39 Things People In This Online Group Speculate Won’t Go Back To Normal Once The Pandemic Is Over

Over a year into the pandemic seemingly is giving more insight into what the post-pandemic world would potentially look like. So many things, including our daily social life and working habits, most likely have changed already and perhaps they will keep on evolving and never even go back to their previous forms. The all-knowing and all-opinion-sharing Reddit online group r/AskReddit was asked by its member u/sinosty, who dropped the surely thought-provoking question ‘What will never be the same again once the pandemic is over?’

It seems that that wearing bras might not make a comeback, as well as touching any surface and not thinking about washing your hands or grabbing your sanitizer immediately. It also could have ‘normalized’ some things that were less common, such as adults living with their parents or wearing face coverings in public. Below are the best examples of the predictions shared by people online.

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The weird pride surrounding dragging yourself to work when you're sick.

Image credits: nindiesel


I really REALLY hope all this sets a new precedent in terms of public sanitation. The amount of places that are like 'look, we're doing full sanitation procedures to make sure you stay safe!' and it's like...you weren't before?! Grotty.

Image credits: liliangoose


Our healthcare workforce. I'm afraid of a mass exodus of nurses in particular. This pandemic kicked everyone's a**, but none more so than healthcare workers.

Image credits: BookishJuka


Sitting in a doctor's office waiting room when you're sick. I feel like lots of people will wear masks to hospitals and doctor's offices from now on.

Image credits: LiquidOcelot41


I haven’t had so much as a head cold in 2020. Guessing the extra sanitization and general cleanliness has been helpful? I always washed my hands like normally but maybe extra focus is a good idea forever.

Image credits: coldhandswarmearth


I'm never wearing a bra again babyyyyyyyyy!

Image credits: justAHeardOfLlamas


The blissful ignorance of sticking my fingers in a random bowling ball, then proceeding to eat food without a care in the world.

Image credits: Corner_beat


Hopefully pizza delivery. No contact pizza delivery is the best thing to come out of this.

Image credits: BrightFireFly


Many smaller businesses that are already heavily suffering will not able to recover even after the pandemic because it has become so normal for many to just use amazon... So please support your local businesses!

Image credits: mikevseveryone


Let's wear masks in public whenever we might be feeling under the weather. I always thought that a very sensible and considerate gesture to make when I saw it being done in other parts of the world.

Image credits: loopnlil


Not that I ever did it much previously, but I highly doubt I’ll ever eat at a buffet again.

Image credits: itsastonka


No one will trust you if you have the common cold or a slight cough.

Image credits: CarmenArlie


My mental health.

Image credits: Chronicle89


I wonder if this will cause a boom in the entertainment industry and Restaurants. As much as I like eating, and watching movies at home. Sometimes there is nothing like getting out of the house and being able to enjoy a good movie or a meal out.

Though I do hope this causes movie prices to go down. $20 for a movie, and even BEFORE the Pandemic hit, most movies weren't even worth that money.

Image credits: Randym1982


The health of people who had permanent organ damage due to COVID.

Image credits: MiseryMiss


Adult kids living with their family. I think it'll be more widely accepted in the Western world.

Image credits: jt13


You’re going to see a lot of businesses go fully remote permanently, so a lot of people are going to be moving out of cities into the suburbs so they are going to start booming and turning into small cities.

Image credits: THExBEARxJEW


I think the plexiglass dividers at checkouts will stay around.

Image credits: awkwardmeghan


I have a slightly different take on some of this stuff—like handshakes, hugging, and casual physical contact.

I think we’re gonna go back to doing these things just as soon as we feel it’s safe. (I know some parts of the country people already are, for better or worse...) But it’s so important for human interaction. I just think we’re going to actually appreciate how important these things are.

Just being close to someone and looking them in the eye after shaking their hand or patting them on the back is critical to making a personal connection. Yeah I know masks don’t cover your eyes but not being able to see half of someone’s face is terrible when it comes to basic human interaction.

