Business in the front, party in the back! And that's not limited just to us, humans.
There's a new trend sweeping the internet and it's making us as confused as it's about to make you, dear Pandas. Dog owners have been taking them to their local groomers and asking for… mullets. Yes, dogs with mullets are a thing and they're here on Bored Panda in all their infamous glory!
Have a look below at how the wonderfully weird hairstyle looks on canines and upvote the pics that you liked the most. And be sure to share your thoughts. Do you say ‘yea' or ‘nay' to dog mullets, dear Pandas? ‘Yea' or 'nay'?
One person who believes that dogs with mullets is an "unexplored goldmine" of an internet trend is the creator of the 'Dogs with Mullets' page over on Facebook. They told Bored Panda that it seems like an entertaining and funny idea and hopes that mullet canines will be a long-term trend, not just a passing one.

Image credits: DroneWatson

Image credits: streetpuma

Image credits: chrisallendoty
The founder of 'Dogs with Mullets,' a small community page dedicated to (yup, you guessed it) dogs with mullets, believes that there's an obvious link between hairstyle and fashion trends in the human and the canine worlds. "Really, humans dictate dog styling trends more, obviously. I don't think anybody saw 'The Littlest Hobo' and said, 'Give me the German Shepherd, to their barber," they joked that (at least for now), we influence dogs more than they do us.
Dog owners have been posting photos of their dogs with mullets under the #dogmullet hashtag on Instagram, so keep an eye on it in the future to see if the trend booms or goes bust.

Image credits: froggy_style77


Image credits: foxie_the_pom_
"I would like to see more people fashioning themselves after our canine friends. So make it happen, be the change you wanna see and all that," they said.
In the Facebook page founder's opinion, one of the classics of the dog hairstyle world is the poodle cut that's likely to never go out of style because "people seem to love poodles."



As for the dogs with mullets trend, the founder of 'Dogs with Mullets' wants it to spread as far and as wide as possible. For one, they think that the hairstyle looks great on our four-legged friends; what's more, they'd love to have more photos to feature on their page as time goes by. "I am all for mullets on dogs. Let [the trend] stay as long as possible, I beg of you!"

Image credits: ronnie_the_rocket_spaluki

Image credits: squeakyypepe

Image credits: ellamaemiller
Mullets are making a return in the human world in the form of the ‘modern mullet’ haircut (long back hair, short side hair, medium-length top hair) and stars like Miley Cyrus have been embracing the style. So it’s no wonder that some dog owners and groomers are drawing inspiration from human trends, as well.
Just like with us humans, there are hairstyle trends for our pets as well. Some are here to stay for a very long time, others go out of fashion incredibly quickly. While still others make an occasional reappearance and make us feel nostalgic for the good old days when life seemed simpler.


Image credits: lukejohnson14

Whether or not dog mullets will pass the test of time is still up for grabs. I'd wager that the hairstyle is goofy enough to stay relatively popular among a small group of returning customers. Popularity might grow if mullet-wearing spreads among people even further, too.


Image credits: wagsnwigglesdoggiedayspa

Giving your dog a mullet simply doesn't scream ‘classy!' enough to grow from an internet trend to a mainstream fad, in my opinion. But who knows—I could be wrong and soon enough, we'll be seeing plenty of four-legged buddies being the perfect blend of formality and fun gallivanting around our local parks.

Image credits: lindybrett

Image credits: lunocio

Image credits: prometheusandbalthazar
I'll be completely honest with you, dear Pandas, I actually laughed out loud when I saw my first photo of a dog with a mullet. I mean, there you are, happily living your best life and [bam!] like a bolt from the blue, dogs with mullets drop smack dab in the middle of your radar. You're not sure what to think or what to feel.


Image credits: he_unicycling_unicorn

Does it work? Is it a silly trend that turns doggos into helpless fashion victims? That's for you to decide, dear Pandas. If you ever gave your dog a mullet, would you get one as well in solidarity? We'd love to hear your thoughts on whether the mullet dog trend looks good or if it should be forgotten as soon as possible.



Image credits: J1beri5h

Image credits: shopwkel

Image credits: ronan_thewheaten


Image credits: natalooski

Image credits: esmerain_

Image credits: cino_the_huskymaltesepoodle

Image credits: ebsie_fam

Image credits: wondermuttmilo

Image credits: mghphoto_

Image credits: brooklynpidi

Image credits: aboutbuzz

Image credits: brendengintz

Image credits: theblondebomberblog

Image credits: aboutbuzz

Image credits: oso_the_texas_newfie

Image credits: ronnie_james_doodle

Image credits: megan_thedogroomer



Image credits: rachel.ann.kelly

Image credits: Kansas_Cash

Image credits: Karen




Image credits: milas_breakables

Image credits: 4070 Hydro bathing and Grooming

Image credits: mcfunisher


Image credits: sonjakv

Image credits: unclehossie

Image credits: unclehossie

Image credits: unclehossie

Image credits: doyameme

Image credits: denali_olli

Image credits: gatorandpo

Image credits: mandawilly

Image credits: therealemzee23

Image credits: hairxbyxash

Image credits: brendengintz

Image credits: cheongy

Image credits: laurenflash_

Image credits: broomecountyhumanesociety

Image credits: bellalunapetresort

Image credits: fantasticfranticcat

Image credits: fantasticfranticcat

Image credits: ronnie_james_doodle

Image credits: waggilyeverafter

Image credits: thewooferdoodle

Image credits: jeffsmandi

Image credits: samsel323
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