Hey Pandas, What’s Something That Feels Embarrassing But Shouldn’t?

What is something that feels embarrassing to do, but shouldn't feel that way because there's nothing wrong with it?


Being overweight and going to the gym. I've actually stopped completely...I just work out at home. The stares and snickering was too much to deal with when I'm just trying to work out.


Mispronouncing words, grammar mistakes, and word choice while learning a new language. It's way less tragic than it feels, and most native speakers butcher their own routinely.


Admitting you have a severe depression and need to take medsand have therapy to not harm yourself.

(Was told I was "damaged goods" because of my illness)


Buying contraceptives and basically any other sexual wellness products in a physical store.


Going to a shop and walking out without buying anything


Being in a deadly silent bathroom where you know some of the other stalls are occupied and trying to quietly change pads without everyone knowing what your doing.


Compliments, at least for me they feel embarrassing.


Doing number two in a public washroom. The sounds are one reason why I choose home.


Talking about feminine things in front of my dad. Example: periods , bras, pads ect


Eating alone at a restaurant especially fancy ones. People always talk about treating yourself and taking yourself out for dates, but when you actually hit up a restaurant alone the vibe isn't always the same.


Talking about money. I was invited on a girl's trip and had to say no because I couldn't come up with cash in the short amount of time needed to book the trip. My friend said that I embarrassed her by telling the other girls that I couldn't afford it.


Stretch marks. Body hair, or lack of it. Breast size. Penis size. Mental illness. Starting your life at 40 instead of 16. Niche interests. So many things....


asking for help more than once in class


Coming out.
I know it is a little embarassing but I swear I almost died of embarassment.


Going to a sex shop. And generally everything with sex as a topic is seen as vulgar and a complete Taboo.


Getting out of the pool Its just so awkward. and also when your crouching in the shallow end and someone goes "you could just stand ya know" LIKE YEA I KNOW IM JUST INSECURE.


Being hungry at a friends house, or having your host offer you something and saying yes, WHY DOES IT SEEM SO SO RUDE AND EMBARASSING!? Haha


Singing in front of other people. I know lots of other people do it, but it just makes me feel really exposed and awkward.


Leaking on a period. Sure, it's annoying and uncomfortable, but it's not like it was a choice.


Practicing any instrument you are learning at home around family. You don't know how to play very well which is why you need to learn and practice but you feel dumb struggling through easy songs with people that can hear you.


My false teeth. Since high school. I know there's nothing wrong but i still didn't tell to anybody


Exercising in your room as a kid. I don't know why.


enjoying ""childish"" things as an adult


Having your period


Asking for anything especially at restaurants


When your talking to someone and they correct you because you got something wrong. Even if its just the pronounciation of a random word. I always feel so amshamed and I don't know why


Farting and burping.


when a car is stopped to let you cross the street ?


A giant zit on your cheek that make up won't even begin to cover.


Asking for the bathroom key at those gas stations that require one, especially when they take a really long time to get it.

Also, mentioning that I'm not ok. Whenever someone thinks im unhappy i get super embarrassed and it makes it all worse


When you have to run to catch the bus, you're out of breath, and you start breathing heavily on the bus. Idk why but this just seems to embarrassing to me.




Using the bathroom at school


Prostate and colon exams, especially for older men with a family-run medical history on the subject.


Public speaking


walking into school with a project its so awkward


Being over 25 and single.


Wanting to go home because you are done socializing. But if you say so, everyone is offended and it’s embarrassing, even though it barely has anything to do with them.


drinking water from a bottle in front of people- im always scared im gonna spit it out or something


Letting my husband see me naked.


Opening a gift- expectations of my reaction.


Having marital problems and going to counseling to help fix it shouldn't feel embarassing


Having filled your cart in the supermarket and at the check-out suddenly remember you left your wallet on the kitchen table....not in itself embarrassing,but the long line of grumpy shoppers behind you will not let that opportunity go amiss...and bond in universal disapproval of «moi»....I exit with the tail between my legs...


ordering something in a restaurant that they don't have(for me at least)


wearing t-shirts and shorts. idk about anyone else, but i have really skinny arms and legs but i only have oversized t-shirts and hoodies. it gets really hot in the summer but i'll be damned if anyone sees these limbs!


Going into a bra shop in the mall. I'm so embarrassed at the chance of seeing a male colleague.


Accidentally walking in the wrong bathroom. An honest accident doesn’t really seem like it should make you as embarrassed as it does.


Asking someone if you can pet their dog. Idk but yea


Stimming in public


1. It doesn't embarrass me as much as it used to, but my children's gas. Both have bladder/bowel issues and take Mira-lax to make them go. Plus side, no enemas. Down side, lots of gas.

2. Having to find a tall person to reach something on a high shelf while shopping.

3. Losing words or using the wrong word when talking. I get a lot of 'huh?'s


I’m 38 and enjoy playing video games.


napping. 30 minutes nap has been proved to boost my productivity compared to being forced to stay awake and work


Mensuration. I "came of age" in 1970.My mom had 4 daughters and never talked to any of us about it. I learned it in Health Class at school. It was considered to be something that you just shouldn't talk about. Hence, we were basically being taught to be embarrassed and ashamed about something that is normal and natural.




Getting my period in school. I feel something wet in my pants and I think 'f**k'. And I just feel sooo embarrassed when I put my hand up to ask to go to the bathroom, and I feel like everyone's looking at me and judging me. It's even worse when it's a male teacher or they say 'No, you should have gone at breaktime!' and I'm too fuckign embarrassed to explain WHY.


