People always like to theorize why things in movies happen and how they happen, and some of the theories can get a little bit crazy. But when trying to justify the characters' actions or fill some plot holes, movie fans can get really creative and actually find a plausible explanation.
Bored Panda went to the /r/FanTheories subreddit where fans share their theories about other people‘s creative work. And there are a lot of redditors who wrote detailed explanations and analysis for us of what they think is happening in movies that isn‘t seen on the surface, or just pointing out something that you wouldn’t think of at first.
Here are some of the most interesting theories in the subreddit. Don‘t forget to upvote the ones you like the most and comment if you agree or disagree with them. You should be warned that there are spoilers ahead!
More info: Reddit
#1 Why Everyone In Guardians Of The Galaxy Sounds Like They're In A PG-13 Film
The reason that the language in both Guardians of the Galaxy movies is frequently juvenile and all profanity seems limited to the constraints of a PG-13 film is because we're usually hearing it as Starlord hears it through his universal translator (mentioned onscreen in the first movie's mugshot scene). Starlord was taken from Earth when he was eight. He probably stopped actually learning English shortly after, since it's unlikely that he had anyone else to actually speak it with. As such, his language (and all language he hears) is going to seem juvenile. Additionally, any profanity he knows probably came from movies and TV shows he saw before he was kidnapped.

Image credits: Marvel Studios
#2 [Harry Potter] Someone's Death Was Already Spoiled In The Third Movie
So we all know Dumbledore dies in the sixth movie. But there are hints that his death was already spoiled in the third movie. There is a christmas dinner with various people involved. Finally Sibyll Trelawny joins the party. Before she sits down she is frightened because there are already 12 people sitting at the table and 13 people sitting at the same table brings misery. She does not sit down and mentiones that the first of those 13 persons to stand up would die. In order to calm her, Dumbledore stands up and leaves the table. But we later get to know that Ron's rat was just Peter Pattigrew who transformeed himself. Knowing that Ron carried his rat in his pocket most of the time, that'd mean there were already 13 people at the table. As Dumbledore leaves as the first of those 13 people, his fate was sealed.

Image credits: Warner Bros. Pictures Heyday Films
#3 [Avengers: Infinity War] Let's Dispel Once And For All This Fiction That Loki Didn't Know What He Was Doing
He knows exactly what he’s doing. TL;DR: Loki is going to Valhalla to consult with Odin/other dead Asgardians, and dying in “battle” with Thanos was the only way to get there. Disclaimer: I’ve seen a lot of theories as to why Loki dies so easily at the start of the Infinity War, including many that assert he dies on purpose. I give full credit to those other theorists for inspiring this theory, but I think this one ties all the evidence together in a way that makes the most sense. Let’s look at the evidence. 1) Loki’s move against Thanos looks like suicide. So, it probably is. He should know that a tiny knife isn’t going to do much damage to an Infinity Stone-wielding Thanos. This creates two options: Loki is stupid enough to think this attack will work, or he know it won’t, and is intentionally setting himself up to die. Given Loki’s history as a master manipulator, I think Option B is far more likely. 2) Why would Loki want to die? To get to Valhalla. In order for an Asgardian to get to Valhalla, they must die in battle. That would explain why Loki couldn’t just kill himself to accomplish his goals. Loki may not be an Asgardian, but as a son of Odin, he would probably be eligible to enter Valhalla. He just needed to perish while fighting. 3) Why Valhalla? Odin is there. Loki could be looking to visit Odin to get advice on what to do with Thanos, and how Thor can defeat him. 4) What good is information if you’re too dead to share it? Fortunately, Thor’s family members appear to be able to contact him from beyond the grave. Loki could replicate the same trick, speaking to Thor from Valhalla and sharing vital information with him. 5) Loki’s final words are very well-chosen, and very important. When Loki says, ” I, Loki, prince of Asgard… Odinson… the rightful king of Jotunheim… god of mischief… do hereby pledge to you… my undying fidelity,” he’s looking directly at Thor, and it stands to reason that the pledge is meant for Thor, not Thanos. The key phrase here is “undying fidelity,” meaning that Loki’s faithfulness to his brother will go beyond death, and that Loki will be helping him out even after he’s had the life choked from him. 6) Even Loki’s final taunt to Thanos is a clue. Loki’s last words are directed at Thanos, and they are “You will never be a god.” In other words, “We gods have an afterlife, and you don’t, and I’ll be spending my time there plotting your downfall, Grimace.”

Image credits: Marvel Studios
#4 Harry Potter: If You Want To Get Into Gryffindor, You Have To Ask The Sorting Hat
When Harry tried on the hat, it mentioned all of the houses as options, and Slytherin in particular. But Harry got into Gryffindor because he asked. He didn’t specifically say Gryffindor, but he ruled out Slytherin, and didn’t want either other house. Same for Hermione: we find out the hat actually wanted to put her into Ravenclaw, but she asked for Gryffindor. Ron and Neville both talked about being worried about getting into Gryffindor, and not living up to the expectations. Harry never told anyone except Dumbledore about his choice until he was an adult, and Hermione only told a small group of friends her fifth year. It’s pretty likely that they, and others, made the choice, then never told anyone about it. When all of the Gryffindors first come in, none of them actually see to have the traits of the house: Neville is cowardly, Ginny is shy and meek, and none of the Gryffindors really seem brave right off the bat. In fact, many Gryffindors seem like they belong better in other houses: Hermione, McGonagall, and Dumbledore were both exceptionally intelligent, Percy was extremely ambitious, Neville and Ron were loyal and hardworking, etc. Godric Gryffindor set up the hat purposefully so that it would never just choose Gryffindor. We know that the hat sometimes will shout out a house almost instantly, which we never see occur with Gryffindor. The test isn’t if someone is brave already, it’s if they have the bravery to make the choice. If someone wants to be brave, they can be, and by getting the validation from the hat, they then start choosing that for themselves. Neville stands up for himself, both to Malfoy and to the trio. Percy throws aside his ambition for his family, and for what is right, Ginny becomes self confident and self assured. TL;DR: The Sorting Hat choosing Gryffindor is a placebo effect, people allow themselves to be brave by choosing the option. Edit: A lot of people are asking about Neville, since he claims to have asked to be put into Hufflepuff. Neville is an exception to this rule (please listen, not a cop out). From Pottermore “In Neville’s case, the Hat was determined to place him in Gryffindor: Neville, intimidated by that house’s reputation for bravery, requested a placing in Hufflepuff. Their silent wrangling resulted in triumph for the Hat.” The Sorting Hat is an immensely powerful legilmens with years of experience, and Neville was able to flat out resist it. He showed bravery not by asking explicitly, but by ignoring a powerful authority figure (the hat), and doing what he believed in.

