. She didn’t move and just kept me company. It was nice to have that companionship. Even if she’s a complete pyscho sometimes, her sweetness outweighed that ten-fold.
Image credits: Lost_my_penguins
My dog brought me his favourite toy and laid it on my lap when I was sad, and curled up next to me
Image credits: i_luv_it_mate
Whenever I'm ill or in pain my cat comes and lays on the area of my body that hurts. It feels so wholesome.
Image credits: vanessa-mercea
I’ve had this large brown akita, probably about 95 lbs, female, i’ve had her since i was about 4. She lived to be about 11, when she was dying i was home alone and she was having trouble breathing and looked like she was in pain. i stayed outside with her trying to provide comfort in her last few moments but she refused to stay near me, she would struggle to get up and slowly walk away. i think somehow she knew what was happening and didn’t want me to see her pass. i know that sounds like a stretch but she was such an intelligent and loyal dog i could just feel it. a pets death never hit harder than hers.
Image credits: Peggss
When I was sick with C19, the cat we took in off the street stayed with me every second. When I would get up to get to the bathroom, he'd follow me down. And then come right back up with me. Racing past me and waiting at the top of the stairs. When I began to recover he'd follow me to the basement when I have my gym equipment, and stay there on some boxes until I finished and managed my way back up. He has avoided stepping on my DVT leg from even before I knew I had the clot. And now he comes and "gets me" at 8:30 every night to remind me to go to sleep. I've noticed on the days that my daughter is particularly anxious about her classes, or college decision stuff, he stays with her. He's kind of like a little "dog" Which might be why our dog, who can no longer make it up and down the stairs doesn't like him
Image credits: LowkeyPony
I had a pet rat once, she was the sweetest thing. Of course, some people don't like rats because they think they're mean and dirty and things like that, but whenever I hear that I tell the story of the one time my rat bit me. I was giving her a small piece of carrot as a treat, and she was so excited that she missed the carrot and barely put her teeth on my finger instead, she didn't bite down or anything, but I guess she realized that she almost bit me, so she then proceeded to lick my finger instead, like she was apologizing for almost biting me.She was a really good rat.

Image credits: kasimyrmidon
my big girl seems to think i might forget where the kitchen is if she doesn't wake me up & lead me there at 2 am before going outside
Image credits: muntycuffin
My dog had been taught to shake. So when I held out my hand with the intention of giving myself another round of scars she did what she was trained to do and put her paw in my hand. I’ve never harmed myself since. I think she saved my life.
Image credits: Blurry-Fishsticks
Back when I was rather trapped in an abusive relationship(seriously, he would threaten to kill me, and getting out took help), I was sobbing once after one of my exe's abusive episodes and his cat came up to me, put her paw on my cheek and started licking my face and purring for me, basically being the best mama cat she could be for me at that moment. I still tear up thinking about it.
Image credits: jadepalmtree
I've spent a lot of nights crying myself to sleep recently and my cat has snuggled up to my body rather than sleeping on the pillow next to me or at the bottom of the bed. I think she knows I need her ever so much.
Image credits: distant-girl
I survived stage IV cancer and a bone marrow transplant. Often I would have a hard time sleeping because of the steroids I was on w/ chemo. I would go upstairs to the den and would see some random sad commercial, or a poignant scene in a show/movie, and I would silently cry. I don’t know why silently, but my dog Fry always came up; without fail. He would sleep on my tumors during my treatment. I’m not religious, but if there are angels, Fry was one.
Image credits: blueridgechic
I had an aunt who loved yellow roses, but she passed away in 2013. We were very close before she passed and I was devastated. This is important.Six years later I was in a bad place. My medication for my mental illness wasn’t working so I was spiraling pretty hard. I have a dog, a mutt who I’ll call Rosy for this story. One day I was taking Rosy for a walk and contemplated how I would commit s**cide. We were walking through the woods near my house and I let her off leash. We live in the country so no leash laws or high chances of running into anyone else. I was mentally writing my note and deciding my affairs when she came back to me, carrying a yellow rose. I have no idea where she found it, but it was just the flower and leaves and no stem. After that she stuck to me like glue, which was unusual since she usually did her own thing. She even cuddled up to me that night. After that I decided I couldn’t leave her, because she cared so much and something must have happened for her to bring that rose to me. My mom even had a tattoo of a yellow rose in remembrance of my aunt. She saved my life, and I don’t know if she was even fully aware. But she did, and now I’m happier than ever. She’s a happy four year old now, and I’m happier than ever. Thank you, Rosy, for being my best friend and partner for the last four years of my life, and my savior for the last two.

