165 Times People Spotted Something ‘Mildly Interesting’ And Documented It For The Internet To See (New Pics)

Can I get a drumroll, please? It’s time for (in my humble opinion) one of the best recurring features on Bored Panda—a round-up of the best latest photos from the ‘Mildly Interesting’ subreddit. A community with nearly 18.8 million members, r/mildlyinteresting is a haven for original photos of, well, mildly interesting stuff. We’ve been mildly impressed by how friendly and genuinely creative the community is time and time again. And we hope that you’ve been, too, dear Pandas.

Check out their latest top posts below and remember to upvote your fave ones as you’re scrolling down. Oh, and when you’re done, have a look through Bored Panda’s recent posts about the subreddit over here, right here, as well as here. It’s cool. It’s witty. And it’ll improve your week. Mildly.

Photographer Dominic Sberna from Ohio shared his perspective on taking quality pictures and composition with Bored Panda. You'll find his insights into the world of photography below. You'll also find our interview with Cowbeller1, one of the moderators curating the 'Mildly Interesting' subreddit, below.

#1 The Way The Snow Melted On My Walkway

Image credits: yassismore

#2 Live Power Line Fell, It Was So Hot That It Melted Through The Sidewalk And Turned The Sand Underneath To Glass

Image credits: reddit.com

#3 My Dog Had A Paw Print On His Paw

Image credits: af0929

Redditor Cowbeller1, one of the moderators at r/mildlyinteresting gave us a glance into how some of the most popular posts on the subreddit gain their fame. "A lot of it has to do with luck," they said that fortune plays an important role in photos going viral.

"Maybe you come across something interesting in your day-to-day life and remember to take a picture, maybe you're just lucky enough that something is interesting to the community. No real rhyme or reason aside from that," they shared their opinion.

As for the future, the subreddit plans to do what it does best: remain a stable and unchanging source of entertainment, as well as a cornerstone of Reddit "We will just continue doing the same thing. We've found that being boringly consistent is the best way to remain fair to the community. There haven't been any major changes in a while," moderator Cowbeller1 said.

#4 The Way My Windscreen Froze

Image credits: Liamers

#5 The Melting Snow On This Chair Looks Like A Tree

Image credits: reddit.com

#6 An Old TV Repurposed Into A Cat Bed For My Cat’s Birthday

Image credits: BrewCoven

Photographer Dominic shared that over the past year he's expanded his network and gotten to know even more professional photographers. "Seeing the amount of time and planning some of them do is astounding," he praised his peers. "One such person I know made a 48 hour round trip (driving) to photograph a specific location recently."

According to the photographer, whether a professional relies more on their intuition or plans everything out with regard to the composition of a photo depends on each individual's style of photography. "But for the most part, planning is everything. This means different things to different people, but planning is important. Being instinctive comes down to an individual preference, I suppose, and is a different facet to the plan of attack," Dominic shared that thinking things through is vital to success.

#7 One Of The Eggs I Poached This Morning Came Out Looking Like A Human Heart

Image credits: reddit.com

#8 My Giant Mini Penne

Image credits: reddit.com

#9 The People Who Made My Guitar Pick Couldn’t Be Bothered To Buy The Stock Photo

Image credits: reddit.com

As for whether or not a photo will be successful, Dominic is open that even the greatest professionals can't say for certain if a project will get the popularity it deserves. "We've all taken photos that we know are aesthetically sound, but they don't get the feedback we feel they deserve. Then, we'll take a photo that we like, but think is just another 'good, not great' photo, and it takes social media by storm. I've seen it happen," he said.

"Unfortunately, some of this has to do with algorithms, time of day being posted, and paid ads," the photographer explained that in the modern world, we have to be aware of the technical aspects that come with sharing photos online.

"A quality photo will not always get the praise it deserves. It's the truth of art. At the end of the day, one has to like their own work that they're putting out there. If others like it too, that's just an added bonus. Photographing what you want is extremely important to not lose artistic integrity and drive and it's also equally as difficult to tune out the noise," Dominic said.

#10 The Shadow On The Stairs Looks Like Another Set Of Stairs

Image credits: reddit.com

#11 This Photo I Took That Looks Like It's On The Moon

Image credits: reddit.com

#12 The Size Of A Fiber Optic Wire Capable Of Supplying A Home With High Speed Internet

Image credits: sippen730

The r/mildlyinteresting subreddit celebrated a whopping 9 years of activity this February and there’s no stopping the community from growing larger and larger still. However much it expands, the moderators are doing what they can to make sure it doesn’t change too much. “We've been working hard to keep it that way,” redditor RedSquaree, one of the moderators of r/mildlyinteresting, told me in an earlier interview.