Image credits: Warner Bros. Pictures and co partners
#5 Why Steve Rogers Was Able To Resist Thanos
Thanos moves his glove hand towards Rogers, and Rogers stops it with both hands. Thanos strains a bit more, but is unable to move his hand forward or close his grip, so he just knocks Rogers out with his non-glove hand instead. If you look at his facial expression, he looks shocked upon the initial block, then he looks really perplexed with his eyes squinting and all, like he's thinking "how is this guy able to do this"? But what is 'this' that Rogers is doing? I don't believe it's physically blocking Thanos' hand. Thanos beat up Hulk, and Rogers is definitely not stronger than Hulk, not to mention Thanos knocks out Rogers seconds later, while Rogers' uppercut punch did nothing to Thanos. The glove works by responding to the will of the user, and in that moment, both of them were in physical contact with the glove. So Rogers was kind of "out-willing" Thanos, and while none of the infinity stones were actively being used, they were implicitly responding to both Thanos' and Rogers' wills respectively, with Rogers' influence being greater. And that's how he was able to resist Thanos.

Image credits: Marvel Studios
#6 [Jurassic Park] Why The Dilophosaurus Doesn't Attack Nedry When They First Meet
When Nedry first encounters the Dilophosaurus it seems curious and almost playful. Then, seemingly out of the blue, it shifts gears and things rapidly spiral downward for our beloved corporate espionage character. I always thought it was just sizing him up before eating him, as in it always saw him as prey. But upon watching it for the millionth time this morning I noticed an important detail: The Hood When they first come face to face, Nedry has his hood up and it's spread wide around his face. His poncho is bright yellow, just like the Dilo's hood flaps. As Dr. Grant said, dinosaurs and man just got thrown into the mix together and we have no idea what will happen. A dinosaur has no idea what a rain poncho is, so when it first saw Nedry, all it saw was a giant figure with a huge hood around it's face. Now bear in mind all of the park's dinosaurs are female. I believe that the Dilophosaurus thought Nedry was a male, and more specifically a potential mate. That's why it followed him like a puppy and made those little cooing noises at him. That is until he tripped, causing his hood to fall down. Once the female Dilophosaurus realized Nedry's ruse it became aggressive, putting up it's own hood in a threat display, hissing, and spitting venom in his face. And the rest is history.

Image credits: Amblin Entertainment
#7 [Star Wars] The Reason All The Corny Darth Vader Lines Are In Fact Befitting To His Character
People have complained a lot about his "don't choke on your aspirations" line, but it was pointed out to them he has similar lines in the OT. Now, why does it fit his character to begin with? Why would a dark lord of the Sith make those horrible jokes? Well, before I ask you, I want you too look at some other Sith lords: Darth Maul was (at least in the movie) an aggressive savage specialized in melee (lightsaber) combat - true to his name. Darth Tyranus was a tyrant, ruling the CIS with an iron fist - true to his name. Darth Sidious was indeed insidious, as his name suggest. Do you know what "Vader" is? It's German for Father. And just as the name suggests, he makes horrible, horrible dad jokes all throughout his reign as lord of the Sith - while killing and torturing some people along the way, because you know, he is a Sith after all.

Image credits: Lucasfilm
#8 In The 1971 Willy Wonka Charlie Was Given The Golden Ticket On Purpose
OK we are led to believe that all the golden tickets have been found. Now lets look at how Charlie gets the ticket. He finds money and goes into the candy store run by Bill (oddly another form of William and Willy). This theory has Bill working for Wonka. We know he likes kids and gives them free candy….lots of seen in the opening Candy Man number. But you say ‘Wonka has only Oompa Loomps working for him’. Not true. Remember Slugworth? At the end Wonka even admits to Charlie “He Works For Me”. So we know he employs humans as double agents. Bill gives the kids candy and sells it as well. He reports to Wonka about everything. Wonka instructs Bill to give the last ticket to a local kid, a poor kid, an unselfish kid. Bill probably already knows these things about Charlie but just need to confirm them. When Charlie comes in with his found money Bill offers him a Slugworth or a Wonka. Charlie says “whichever is biggest”. So he gets the Wonka. Then as Charlie is walking out he says to Bill “I also want to get one for my Grandpa Joe”…that is the clincher. Bill HAS to give the ticket today because the event is tomorrow. Charlie NEVER gets to choose what candy to buy grandpa Joe. Bill says ‘here, try a traditional Wonka bar this time’ and grabs one. He doesn’t grab one from the stack as an owner would, he takes the display one and hands it to Charlie. He knew exactly which one had the ticket. It was displayed right out front but behind the counter so it could only be retrieved by him. Also (and this might be a bit of a stretch) when Wonka meets the kids he acts like this is the first he has heard of any of them….until he gets to Charlie and he says “I read all about you in the papers”. He didn’t say anything like this about any of the other kids. Could the “papers” he is talking about be a report from Bill?

