35 Things That Are Very Common In TV And Movies But Never Happen In Real Life Shared By People Online

Movies and TV shows provide a perfect setting for escapism with their twisting plots, colorful characters, and captivating stories (also the abundance of on-screen hotties). But not all the situations are relatable, as well as certain depictions of daily things that are not quite close to reality. Whether it’s the continuity department not paying too much attention to certain details, or it happening by sheer accident and focus getting directed to more important plot points—spectators will point out numerous unrealistic details. But we all know it’s a quest to find a parking place right in front of your house, how practically impossible it is guessing other people's passwords correctly in less than 3 goes, or that there’s no point in believing in the existence of fresh-out-of-college young and aspiring artists immediately landing a huge flat in a prime area of LA.

r/AskReddit—a place for asking and answering various questions—recently inquired about "What happens in movies or TV that seems to be normal and you think to yourself ’that is not what people in real life do?’" And below are the pretty spot-on answers that will make you look twice at some scenes of the movie or TV show you’re currently watching.

More info: Reddit


Everyone has 1 paper bag for groceries. And it has a celery stalk and loaf of french bread sticking out the top.

Image credits: ArachnidBeneficial61


Women can be in the jungle for weeks, and they don't have hair growing anywhere. Men immediately begin to grow a beard.

Image credits: Dream_babe


When women run around in heels with perfect hair and makeup, and the dirt and sweat makes their hair and makeup look even better.

Looking at you, Jurassic World.

Image credits: ISeeMusicInColor


(Hands someone a burner phone.)

"Keep this on you day and night. It rings, you betta answer."

"Okay. Do you have the charger?"

"The what?"

"This phone, did it come with a charger? It's not USB. It has one of those cylindrical ports, like on an old Nokia."

"Look pal..."

"Hey, you're the one giving out phones. It's charged now. How did you charge it?"

Image credits: llcooljessie


Young singles living in million dollar condos that overlook the city.

Image credits: kwinner7


Having highly confidential conversations about 4 foot away from the people they are talking about, and not being overheard.

Image credits: Goose-rider3000


Preparing a huge five-star breakfast (pancakes, waffles, fruit, biscuits, oatmeal, omelette, etc.) that no one eats; I don't even understand why that's a thing in movies and TV shows.

Image credits: RefinedJoker


Whenever a simple miscommunication happens, no ever stops and clarifies with the other person. Like if one 10 sec conversation can derail an entire plot thread im not interested.

Image credits: bleedsdaylight121


In horror movies, everyone runs upstairs. If there was something chasing you wouldn’t head for the door to get outside? Also you’re creeped out in the house but you never turn on the light?

Image credits: Horrorwriterme


Girl vomiting = pregnant

Someone hiccoughs = drunk

Someone coughing = seriously ill

Image credits: MrSpotgold


Answers phone:

"Hello? (listens to the caller for one second)... what do you mean Tim got kidnapped by a drug cartel while he was shopping with his family in his trip to South America?"

Image credits: Casper_Arg


Find a parking spot right in front of their building.

Image credits: irishamerican


No one using a computer ever uses a mouse. It’s just constant, frantic typing.

Image credits: Santos_L_Halper_II


Being a young, aspiring artist/writer/actor living alone in a nice, spacious apartment in a prime area of a big city like New York or LA.

Image credits: SDFDuck


One thing that drives me berserk in movies is when someone is driving and talking to their passenger. They refuse to keep their eyes on the road and insist on making prolonged eye contact with the person next to them. In the movies this often means a jump-scare car crash is about to happen.

I'd like to say that's unrealistic but my mom used to drive that way all the time. I hated going anywhere with her.

Image credits: RonPolyp


Always talking all clever and witty, without uhhh stuttering, or ummm.... pausing to think about what you're going to say, or never forgetting what you were about to say, what else was I going to say? I forgot.

There are only two movies with realistic dialogue: Napoleon Dynamite and the Big Lebowski

Image credits: elf-pudding


Guessing the passwords of other people correctly

Image credits: Transitionals


Come over to a friend's place, stay there for all of 30 seconds to talk about something plot-relevant, and then just leave right away.

Image credits: fd1760


When they knock on the door or ring the doorbell and someone opens it within 2 seconds

Image credits: iwtoblv


Be a struggling writer while living in a multi-million dollar mansion. That one always puzzles me.

Or, a family moves into an expensive house, but neither parent has a job lined up yet. Yeah, how'd that loan approval process go, you frauds? You can't tell me they could all pay cash...

Image credits: sump___erson


Getting hit over the head and knocked out........then just waking up later on and acting like they just have a small hangover.

Image credits: scottiebass


School buses honking and waiting for kids that are still in the house. If I wasn’t at the bus stop when the bus arrived, it would drive on by. It didn’t stop. It didn’t honk. It didn’t wait.

Image credits: DannyC990


On the phone making plans: “ok, meet me at 5?” “sure.” And that’s the whole plan. Where are you meeting? Planning to meet someone in a public place never goes this smoothly

Image credits: bees_knees5628


Go to bed wearing full make-up

Image credits: Haunting-Aardvark709


Dreaming of kissing a beautiful woman, but actually you're just being licked by a f****** animal

Image credits: I_Am_Terry


End a call and hang up the phone without saying goodbye.

Image credits: ShermanKrebbs


Typing keyboard furiously to hack in seconds

Image credits: Transitionals


Every time anyone sneezes people assume they're sick, like don't they ever get random sneezes

Image credits: jatinvj-sumba-d-else


Taking turns talking. Like in cop shows when one cop begins an explanation, then the next one picks up the story at a seamlessly convenient spot, then the third adds, “but...” and throws in some more.

No one in real life has ever talked like that.

Image credits: madcats323


The amount of ultimatums in "romantic" movies is appalling. No real relationship can last if you're at the point of an ultimatum, you're just putting a dysfunctional relationship on life support for another week or two.

People don't stop doing stupid s***, they just learn to hide it from you better.

Image credits: TemptCiderFan


Wake up at 6am no matter what time of year and it is bright and sunny.

Image credits: peoplecallmeamy


In the show Workin' Moms, there's an office meeting where people sit down, do the jokes and plot points, and then adjourn the meeting.

At no point do they talk about anything related to work. What was the meeting for?

Image credits: aintnufincleverhere


Soldiers running towards the enemy instead of hanging back and setting up suppressing fire

Image credits: HECUMARINE45


putting baby in a playpen when your friend visits and said baby doesn’t scream.

Image credits: dudettte


When they are playing video games and just turn off the tv. Lol

Image credits: CJroo18

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3w4GmGE
via Boredpanda

35 Things That Are Very Common In TV And Movies But Never Happen In Real Life Shared By People Online Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