"The mildly interesting feel of the subreddit is maintained probably due to its rule about titles which weeds out all clickbait which is common in other subreddits. On our side, submissions have massively increased and the moderation team has been forced to expand," moderator RedSquaree earlier told Bored Panda that the mod team is very active and interested in maintaining the high quality of the content.

#13 Dopped My Headphone At The Beach And It Pulled Iron Out Of The Sand.

Image credits: GromainRosjean

#14 Australian Flood Waters Meet The Ocean

Image credits: mafu79

#15 My Cat Looking Like He Flushed Himself Down The Drain

Image credits: Iiri92

Rule-breaking isn’t tolerated and transgressors are quickly sanctioned. “We're removing more rule-breaking content than ever before; often the content is OC [original content] and can be resubmitted which is great,” RedSquaree explained the ins and outs of how the community and the mods interact.

“There haven't been any massive changes in how we do things recently, although over the past few years we have used bots to automate a lot of our moderation practices. We haven't changed the rules in years despite some temptations caused by fads. In my honest opinion, it has been for the best. The sub feels pretty much the way it always has."

RedSquaree earlier explained to us how the inspiration to create r/mildlyinteresting first came about back in 2012. The mod told Bored Panda how one thread led user Doginabathtub to create the community but who has been "missing in action for years, and left the mod team years after becoming inactive as a moderator,” RedSquaree explained.

#16 A Street Lamp Fell Over Into The Snow Outside My Apartment. Turns Out They’re Massive- My Hand For Scale

Image credits: reddit.com

#17 My Lawn Made A Natural Yin Yang Symbol After A Pool Stood There

Image credits: TheQueenIsDown

#18 Wood Splinters That Look Like A City

Image credits: bignector

"So, I suppose Woggietree named the sub he did not found! A few years ago we were featured in a h3h3 Productions video (linked in our sidebar) which was a great compliment and is perhaps a good marker of success,” the mod said.

#19 Every $1 Bill I’ve Collected From Tips Over 2 Years (Roughly 1600)

Image credits: DrSuessMDphD

#20 The Same Color Liquid In Different Colored Buckets Makes For An Interesting Comparison/Contrast.

Image credits: bipnoodooshup

#21 My Friend's Shoes Look Like They Are Screaming.

Image credits: ExplodingSofa

The main draw of the community is the original content. Only original photos can be posted, nothing else! It’s OC or the high road. “Our content is generated by our community and given that titles cannot be clickbait, there is a unique feeling of people seeing something mildly interesting, whipping their phone out of their pocket, capturing, and posting,” the mod shared how proud they are of their fellow redditors.

#22 This Old Color Pencil Box After Termites Ate All The Wood

Image credits: Drship

#23 My Local Supermarket Is Selling Airplane Food Because Nobody Is Flying

Image credits: reddit.com

#24 There Is A House Near Me That Looks Like It’s Out Of A Fairytale

Image credits: reddit.com

“The community feels very interactive (the content creators are all here) and laid back. This is probably why our comments sections are almost always nice and relaxed and, themselves, mildly interesting,” the mod said.

#25 Found A Chip Almost As Big As My Hand

Image credits: reddit.com

#26 Locals In Puerto Rico Painted This Mural. They Made Sure To Include The Dog That Chills There Often.

Image credits: gemjammm

#27 I Made A Circle Out Of LEGO Bricks

Image credits: dunkar00ed

#28 A Small River Going Over Another

Image credits: invadrrrr

#29 The Reflection From My Window Decal Makes My Toilet Look Like A Quest Item In A Video Game

Image credits: DanielInternets

#30 This Sofa Set Made Out Of Red Bricks.

Image credits: presidentkangaroo

#31 My Teacher Made Pokémon Animal Type Of Cards For Science.

Image credits: reddit.com

#32 Snowman Totoro.

Image credits: reddit.com

#33 My Dad Put Food Coloring On Icicles

Image credits: reddit.com

#34 The Right Joint Of My Thumb Never Developed. I Can't Bend It.

Image credits: reddit.com

#35 My Discount Grocery Store Sells Bulk M&ms Separated By Color

Image credits: kumquat_repub

#36 1930’s Parquet Flooring Restored Today!