Image credits: Mel Stuart
#9 [Back To The Future] Biff's Life Is Actually Improved As A Result Of Marty's Actions In 1955
As a youngster I watched BttF, and was pleased to see at the end of the film that Biff had got his "just deserts". "Hah!" I thought, "Biff is a nobody now, he has to clean George's car!" I think this is what most people think, and what you're supposed to think. What I didn't notice (or at least, the meaning of it was lost on little me) for some years is Biff's truck in the background with his company logo: "Biff's Automotive Detailing". As I grew older I started to think that perhaps my initial conclusion, the one the film seemed to lead me to, wasn't really correct. Owning your own business is nothing to be sniffed at, even if it's a one-man operation. Many people would prefer to be their own boss rather than work for someone else! But recently I've started to think it goes further than that... At the start of the film we see that Biff has George writing his reports for him at work, something we later learn has been going on since the two of them were at school. It's not a stretch to imagine that Biff probably can't write his own reports, he's not qualified for his own job and he knows it. Imagine the fear of knowing that you rely on a subordinate for your job status - what would happen if that person left, or died? What if you were 'found out' by your own bosses? Back in 1955, at the climax of the skateboard chase in the town square, Biff drives into a truck full of manure which fills his open top vehicle. I believe it's mentioned that he pays for the repairs, but I would imagine that in an effort to save money he would have cleaned the car himself. Again, I think it's no stretch to imagine that in the hours spent restoring his car he might have discovered, if not a love, then at least an aptitude, for auto detailing - leading him to start his business doing just that. So Biff goes from working a job he is not qualified for, in constant fear of someone discovering that fact, to owning his own business working at something he's probably pretty good at - something we (should) all know is quite satisfying. There's no doubt in my mind that Marty's actions changed his life for the better - just like everyone else's.

Image credits: Universal Pictures
#10 The Hunger Games Aren’t Just A Propaganda Tool, They’re A Way To Assess Each District’s Insurgency Capabilities And Test Countermeasures
President Snow isn’t an idiot, he knows that his method of ruling is bound to cause a rebellion eventually, especially with district 13 lying in wait. Now as any dictator can tell you, you the only people you need to keep happy are the ones you’re afraid of. But how does Snow decide who to fear? Easy. Every year, he rounds up a smattering of kids from each district, and drops them into a controlled environment so that the capitol military can see exactly which districts are a threat. Who is giving their children combat training? Survival training? How would the average members of each district population fare in battle? It would be incredibly easy to get this vital information just by watching the games. Districts one and two don’t dominate the games because they’re treated well, they’re treated well because they dominate the games. Snow realizes he needs to keep them happy, because he constantly watches their fighters kick everyone’s a**. They use the reaping to gather a (mostly) random sampling. Giving extra food for entering your name multiple times ensures that they can see the skills of the truly desperate (those most likely to join a rebel militia) and allowing volunteers lets them see how the glory hounds and tough guys fare (those most likely to lead a rebel militia). From there, they offer training to see how quickly the average fighters from each district would adapt to combat training. How educated are they? How fast do they learn? Are weapons new to them, or do they have experience? They even test media savvy and ability to rally capitol citizens to their cause with Caesar Flickerman’s show. When they’re actually in the arena, not only is the capitol assessing the fighters performance in different environments (why do you think they keep changing the map?), but they’re also testing counterinsurgency weapons. That’s why there’s always new environmental hazards every year. They’re seeing how effective they are against armed, twitchy revolutionaries. Fireballs? 86 them, they didn’t hurt anybody. Mutant animals that remind the fighters of fallen allies? Keep those, they were good. That’s why we see all those traps in the capitol. They were the ones most effective against the tributes, so they were recycled into city defense systems.

Image credits: Lionsgate
#11 The Entire Movie Of Aladdin Was Simply The Fulfillment Of His First Wish
Something that always bothered and confused me about Disney’s Aladdin was the ease at which he could suddenly “not be a prince” at several points in the movie, despite the fact he has specifically wished to be a prince. Aladdin did not wish to BE a prince, he wished for the Genie to MAKE him a prince. Everything that transpires after Aladdin has made his first wish was simply the fulfilling Aladdin’s wish to be made into a prince. At the end of the movie, he marries a princess. He now IS a prince. The Genie’s work is NOW completed. The Genie states he can see at least one million years into the future. The reality is Aladdin doesn’t even want to be a Prince, he just wants Jasmine. When the Genie’s mission is about to succeed Aladdin suddenly gets cold feet. The Genie -seeing into the future- allows his lamp to be stolen by Jafar and the hijinks that ensue because he knows that Aladdin’s heroic efforts to set things right will convince the Sultan to change the law, and thus let Aladdin marry Jasmine, and Aladdin will then BECOME A PRINCE. Aladdin doesn’t even have a choice, he can’t “undo” his wish, the wish was made and magical contract bound. What the genie is doing can easily be seen after Jafar is banished to the cave of wonders at the end of the movie. Everything goes back to the way it was, everything Jafar did was undone, people, objects and animals un-transform. The palace magically teleport’s from the mountain back to the city. Did it ever really move? Did someone magically wish for all these things to be undone? The Genie’s knows his ultimate mission is nearing it’s conclusion. So he resets the sideshow, the purpose of which was to convince the Sultan Aladdin should be a prince and make Aladdin rise to his inevitable royal promotion. Jafar’s wishes were meaningless, he was a pawn in a greater game. The second Aladdin made his first wish Jafar was doomed-Jafar was in the Genie’s way. When the immortal Genie lays the sad news on Aladdin he can’t make someone fall in love with him, Aladdin’s dexterous and cunning human brain works furiously to find a way around it. He wishes for the Genie to make him a prince. The creation of a kingdom has not been wished for, only that Aladdin is made a prince. And what a coincidence: the closest kingdom’s princess just happens to be Aladdin’s dream girl. Aladdin knows what he really wants, as does the Genie, and perhaps as a reward for Aladdin’s cleverness and out of geographic and language restrictions, the Genie has no choice but to make Aladdin the prince of Agrabah. Well played, Aladdin. Well played.