Image credits: SovietTrollFarm


Commuting. I’m sure I will work from home regularly. Traffic jams will not disappear, but will be less common.

Image credits: gozba


6-10 feet of space between people in waiting lines

Image credits: Mecmecmecmecmec


In the long term, once the pandemic is over I don’t think a whole lot is going to change, but I do see the loss of many small businesses being permanent.

There will be fewer people working in offices than before, but I don’t think permanent WFH is going to catch on as much as people predict. While some people love WFH, some people hate it, or they are unable to do it effectively, and I think over time there will be some recruitment and retention issues. Those who want to WFH will migrate to companies that are full WFH, while those who want to work in an office will migrate to those jobs.

Image credits: yyz_guy


It will no longer be weird to wear face coverings in public so celebrities will always wear them to not be recognised

Image credits: Austinpowerstwo


The feeling of being in a rave, passing round water and sharing bodily fluids, being the thousandth person to use a porta-loo and singing with all your breath, will never be the same again

There is no way we can feel that free again without the pandemic thoughts creeping in

Image credits: ijustmakecocktails


Trust in governments.

It wasn't good to begin with, but now it is virtually non-existent.

They turned one of the biggest tragedies of this century into a power grab; most govenments, all around the world. As far as I'm concerned, there is no forgiveness for them.

Image credits: HistoriansAlwaysLie


Snow days are dead, school will just be online

Image credits: StrangeDeformedBird


Casinos. I thought they were skanky and dirty before covid (but still fun as hell). Now standing at a craps table shoulder to shoulder breathing 20 dudes air and sharing chips with dozens of people for hours sounds f****** gross.

Image credits: justpuddingonhairs


Having to sneeze in public

Image credits: Ekeinaes


Can we keep drive-up doctor's visits? I get upper respiratory infections almost every winter and being able to sit in my car and have the doc come to me was ?magical?. (No big waiting room/little waiting room while miserable!)

Image credits: Southern_Blonde


I don't think i can ever touch anything again without thinking about the germs all over it :(

Image credits: mr-meebles


I think cruise ships might be done for lol

Image credits: Allomonk


For me, grocery shopping. I haven’t been inside a store in several months. It’s really nice to be able to pull up at a store and have someone load groceries into the trunk. Right now it’s free in my city but I would happily pay to use this service.

Image credits: Ok-Statistician-1513


For me, job interviews. I’ve always been bad at them, and I’ve never really had any questions for the interviewer, which I know can be heresy in some places. Can’t wait to ask every employer what they/their business did to accommodate their employees and follow/enforce CDC guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic, as this time was very telling about the natures of various people and businesses when the going gets tough

Image credits: divine_trash_4


Movie theaters. I think they’ll still be around, but there will be fewer, and it won’t be the only place to see brand new movies. People will only go for the experience.

Image credits: littlegreenb18


Birthday parties. No more blowing candles. Ever. Again.

Image credits: Desolsh


Boundaries between work/school and home. When many businesses and schools went completely virtual, there was no longer the boundary of work/school is at work/school and home is at home. Now work/school is at home, and many of them feel as though all your time is now their time. The common attitude many people have already seen from many businesses/schools is "you're at home so you're not doing anything anyway." They contact you at inappropriate hours, assume you have all the time in the world to take on a much higher work load, and make demands they wouldn't otherwise make. Breaks/days off are also often not respected, as again, the general attitude is "you're at home so you're not doing anything anyway."

Image credits: peppapigisthecoolest


Snow days. It won’t be much of a debate anymore it will be more like yo the roads arnt good so y’all just stay home snd zoom for the day we will be back in person tommorow

Image credits: why_2k


Having to go back into an office when working from home produced the same results.

Image credits: realish7


Being able to order drinks through an app while you’re at a bar!

Image credits: Rosieishere12

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39 Things People In This Online Group Speculate Won’t Go Back To Normal Once The Pandemic Is Over Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