Image credits: Fallinator95

#37 The Fuzz On My Sock Looks Like A Flamingo

Image credits: littleorganbigm

#38 My Neighbors Decorated Their Plant To Look Like Exeggutor

Image credits: BushyBoiiiiiii

#39 This Sign At A Local Nature Preserve Has The Words Inverted So You Can Read It In The Water.

Image credits: benjam33

#40 My GF's Chair Looks Like A Duck With Hair.

Image credits: Infernoscare

#41 A Little Crab Pen Holder I Found In Tokyo

Image credits: tuesdaygoose

#42 My Flatmate And I Took Nearly The Same Photo Walking Home At Different Times

Image credits: reddit.com

#43 My Body Wash Tells You What Each Ingredient Is

Image credits: reddit.com

#44 My Odometer Says 1234567890

Image credits: reddit.com

#45 These Cupcake Papers Match My Sister

Image credits: reddit.com

#46 My Newly Acquired Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone Fore-Edge Painted Book! Featuring A Secret Platform 9 3/4 Scene On The Edges Of The Pages.

Image credits: reddit.com

#47 This Coconut Oil Turned Into Honeycomb

Image credits: reddit.com

#48 This ‘Mini’ Evolution I Saw In London

Image credits: reddit.com

#49 While Hiking An Isolated Jungle Trail In The Amazon, We Came Across This Post Marking The Equator.

Image credits: reddit.com

#50 Great Notion Used Their Best By Date To Commemorate Mf Doom

Image credits: reddit.com

#51 This Hotel I’m Staying At Has The Shower Shelf Accessible From Both Inside As Well As Outside

Image credits: reddit.com

#52 The Lighting From My Keyboard Formed A Little Heart On My Glass.

Image credits: reddit.com

#53 A 300-Year-Old Brick With A Paw Print In It

Image credits: reddit.com

#54 Found Original Homeowner In The Walls Of A Teardown

Image credits: reddit.com

#55 None Of My Fingers Have A Middle Joint

Image credits: JayFayad

#56 I Dropped Some Coffee And It Looks Like A Bird

Image credits: gbaraldi

#57 Bubbly Clouds

Image credits: OhFuckThatWasDumb

#58 I Found This Print From Where A Gray Wolf Slept In The Snow. You Can Even See Her Ribs!

Image credits: Cactusy

#59 I Made A Serotonin Molecule Shelf.

Image credits: Neuroshelves

#60 Molar In Moss Outside My Dentists' Office

Image credits: buttah_hustle

#61 Saw This Awesome Metallica Plate On The Freeway Today

Image credits: I_AM_YOUR_DADDY_AMA

#62 La Croix Froze Mid Explosion In The Back Of Our Refrigerator.

Image credits: pumpkin_spice_latina

#63 Cleaned My Copper Sink With Vinegar And Sea Salt. A Few Hours Later These Salt Crystals Grew On The Rag I Used To Dry It.

Image credits: reddit.com

#64 The Wine I Ordered Online Came With A Tiny Set Of Dice Packaged Inside A Hollow Cork

Image credits: reddit.com

#65 This KFC In Japan Has Colonel Sanders Dressed In A Samurai Attire (And A Matching Mask)

Image credits: reddit.com

#66 So Cold Outside My Doorknob Frosted.

Image credits: reddit.com

#67 Someone Has Drawn Cartoon Faces On All The Cars In This Snowy Lot.

Image credits: reddit.com

#68 The Countertop Of This Home Was Made By Prisoners.

Image credits: reddit.com

#69 Both Of My Lights Burnt Out - One Turned White While The Other Turned Black

Image credits: reddit.com

#70 My Redneck Grandpa's Four-Wheeler.

Image credits: reddit.com

#71 I Was Waiting At The Red Light And Realized That I Was Surrounded With All White Cars

Image credits: reddit.com

#72 I Passed "The Nut Mobile" Today While Driving

Image credits: reddit.com

#73 1977 McDonald's Christmas Trash Found In The Wall Of Our House.

Image credits: reddit.com

#74 Some Guy In My Town Bought A Billboard For His Wife Celebrating Their Wedding Anniversary.