Image credits: Walt Disney Pictures
#12 [Star Wars] The Reason Darth Vader Seems So Uncharacteristically Angry At The Beginning Of A New Hope (Rogue One Spoilers)
Vader's angry all the time, don't get me wrong. But even through his anger, his inflection remains calm. The only time he ever resorts to shouting at people is during the beginning of A New Hope. So hear me out. The Rebels just openly invaded Scarif, destroyed several Imperial starships, stole valuable military intelligence, and handed it off to the Tantive IV. Tantive IV was at the battle. Vader saw with his own two eyes rebel troops running into the Tantive with the plans in their hands, giving it off to them before they flee the battle. No ambiguity at all, Vader saw everything himself. This was ten minutes ago. And now the captain of the ship, the very rebel ship Vader just watched break off from a military vessel attacking his fleet, this guy has the audacity to try weasel his way out of it, to Darth Vader, saying it's a councilor ship, on a diplomatic mission to a planet on the other side of the f*****g galaxy from where they are now, with no ties to the rebellion whatsoever. This is the single stupidest a*****e Vader ever had to deal with, and he feels like his intelligence has just been personally insulted.

Image credits: Lucasfilm
#13 [Guardians Of The Galaxy 2] Drax Can’t See Things That Don’t Move And Realizing This Gives Him The Invisibility Idea
In the epic opening battle scene of Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, Baby Groot is getting his groove on when Drax comes flying in and lands inches behind him. We see Baby Groot freeze, at which point Drax seems to no longer see him. Almost like he vanished. I think he then came to the realization that things that don’t move or move incredibly slowly are essentially invisible. Similar to how the vision of the T-Rex is described. What he doesn’t realize, however, is that other species don’t have this same handicap. So when he tries his hilarious invisibility bit in the following Avengers movie, he’s unable to comprehend why it’s absolutely absurd to the others. He’s convinced of a reality that simply isn’t so for everyone else.

Image credits: Marvel Studios
#14 Hagrid Is A Death Eater
I noticed the strangest behavior coming from Hagrid. I started paying more attention to the actions, statements, and inconsistencies in Hagrid and realized almost every move taken somehow aided Voldemort. Is this theory given entirely seriously? Definitely not. I still find it to be intriguing given the amount of evidence which supports the conclusion that Hagrid is one of the top servants of Voldemort. How did Hagrid even know where to collect Harry? We know James and Lily were in hiding using the Fidelius Charm. This charm prevents any person except those told by the Secret Keeper (Wormtail) from knowing where the Potters were, nor could anyone but Wormtail tell someone else. It is possible that Dumbledore tells Hagrid where to go immediately after the Potters are killed, but the necessary conclusion in that case is that Hagrid is capable of high-level magic, as well as creating the question of how Dumbledore knew of the Potters’ deaths. Given that Wormtail doesn’t die until Book 7, the much more straightforward conclusion is that Hagrid knew where to go in Book 1 is that Wormtail had let him in on the secret along with Voldemort. We see Hagrid do two amazing things in his very first appearance: he uses a fairly powerful spell with a broken wand, and he uses it in retribution against the Muggle that is bothering him by hurting his Muggle son. This shows both Hagrid is more capable than he lets on, but also shows a blatant disregard for wizarding laws and the safety of Muggles. Hagrid, always looking out for Voldemort’s interest, specifically purchased Harry the most conspicuous owl we ever see, which would be easy to track and observe, which is all the more suspicious given that he did so right after returning to the last known whereabouts of Voldemort’s other servant. The true identity of Voldemort is a mystery only known to a few people. Who was around fifty years ago at Hogwarts who knew Tom Riddle aside from Dumbledore and Slughorn? Hagrid, who was on a first name basis with him. Hagrid is certainly aware Voldemort is Tom Riddle, the boy he knew. In the Diagon Alley chapter of Book 1, he told Harry that Voldemort was a Slytherin, and confirmed he went to Hogwarts years and years ago, something nobody else but Dumbledore or Slughorn know, tying Voldemort to Riddle. Without Hagrid, Harry never would have been able to win the Triwizard Tournament. Hagrid pressured Harry to compete, gave him insider information, conspired, and cheated on his behalf. Only two people knowingly cheated for and contributed to Harry’s success: Crouch-Moody and Hagrid, who conspired together to do it. The end result is Harry being delivered into Voldemort’s trap, taking the Cup/Portkey to the graveyard and restoring Voldemort’s body. After 13 years of hiding, how did Voldemort get his wand back? Priori Incantatem demonstrates that his last spell from this wand were the curses cast in the Potter residence, as well as the recent activity in preparation for the tournament, meaning nobody else used it from his disappearance to his resurrection. There were only a few people present immediately after the Potter murders who could have taken Voldemort’s wand. Hagrid arrived first, and collected Harry to deliver to Dumbledore and the Dursleys. Sirius arrived second. Hagrid references to Dumbledore in the first chapter of Book 1 that he arrived before the place was swarming with Muggles. Nobody else made it to the scene before the Muggles and the Ministry but those two. If Sirius, the Muggles, or the Ministry collected the wand, it would not have ended up in his robes at the graveyard – it would have been snapped in half. A Death Eater had to have obtained the wand prior to its confiscation and likely destruction, and Hagrid is the only available option.