When my friends are talking about boyfriends and I make a comment about me getting a girlfriend and they turn to me and look like “Ohhhhhhh yeah you’re gay”. Never say anything but my face still heats up.


2 things. 1, saying "Your welcome". I don't know why but it sounds really rude to me. "Hey, I like your shirt! Unicorns are so cool!" "Oh, thanks!" "Your welcome!" It sounds like someone is super self absorbed and, yeah, I just complimented you for my own self gain >=}. And 2, Talking to my friends when I see them outside of school. I get super anxiety.


The human body and its functions in general. we all have one so wth


When you’re a kid at a checkout and one of these two things happens: 1) your parent asked you to run and grab something, or 2) leaves you at the checkout while they go and grab something (One time I had to stay at the checkout with my whining/yelling little brother because my dad left his wallet in the car). Also when my friends talk about periods and they’re all like “yeah I only use tampons” but I’m over here only using pads coz tampons scare me ;-;


When you yawn when someone is talking to you. I'm not bored, my brain is just prompting me to suck in a bit more oxygen.


Putting on deo in public


Crushes. Whenever I confess to any of my crushes, I start crying from embarrassment! I know I shouldn't feel that way because all love is beautiful. There is nothing wrong with being in love and yet, I try to shove those feelings deep down and forget about them, which only makes them stronger.


Showing more skin at the beach. I was raised being taught it was wrong. I’m trying to work up the courage to show my belly. It’s all very embarrassing.


A woman's annual physical and Pap test. Some say it's embarrassing or painful, but cervical cancer is far worse.


voice cracks.


Nursing a baby in public. I was never embarrassed about it, but I notice that other women seem to be self-conscious and cover up the baby with a cloth. I think everyone needs to relax about this! I think it’s adorable and should be encouraged.


Everybody farts...sometimes.


asking for a tampon.
being at school and having to go to the nurse.


Being silly and then getting roasted by my best teacher. I miss her.


Buying sanitary products and a young Male is the checkout


I have allergies pretty bad in the spring and summer. When I sneeze I don't have this little phufff. Mine are huge honking, rock me to the core sneezes. And I don't just sneeze once. Oh, no, I usually sneeze a minimum of 5 times, sometimes as many as 10 to 15 sneezes over the period of about 5 minutes. My record is 21 in a row.

Needless to say, I get embarrassed when I sneeze.


singing in front of literally my grandma or mom when they are literally the ones who be hearing my loud mouth sing


Running with a backpack on.

And running for the train when you're about to miss it. Something about knowing all the people on the train are staring at you thinking 'poor soul. Oh well, should've had better time management!'. I know! I saw a cute dog on the walk down! I'm sorry!


Whenever I sing. I sing rlly well! I just get embarrassed


Music preferences, what video games i play, a culture i love.


I've a few: Asking for help when I need help, getting hurt and getting scared about it, going to a public restaurant with friends, and ordering more than 2 things, liking a show that like,1 person in my friend group hates, When the teacher shares my grade with the class, especially when it's really low, and when I have a wrong opinion


(This might not quite be right for this sorry)
When I went to school and your class was late for assembelly for whatever reason, it could have been the teachers fault or something but it would be called 'The Walk Of Shame' and so something that isn't your fault was made to make you feel awkward or embarrased and yeah.




Every time That I couldn’t hold a fart in front my husband I just looked at him and say : I hate you ! Because I’m get so embarrassed and I know he will make fun of me.


Eating healthy or trying to better your mental or physical health when there are other people around.

For example, every time I try and eat more healthy food (still living at home with my parents) I get anxious that my mum will ask why I put this or that on the shopping list as we don't normally buy it. Or why I was making so much noise/moving around so much upstairs (exercising. My bedroom is right above the kitchen) She asked the first time I did it, but anytime after that, nothing.


Fart when you are delivering a baby.. It's normal, but super embarrassing


blowing your nose in the bathroom when it's really, really quiet


Using the school locker room after gym class and taking a shower


So my parents are going through a bit of weight loss,and also my brother is realy super intense,and I dont like talking about it.


three words... Secret Workout Session


Buying toilet paper. Yep.


Being an Ultra, Ultra Sensitive! Tried to keep her under wraps for decades until I realized it’s my Super Power, and that it makes me an excellent at any thing I have ever done in life!
Dental Hygienist, Body Worker, Communications and Relationship Consultant, EFT educator, Author, Poet, Shamanic Practitioner, Equine Education Facilitator, a loving Horse Woman, wife, Mother, friend!


Aw, man, periods.


Carrying anything to and around school. Like a lunchbox, school project, or a change of clothes. It just seems humiliating for some reason to just have to carry around a plastic bag or a giant piece of cardboard. I don’t get why.


Walking past victoria secret as a young lesbian (and to this day too). Idk if this is how it is with dudes but definitely for me.


Walking outside with a glass from your house.


I used to be so conscious about my body, and how I have to consciously hold in my stomach muscles so that I can breathe properly (thoracogenic scoliosis). It made my posture weird. Also being body shamed by family members and other kids at school. Now I'm the opposite. I DGAF. I walk around my house in my underwear (or completely stark naked), and my kids don't care either. We have a "if you don't want to wear pants, you don't have to" policy at home.


When my brother watches a kid's TV show and even though I'm not watching it, I still get embarassed when my dad walks into the room even tho i didn't choose nor watch the show.


Doing the deed when other ppl are around

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3fiuNpI
via Boredpanda

Hey Pandas, What’s Something That Feels Embarrassing But Shouldn’t? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