Image credits: ImperviousInsomniac
My older cat can pull me out of a panic attack, and has for every single one she was around for. Nothing else has ever been able to do that before.And if anyone in the house is sick, she tends to them. Which mostly means standing guard because she sees that they're vulnerable, but she tries her best to help.

Image credits: seraph089
My gecko pinky licked my face when I was sad and laid his head on my finger
Image credits: Solsticewolfdog
When my dad had a heart attack our Border Collie/Hound dog mix would not leave his side and even kept jumping in the ambulance while they were working on him. I just know it was because nearly every Friday night he would drag her up into his lap and sing Elvis Presely's Hound Dog while rubbing her ears.
Image credits: notjawn
She wiped the tears from my eyes with her ears.❤
Image credits: Shuthemofoup
I was in a bad state and was crying a lot . Suddenly my baby turtle climbs on my feet and keeps staring at me. I then pick him up and keep him in my lap,he still keeps staring. I begin to laugh and then he basically puts his head in his shell and sleeps lol.
Image credits: kabir_222
I had a time of being very low and also a terrible tooth abcess that was agony. One night couldn't cope any more and went to bed in tears. My old dog, who was about 13 at the time and a bit arthritic so never came upstairs, did come up and laid on the floor beside my bed all night watching me. I loved that old boy.
Image credits: ShadowShell78
My mom had died two nights before and for some reason I thought it was a good idea to sleep on the bathroom floor with no covers no pillows. My cat scratched on the door to come in with me and slept on my legs all night and kept me warm. Never did sleep with me before or since. I miss her. Had her 15 years.
Image credits: Luckyangel2222
My dog cuddled with me while I was laid up for a few weeks with a leg injury. She would only leave my side if my wife or daughter would take her for a walk, or to eat.#65
My dog had to pee in the middle of the night and he did it in the bathtub instead of on the floor. I thought that was really sweet.
Image credits: EnglishTeacherTube
Whenever I'm sick my cat sits on the exact same spot the problem is - like if I have a headache he puts his head on my head, or if I have my period he comes into my lap, if my throat hurts he comes all the way up to lay down and start healing me with his magical healing powers and purring.#67
I had just moved several times within a school year. Plus I was living with my dad for the first time in years. And I was a teenager, so everything was stressful. I was lonely and crying. My soon to be step mom's cat came up to me and cuddled with me in bed. After that night she had a nightly routine of headbutting my hand to wake me up when she wanted to cuddle. She was my best friend at one point.#68
One time my mom smacked me around after school when I was 15 and my dog gave me kisses to help me stop crying.#69
I had surgery and both of my cats just laid in bed with me and purred. I had major abdominal surgery and was in bed like the whole week (I have family who helped), cats were by my side in bed. I love them so much.#70
My hat flew off once and Porky the Pug went to pick it up for me. He failed, but at least he tried#71
My German Shepard caught a burglar in our back yard. He also caught the rat that’s been reeking havoc at our house.He was seriously the best. Even when other dogs were intimidated by my dog’s size, he was never afraid of others and just simply stared them down without barking.
I visited someone with an old female dog.Not 10 minutes into visit she came to be with her leash and tail wagging.I didn't know that dog but buddy let me take her out and she made my day a whole lot brighter. I was about 14 then.Dogs are a wonderful creatures.#73
The most recent kind thing was Saturday night. The weather was awful. Window shaking thunder accompanied by bright flashes of lightning that lit up several tornado banks, some of which had rotation to them.I was scrunched up in my bed as far from the windows as I could get when my sister's cat decided to hop up in bed with me. She did not get on my pillow or at the foot of my bed, but she snuggled right up next to me. I honestly don't know if she was seeking comforting, looking to comfort me, or both.