Image credits: Warner Bros. Pictures and co partners
#15 Avengers Infinity War: Thanos' Change Of Character In The 2nd Half Of The Movie And How He Might Be Defeated (Major Spoilers)
Watched IW for the 3rd time today and I realized that after Thanos obtains the soul stone, his entire demeanor changes. Even though Thanos needed the soul stone to complete his mission, I believe it ended up crippling him in the process. Before obtaining the stone, Thanos took lots of joy in killing and completing his mission. Ebony Maw telling Cull Obsidian to “let Thanos have his fun” when fighting the Hulk implies that this is a normal thing. Thanos loves overpowering and crushing his enemies. Now, post soul stone, it seems his entire demeanor changes. Red Skull said the soul stone comes with knowledge, and since Red Skull knew of Thanos before he’s ever met him, it’s safe to assume that the soul stone forms a connection between all the living things in the universe and the wielder of the stone. Not only does it give you knowledge of everyone in the universe, I believe it also gives the wielder insights into the emotions and motivations of those he comes into contact with. This is the “curse of knowledge” both the Red Skull and Thanos talk about. Just knowing who everyone is in the universe isn’t really a curse, but having to experience and understand their struggle, pain, and emotions is the curse. This is why the battle on Titan is so drawn out. I think the Russo brothers knew that there had to be a reason why Thanos doesn’t just win instantly like he does in the first half of the movie. This is because he is crippled with empathy for the other characters. He still has the will to complete his mission, but his struggle on Titan isn’t from fighting the Avengers, it’s from fighting himself. Now, onto the Wakanda battle. We saw that Thanos kind of struggles when he’s pushing down Captain America. He’s struggling because when he makes contact with Steve, he is now feeling all of Steve’s desperation. It actually looks like Thanos is holding back tears when fighting Steve. He has the exact same facial expression as when he is dragging Gamora off the cliff. He sees everything Captain America has been through in an instant. The next person he struggles against is Wanda, who is probably feeling the most grief out of anyone he has encountered yet. He could just close his fist and disable her like he did to Drax, but he can’t bring himself to do it. He isn’t struggling because Wanda is powerful. He’s struggling again because her grief is the same grief he feels when he has to kill Gamora. They both had to kill loved ones to complete their mission. He can’t bring himself to easily overpower her because he’s again reminded of Gamora. Now, the last piece of evidence. After the snap, he looks around confused and dazed. I think he can actually feel the connection to half the souls in the universe being severed at once.

Image credits: Marvel Studios
#16 At Gandalf's Suggestion The Dwarves Ate All Of Bilbo's Food So Nothing Would Be Expired And Rotting When He Returned
Unfortunately I have no substantial evidence but it seems rather absurd that w every dwarf came in and immediately started requesting snacks and beverages. I find it hard to believe 13/13 dwarves are rude and demanding after the claiming to be "at his service", even if they did intend to pay him back. I think Gandalf may have suggested it was in their best interest to arrive with a hearty appetite with an alterior motive, other than to snicker at Bilbo's predicament.

Image credits: WingNut Films and co partners
#17 [The Office] Why The Scranton Employees Become So Weird In Later Seasons
Anyone who has watched The Office knows that the characters become caricatures of themselves as the series goes on. Kevin goes from being a slightly dull, but still functional, accountant in the beginning to trying to glue a turtle's shell back together using office supplies. Dwight goes from the ornery guy who takes his job way too seriously to the guy who shoots a coworker with tranquilizer darts and slides his limp body down the stairs. The branch goes from a dysfunctional, believable office setting to getting so hopped up on espresso that they rip up the carpet. Why do the employees get so weird later in the series? The series has a running joke where Toby wants the building to be checked for radon, but no one ever takes him seriously. However, Toby was right. Over the years, the radon in the building caused many of the Dunder Mifflin employees to develop brain cancer, greatly altering their personalities the longer they worked in the building. The flanderization of their characters is the direct result of radon poisoning in their brains. This is why Michael is so different in the finale. His time in Colorado allowed his brain to overcome the effects of the radon poisoning, thus allowing him to mellow out and become more mature. Edit: Many commentors are saying that the decline in quality happens to shows that last a long time. This is true. However, this theory is a rationalization about why, IN UNIVERSE, the characters behaved the way they did. It is not meant to say that the writers wrote it this way on purpose. The writers' intent is irrelevant to this in universe fan theory.

Image credits: 3 Arts Entertainment and co partners
#18 [DC] The Joker Isnt A "Person", Atleast Not Technically
no, this theory isnt about the movie "the joker" but is more about the joker character IN GENERAL across all media he's involved in. beware heavy spoilers for various batman related comics and for the arkham games. in the batman arkham city videogame, the joker's plan is to donate his toxic blood to hospitals all across gotham, which will infect people with his disease. in the later game, arkham knight, we see atleast 3 different people who have been infected with the joker's blood. its been awhile since i've last seen gameplay of arkham knight but i believe the infected start to behave exactly like the joker and take on his psychotic mannerisms aswell as wear clown-like facepaint. even the "good" one who didnt show any signs of joker-ness later developed the joker's behaviour at the end of this mission. in an old batman comic, batman sits upon the mobius chair, a chair that gives the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. he asks the chair what the joker's true identity is and its later revealed that there have actually been 3 jokers. a bit odd that 3 different people are exactly like the joker, wouldnt you say? and finally, in the joker's red hood origins, its revealed that he turned into the joker when he landed in a vat of toxic chemicals. im not sure what the chemicals were specifically but they definitly altered his DNA. and so, the joker isnt a "person" but rather...a poison. a toxin. what we know as "the joker" is just a side effect that happens when you get exposed to the toxin.

