17 Spot-On Memes About Quarantine Featuring Funny Animals By Comedy Pet Photo Awards

It’s most likely guaranteed that our pets make us laugh pretty often, if not on a daily basis. And owners always have to share something with the internet (if not, are you even a pet owner?). This time, the people behind the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards came up with another genius competition. This time, they are celebrating National Pet Day (Sunday, 11th of April—if you missed this date, you should celebrate with your pet(s) right now) with some light-hearted memes about quarantine as the lockdown restrictions begin to lift in some countries.

Here are some positive, feel-good, and funny pet images from the competition, which is still open on their website for you to submit your funniest pet photos with some tongue-in-cheek memes. Below you can see some of the best ones so far and read what the Animal Friends Comedy Pet Photo Awards masterminds had to share with Bored Panda.

More info: Animal Friends Comedy Pet Photo Awards


Image credits: Candice Sedighan

The Animal Friends Comedy Pet Photo Awards came into being when Paul Joynson-Hicks and Tom Sullam (who had previously founded the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards) thought—why not see if they could create a positive photo competition that anyone with a pet could enter, that would result in some feel-good happy vibes and, most importantly, contribute to getting people engaged with animal welfare and raising some much-needed money for pet charities. The competition is all about funny images and videos of pets and celebrating them. This year, they have teamed up with Animal Friends Pet Insurance, which allows them to donate part of the competition funds to a charity that the Animal Friends Comedy Pet Photo Awards have chosen, called Animal Support Angels. They are a small grassroots charity that, according to Michelle Wood, team member of Comedy Pet, do amazing work.


Image credits: Katie Read

Michelle also shared that for National Pet Day, (which should be every day, in everyone’s opinion!) they wanted to create something that was relevant to the UK at this weird time and to connect it to the lighter side of the lockdown restrictions lifting, which is consuming a lot of people’s thoughts at the moment. “Many of the images we get are examples of anthropomorphism, where the pets are seemingly doing and behaving just like us, which is hilarious. So we thought it would be fun to present some of the quirkier images with some thoughts and anxieties that are all running through our minds as we get some of our freedoms back. Sort of anthropomorphism in reverse!”


Image credits: Nivole Rayner


Image credits: Iain McConnell

As it is the second consecutive year of holding these awards, lots of people have been asking Comedy Pet Photo Awards why they do the competition and what they are trying to achieve. So they came up with a really brilliant explanation after having tea and biscuits that “we want to promote positive awareness of animal welfare issues and celebrate the incredible and valuable contribution that pets can and do have on our lives.” Michelle also shared that “we hope to make people smile, think about their pets—their importance to our lives, to our physical and mental health, companionship, and to raise some awareness around pet charities and what we can do to help. We also want to try and engage with people on improving animal welfare and being kinder to the animals that we share this amazing planet with.”


Image credits: Iain McConnell Stasys Povilaitis


Image credits: Maria Indurain


Image credits: Nando Harmsen


Image credits: Alex Class


Image credits: Alice van Kempen


Image credits: Karen Hoglund


Image credits: Heather Ross


Image credits: Xavier Pladelloren


Image credits: Sally Thomas


Image credits: Stasys Povilaitis


Image credits: Magdalena Strakova


Image credits: Ilana Rose


Image credits: Hetwei van der Putten

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/2QkZBMk
via Boredpanda

17 Spot-On Memes About Quarantine Featuring Funny Animals By Comedy Pet Photo Awards Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