When I was a kid, my aunt's Golden retriever would jump in the pool and drag us by the bathing suit if we yelled too hard. The whole time I was swimming with my cousin the poor fluff would look at us with concern.#75
Boop me on the nose while I was really sick and I make me smile and it have me happiness for the first time in a long time#76
My dog was sick, he was lethargic and shows signs of illness, this made me very stressed and worried for him so much that I refused to sleep on the bed and instead sleep on the living room, he would get up from his bed, climb on the couch, lick my face and sleep beside me as if he's saying "dont worry, im fine, I can handle this"#77
After my dog ran away and was presumed dead (he wasn't, he just turned up 10km away. In three days he somehow ran 10 or more km. He is a staffy.) my cat snuggled up to me and just, sat. He let me cry, he was just being genuinely nice. Normally he's an a-hole, but sometimes he's a really nice animal!#78
When I'm depressed our doggo will bring me his ball, drop it at my feet, and give me this look of "play with me~!" It always makes me smile.#79
Just being there for me. She's a chihuahua, about 13 years old. I'm in bed a lot due to several health issues and she will stay in bed with me indefinitely, never getting up unless i also get up, she just refuses to leave me by myself. And the company is more than welcome.#80
When I had home health PT after I broke my leg, my dog would lay next to me to try to prevent the physical therapist from hurting me.#81
My dog’s kidneys were failing, and as a result, he stopped eating, and would not take his arthritis medication on top of that. The night before I had to bring him in to cross the rainbow bridge, he somehow mustered up enough strength to grab one of his favorite toys (a toy crab) and left it by the foot of my bed while I was sleeping. Dexter was the best bulldog, and that final gesture still tugs at my heartstrings.#82
One of our cats that was traumatized as a kitten after being trapped under the hood of a car for 40 miles hopped up beside me on the couch and sat with me when I was crying because my mother-in-law had sad some horrible things about me. To this day he is extremely skittish and rarely gets close to people so it was a heartwarming moment.#83
A skinny stray cat showed up on my porch, so I began feeding it. A few weeks later, I was in a traumatic highway accident that left me hospitalized for a month.Sadly, the cat I had already owned for a few years ran away during that time, but the skinny stray stuck around and waited for me.
Naturally, I adopted that stray cat (naming her "Gatita") and she's probably the best cat I've owned.
My pets would just cuddle me and show me love. That's really it to be honest.If you want something more wholesome my cat was always like a mother to my bunny since I got him and she would always protect him and cuddle up to him from time to time.
I was having a panic attack and laid down on the floor crying. Idk why but laying on the floor helps with the attacks. My roommates kitten laid down on my back and started purring to comfort me. Helped me calm down and kitten stayed with me and let me pet him for a while after.#86
I was watching a video of Tim Teebow feeding his dog cheese for the last time. I was crying and looked to my dog and said, “come here my girl” then she walked over to me and bit my face. That was enough of that!#87
I had a cat who used to wake me up when my glucose levels dropped dangerously low. Instinctively.#88
Sleep with my cat in my back, makes a free massage.#89
I struggle with SH and have attempted to take my own life in recent years. I cover the wounds when fresh to prevent infection, and most of them are also hidden under clothes. But my dog will sense when I'm upset, sit next to me on the bed and place her paw on wherever I've last harmed without being able to see it. There was one time I was so upset and was considering slitting my throat and as I let out a huge sigh she placed her paw on my neck and didn't move it until I fell asleep.#90
My cat was trying to find a comfy place to sleep next to me. She was ‘making biscuits’ in one spot then decided she wanted to move over a bit. After ten minutes she had done a great job of tucking me in.#91
My cat came and sat on top of my (very badly) twisted right ankle. The warmth and purring and pressure felt so comforting.She had her back right leg amputated a few weeks later.
Ironic but sweet.
My dog was in my bed with me one night. He got up and lay on my chest when I was on the verge of an anxiety attack.#93
I had a cat in college with no tail but was super friendly and adored cleavage, like bury his head in them purring loudly and making biscuits loved them. This became a party trick leading to friendships, laughter, and occasionally breaking the ice with someone I was interested in. He was also horrifically clumsy without a tail which made for humorous antics. He was the heart and soul of our house, miss you Tux.from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3f6WRuV
via Boredpanda