Image credits: Warner Bros.
#19 [Post-Endgame MCU] A Huge Clue Is Left At The End Of Endgame...
So at the end of the movie, Peter is returning to high school. And if you look closely behind him, you can see an administrator welcoming students back to school. That administrator is played by Ben Mendelsohn, who plays Talos (the leader of the small group of Skrulls shown) in Captain Marvel. I had to see the movie twice to make sure I wasn’t losing my mind This HAD to be intentional, and sets up for a Secret Invasion/Wars plotline in future phases

Image credits: Marvel Studios
#20 Willy Wonka (1971) Theory: New And Not Dark!!
With the golden ticket scheme, Wonka was trying to expand his company's empire. All five of the children were specifically chosen because of their preexisting relationship to food. Take a look at Veruca Salt. Her family owns a nut factory, a logical business pairing with a chocolate manufacturer. Mike Teavee is an unwitting expert on media, advertising, and technology because of his addiction to television. On the tour, Wonka specifically shows Mike the prototype for Wonka Vision. Although Mike fails the test, I believe Wonka's original goal was to put Mike in charge of this innovative technology. Violet Beauregarde holds the world record for gum-chewing, so who better to help with the development and advertisement of his new Three Course Dinner Chewing Gum? Violet could give some valuable input on the creative process, and she could use her gum-chewing fame to promote the product. On top of being known for his appetite, Augustus Gloop's father is the most prominent butcher in Drusselheim. Perhaps Wonka was looking to expand to a more international market, or invest in foods unrelated to chocolate. Lastly, I think Wonka chose Charlie Buckets to be the heart of the company. His rags to riches story would inspire and give the big business some emotional capital. He also comes from a frugal family, so he knows how to be efficient with finances. It is important to note that Charlie is the only one who "wins" in the end, so although Wonka's original intent was to branch out to four new markets, Charlie's good heart was the end goal for Wonka's company vision.

Image credits: Mel Stuart
#21 This Is Why "The High Ground" Ended Anakin And Obi-Wan's Duel In "Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith"
There actually is a legitimate foundation for why “The High Ground” would be so important in that moment between those two duelists, allow me to explain. They are dueling on scrap metal floating upon a lava river. Obi-Wan leaps from the raft to an embankment of volcanic gravel and turns back to Anakin, who is now stuck on the aforementioned lava river. Staying here is suicide, going over the Lavafall is death, that is no option. But there is this option: to jump over Obi-Wan. A once successful tactic that Anakin has heard doubtlessly many times. During another duel between Maul and Obi-Wan Maul is overconfident, and lets Obi-Wan marinate in seeming hopelessness but in fact Obi-wan is gathering his strength. Using the force, he leaps out of the hole with a 15 foot vertical and summons his fallen master’s lightsaber. In midair, he ignites the green blade and bisects Maul as he lands, defeating the first. Pretty heroic, right? But do you think that’s how the story goes in Obi-Wan’s head every time he retells it? No, every time Obi-Wan retells that his mind can’t help but show him… alternate circumstances. Every time Obi-Wan replays that duel in his mind, he sees a new outcome. This time, Maul doesn’t turn around to face him, he simply turns his lightsaber around and impales Obi-Wan on it. The next, Obi-Wan’s bisecting attack doesn’t land and instead he has to continue the duel having spent all his stamina on that feat of Force conjuration. He likely never confided in Anakin his fears of that movement’s failure. The most he ever said was probably that it was “brash” or “far to risky”, but Anakin was all too enraptured by the triumph of Good over Evil to listen. So Obi-Wan turned to Anakin and said “It’s over, I have the High Ground” because he, just like Anakin now, had once been in a position where success requires a massive vertical leap over your opponent and he knew the risk that move entailed. Obi-Wan begged Anakin “Don’t try it.”, but Anakin misinterpreted that plea. In his hatred and overconfidence, Anakin felt Obi-Wan’s fear and thought he had found the situation where he could best his master, and that his statement about the High Ground was simply a bluff! Unfortunately, Obi-Wan’s true fear was that the only way to survive that slope on Mustafar, the only hope for the Republic to live, was to make one of a million past nightmares reality.

Image credits: Lucasfilm
#22 Willy Wonka Did Not Give Charlie The Factory As A Reward. It Was A Punishment Just Like He Gave To All The Other Children, Except This One Was The Worst Of All
Owning and running the chocolate factory was not a positive experience for Wonka. It took a very obvious toll on his mental health and made him basically unable to interact with other people. The trials he laid out were to see if the potential kids could take care of the factory. Augustus Gloop proved he would either eat or contaminate the product, Violet couldn't follow rules and let her own temptations disqualify her, Veruca was just mean and couldn't get along with the workers (squirrels), and Mike basically failed for the same reasons Violet did. All of these kids would probably either ruin the factory or sell it for cash. But Charlie was the only one just gullible enough and innocent enough to take care of the factory and follow the rules forever, and Wonka saw that he was the only one suitable to push this hellish existence on. He'll be fine in the near future when his family is alive but when they're all eventually gone then he'll likely realize Wonka's factory was never a reward at all.

Image credits: Mel Stuart
#23 Evil Dead (2013): None Of The Events Are Supernatural, All The Characters Are High From Spiked Well Water
So, at the beginning of the film, we see the protaganist, Mia, dump her drugs(presumably heroin) into the well. Since the cabin is in the middle of the woods, it can only be assumed that the well is the main source of water for the structure. There is no supernatural force acting upon the home, but instead, each character is reacting to the heroin in their system, ingested through the water. At the end of the film, only one character remains alive. Mia. This is, in part, due to the fact that she is a recovering addict and her system is used to the toxin.

Image credits: Sony Pictures Releasing
#24 In Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung The Villain Was Never Denied The Scroll Or His Destiny Of Being The Dragon Warrior. The Denying Of The Scroll To Him Was Just A Test, He Was Supposed To Accept The Denial With Humility. At That Point, He Would Have Proven His Humility And Been Granted The Scroll.
To test whether an acolyte was worthy of completing their training, the dojo will deny an acolyte the scroll at the end to test what kind of person they really are. If an acolyte had truly learned the art of balance and inner peace in addition to his physical training, he would have accepted the denial with humility. In doing so, the acolyte would then prove that he is perfect inside and out, and at that point, the master would then explain that it was just a test and grant him the scroll. Tai Lung failed this test by reacting with anger and hatred. That was why he was never granted the scroll: not because he was not worthy, but because he proved himself unworthy. For all his prowess, tai lung failed the most important test in the end, the test of whether he could exercise his great power with great responsibility. This was clearly hinted strongly by the movie by the fact that the scroll was empty.

Image credits: DreamWorks Animation
#25 [James Bond] Why Bond Orders His Martinis "Shaken, Not Stirred"
Anyone with even a passing familiarity with the James Bond franchise knows he drinks his Martinis "shaken, not stirred". However, Martinis are typically made stirred, as shaking the drink causes the ice to break up, melt quicker and water down the Martini. As a result many Martini drinkers scoff at Bond's order as he is ordering a weaker drink and being pretentious about it. However, I theorise that Bond is ordering a weak drink deliberately so as to make it seem like he is drinking more than he actually is. This is because Bond is almost always on duty in both the books and films and needs to keep his wits about him, either to defend himself or not blab all his secrets to the bartender, but sometimes he will need to drink to maintain his cover. As a compromise he orders a weaker drink to give the appearance that he is more inebriated than he actually is, thus maintaining his cover and gaining an element of surprise over his targets. As for why he still orders them when he seemingly isn't working there are 2 possible answers for this. 1. Bond views himself as always on duty and so always orders the weaker drink, or 2. He just orders it out of habit, or genuinely enjoys the weaker drink.

Image credits: MGM
#26 Marvel [Spoilers] The Reason Captain...
The reason Captain America is able to wield Mjolnir now is because he is worthy. This seems like a duh but it's not so simple. In Age of Ultron we see that he is able to move the hammer because for a moment the hammer senses all the good that Cap is but then it notices his one fault... Later in the movie Scarlett Witch gives all of the Avengers nightmares and they see their worst fears realised. Cap's worst fear is that there will be no more fight. No more war. THIS is the exact reason Odin took Mjolnir from Thor and placed the spell on it. "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." Remember that Thor had a strong desire for combat regardless of the consequences. He was unable to see how to resolve conflicts without violence. This seemingly makes someone unworthy. Now back to Cap in Endgame. He has never felt such defeat like this ever before in his life. But rather than punching away and breaking 30 punching bags a day(Avengers 2012) he is counseling people through their loss. Then in the elevator he easily could have taken all those guys down(we have seen it before Winter Solider 2014) but this time he realizes he doesn't need to fight when he can trick them and no one gets hurt. He obviously had no choice but to fight thanos when he was right there in front of them but he did not want to "punch his way out of this one"-Black Widow(Civil War 2016)... he just wanted to bring back everyone they lost. Now to the end... just like Tony. Cap is ready to rest. He is ready to live a normal life and just be happy. He isn't Captain America anymore. He hasn't been since the Snap. He has just been Steve Rogers. Trying to do what's right and go back home. This makes him worthy.

Image credits: Marvel Studios
#27 In "Bruce Almighty", Morgan Freeman's Character Is Actually Satan, Not God
The entire premise of the movie is that Bruce grew to hate God and then was given incredible powers to prove that being the almighty is harder than it looks. But look at the situation objectively. Satan would see a much greater opportunity in a mortal growing to hate God. That would allow him to tempt and manipulate the person far more than normal. Not only that, but God is supposed to be omnipotent whereas the being that Bruce met had clear limitations (particularly related to free will). The things that Bruce used his powers for also make me question if they came from God. He made a monkey crawl out of a guy's a** (then jump back in) and in a deleted scene, f*****g lit Even Baxter on FIRE with a look of pure maliciousness. Bruce's abuse of his powers eventually caused^ the city to descend into absolute chaos. I just highly doubt that God would allow so many people to get hurt just because one single news anchor had a crisis of faith. The story makes more sense if you think of Morgan Freeman's character as an evil genie giving Bruce exactly what he wishes for and taking pleasure in the chaos that ensues.

Image credits: Spyglass Entertainment and co partners
#28 Predator (1987): The Alien Tries Each Man's Masculinity. Each Man Who Dies Does So In A Manner Befitting His Swagger
It’s a well-worn idea that Predator is a film about masculinity. You have seven men each competing for alpha status, showboating their strength, stoicism, roughness and physical power. I’d like to go a step further. I’d like to suggest that the trials of the film are a test of masculinity, and that each man who dies does so in a way that mocks his masculine performance. Hawkins. Scrawny, glasses-wearing radioman Hawkins is the first to die. Appropriately enough, he is the least successful in projecting his masculinity. He dies when he runs after Anna and catches the attention of the predator. Out of context, the scene almost resembles a rape – Hawkins chases Anna and wrestles her to the ground. But this dynamic is reversed when the predator runs him through, drags him on his back, strips him naked and disembowels him. Blain. Blain’s not the weakest of the remaining crew, but he is certainly the showiest, with his enormous minigun. Blain has the most famous line outside of Arnie’s: when he’s shot in the arm, Ramirez rushes to his aid – “You’re bleeding, man!”. Blain’s having none of it: “I ain’t got time to bleed”. Indeed he doesn’t. When the predator fires a plasma bolt through Blain’s torso, the resulting wound is bloodless. Mac. You’d think that if anyone can out-sneak the predator, it’s Mac, but the predator has him sussed fairly quickly. Sliding on his back, Mac suddenly sees a target on his wrist. It runs over his arm and head and – blam! Mac’s apparent madness makes his head his ‘weapon’. He’s just a little crazy, and that’s supposed to make him scary, but there’s no brain chemistry so unstable it can’t be met with a well-placed microwave pulse. So mocks the predator. Mac promises to ‘bleed’ Dillon ‘slowly’. Mac’s own death seems to be the slowest. Dillon. Dillon greets Dutch with an arm wrestle, and he loses. This turns out to matter. Dillon has his arm lasered off and is shortly run through by the predator’s claws. This death is the most obviously telegraphed: it’s the same arm. In the former scene, the arm is brought to the ground as it desperately pushes back; in the latter, the arm falls to the ground firing its weapon impotently. Ramirez. He’s the green beret who gets hit by the log trap, sent flying and landing in a crippled heap. He limps along for a little while before being unceremoniously shot in the neck. There’s a little ad-hoc addition to the original screenplay. When Blain boldly asserts he “ain’t got time to bleed”, Ramirez quips back: “Oh yeah? Have you got time to duck?”. Ramirez is later crippled by a fast-moving log to the chest that everyone else jumps under. Billy. He acknowledges his fear, listens to his superstitious instincts and generally prefers to act rather than talk. He is granted the most noble death of all the soldiers: an off-screen fate that preserves his mystery and lets us imagine – or rather hope – he died bravely. But he dies all the same, because he chooses not to run. And that is the difference between him and Dutch. Running is how Schwarzenegger’s character survives. He runs and falls into the river, covering himself in mud. He backs into a corner, camouflaged thermally. He lets the predator chase him into a trap, which eventually proves the alien’s undoing.

Image credits: Lawrence Gordon Productions
#29 Casper [1995] Becoming A Ghost Is Punishment
When Casper was asked if he remembered his past he said no. The explanation for this is that when you die “life doesn’t matter that much anymore”. Which insinuates that that is the reason they don’t remember their lives after death. The movie also explains that when if you become a ghost it means you have “unfinished business”. This is mentioned several times throughout the movie. Dr. James Harvey (certified) lost his wife and she did NOT become a ghost because, as she specifically states, she had no unfinished business (which is kind of rude, she died PREMATURELY for Gods sake). If you become a ghost it means you have unfinished business that you must REMEMBER to complete in order to “cross over” i.e enter heaven. The fact that you naturally forget your life is cruel if getting to heaven means remembering it. There’s another layer to this that I think is kind of overlooked. Carrigan – is an a*****e and she honestly did deserve to die. She was the main antagonist. But that’s obvious. what about everyone else? Dr. James Harvey: …kind of an a*****e. He moved his young grieving daughter around while he chased ghosts he didn’t even think existed under the facade of his late wife. Verdict? A*****e. (that’s why he became a ghost and his wife didn’t.) Stinkie, Fatso, Stretch: They’re objectively a*****es. Dr. Harvey even asked them what their unfinished business was and they literally didn’t give a f**k. Verdict? A*****es. Casper: Let’s be completely honest. Casper is an a*****e. The only reason the film happens is because Casper has a crush on a girl and is directly responsible for her having to….yet again move. This even prompted Kats father to have to make an ultimatum (never a good thing). Yeah he was just a kid when he died and it was very sad. But that doesn’t mean he was a good person. Everyone who becomes a ghost is an a*****e and everyone who was presumably nice went straight to heaven despite surely having unfinished business.

Image credits: Universal Pictures
#30 [Harry Potter] [Spoilers] Ron Weasley Used The Imperius Curse On Hermione Granger To Make Her Fall In Love With Him
Disclaimer: The following theory is based solely on evidence presented in the films and does not take any content from the books into consideration. I always felt a little confused as to why Hermione Granger ended up with Ron Weasley. Throughout the series, Ron is (in Harry’s words), a right foul git to Hermione. Yet, despite being treated so horribly, Hermione decides “yeah, this sounds like a perfectly stable foundation for a relationship” and marries him. In the Deathly Hallows part 2, Ron Weasley performs the Imperius curse on Bogrod, the goblin teller. Ron knew about the Imperius Curse from his father, Arthur Weasley. When did Ron practice using the spell to be good enough to charm a goblin teller? Casting a spell in the wizarding world is not as simple as waving a wand and reading the incantation. The ability to successfully perform any spell comes the same way any good skill does – through practice and proper form. He practiced it on Hermione Granger, which explains why she suddenly fell in love with him. Think about it. Ron was a jerk to Hermione across multiple films and then suddenly she’s all over him, being giddy around him, staying at his house, and calling him brilliant. Why would Ron even want to mind-control Hermione? It’s because he’s jealous of her affection for Harry and is tired of being in Harry’s shadow. He’s the youngest of 5 older brothers who is always in trouble (and being howled at), constantly being teased by older siblings, and given embarrassing hand-me-down items. Know what would make it all worse? If one day, you met a boy who was stupidly famous, obscenely rich, ludicrously successful no matter what he did, and was always the center of everyone’s attention. And when you’re always in the shadow of your friend’s glory, you start becoming resentful and jealous. The films have demonstrated Hermione to be a strong wizard, amazingly smart and incredibly skilled in a variety of subjects and skillsets. Normally, I would wager that Hermione would be able to resist the Imperius Curse. Except, Hermione is not always strong willed. In fact, when it comes to her friends, we’ve seen her succumb to their requests before. When did it all happen? I believe, sometime during the Order of the Phoenix, Ron Weasley used the Imperius Curse on Hermione Granger. This is the time we start seeing Hermione hang around Ron a little more closely but she hasn’t quite started falling over him. That happens during the events of the Half-Blood Prince where Hermione is not only sleeping over at Ron’s house a few days before the start of the school year but she’s also looking at him more and becoming incredibly upset when he runs off with other girls. But while I believe Ron bewitched Hermione, I don’t believe Hermione was under the influence the entire time. I believe Ron used the curse a few times in short bursts. Just long enough to start grooming Hermione so that she notices him instead of Harry. I also believe that the kiss Ron and Hermione share during the Deathly Hallows part 2 is not because of the Imperius Curse, but is a direct consequence of Hermione being cursed multiple times.

Image credits: Warner Bros. Pictures and co partners
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