Image credits: reddit.com

#75 The Shadow Of My Chimney Makes Me Look Like Lord Farquad

Image credits: reddit.com

#76 I Have A Coin From When Hadrian Was Emperor Of Rome Thats Almost 2000 Years Old

Image credits: reddit.com

#77 A Vertical Chessboard

Image credits: reddit.com

#78 This Kitkat Bench

Image credits: reddit.com

#79 My Car Tire Balancing On Only A Tiny Patch Of Snow, Somehow Not Collapsing, After All The Snow Around It Melted

Image credits: reddit.com

#80 Mini Pallet Coasters

Image credits: reddit.com

#81 The Way My Pasta Spilled

Image credits: reddit.com

#82 I Built A Magnetic Marble Run For My Fridge.

Image credits: reddit.com

#83 Found An Edgepiece In My Bag Of Goldfish

Image credits: dj_mumbles

#84 The Amount Of Hair My Daughter Had At 2 Months Old!

Image credits: eyeswideblue

#85 My Mailman Looks Exactly Like Seth Rogen

Image credits: Radiocureee

#86 My Teacup Is Hollow So It Doesn’t Get Too Hot To Hold.

Image credits: ModalMantis

#87 An Empty Vile Of The Covid-19 Vaccine I Was Allowed To Keep As A Souvenir After Volunteering At A Vaccination Hub

Image credits: 273718372

#88 I Stood In The Reflection Of The Backyard Glass Window Opposite My Thongs And It Looks Like My Ghost Is Wearing Them!

Image credits: Joshifi3d

#89 IKEA Display Toilets Have Directions To The Real Toilets.

Image credits: Rageaidz

#90 3.5 Bottles Of Maple Syrup I Just Finished Making.

Image credits: NECESolarGuy

#91 My Extra Finger.

Image credits: doi11

#92 Minimalist Uno

Image credits: ChiggaOG

#93 My Calendar Has The 20th Of April Marked As 420 Day

Image credits: Scherv

#94 I Photographed A Squirrel So Close That The Reflection In Its Eye Shows My Phone And My Hand With The Pine Nuts.

Image credits: RedFoxPro

#95 You Can See The Evolution Of My Knitting Skills On My First Ever Project

Image credits: thereasonablecatlady

#96 I Made A Sideways Pencil To Mark Something In An Area I Could Not Reach

Image credits: Nosmurfz

#97 The Way The Lines Match Up

Image credits: spctaz

#98 Silly Walk Clock

Image credits: Inexperienced__128

#99 The Ice In My Old Fashioned Is So Clear You Can See Through The Glass

Image credits: SmiteAsWell

#100 This Gate That Allows Horses But Not Vehicles

Image credits: Blencathra

#101 When I Got My Covid Vaccine, They Gave Me Some Candy In A Pill Package.

Image credits: munchkym

#102 I'm Redoing My Kitchen And The Old Owners Put A Wall Over An Exterior Door.

Image credits: Mercarcher

#103 Girl Scouts Posted Up Outside My Local Dispensary To Sell Cookies.

Image credits: ridethepickle

#104 This 129 Year Old Penny Came Out Of A Roll Today

Image credits: furryfrog02

#105 This Sign Telling Me To “ Duck “...

Image credits: PO1983

#106 This Subway Has A Subway Underneath It.

Image credits: RobinReddBreast

#107 The Olympic Jacket I Got At A Thrift Store Had The Original Owners I.d Badge (As Well As Tickets For The Opening Ceremony, Plane Tickets And Stickers) Inside One Of The Pockets.

Image credits: branden-branden

#108 My Mom And Uncle Found A Usaf Target Drone On The Beach

Image credits: coolmanjack

#109 Finishing Pens Without Losing Them

Image credits: Beyphorweyb

#110 As I Do Not Have A Surname, Bank Decided To Give Me One

Image credits: vibhoothiiaanand

#111 A Reminder For Parents To Not Be Assholes

Image credits: A_C_Citizenz

#112 The Most Teal I’ll Ever See In One Room

Image credits: plumlizard

#113 My Neighbor Made These Skull Adirondack Chairs And A Matching Table

Image credits: Fernwhatnow

#114 This Bookshelf In Tallinn Airport

Image credits: qasqaldag

#115 My Debit Card Blends Into This Old Cabinet

Image credits: crescentbellybutton

#116 This Palm Tree Growing Out Of The Middle Of An Oak Tree.

Image credits: rolo85

#117 Amazon Has Reflective Panels In The Top Of Their Lockers So You Don't Have To Jump Around Like A Maniac To Make Sure You Got All Your Stuff

Image credits: Chubbyclouds

#118 Found A Hot Tub And Steam Room Behind A Basement Wall

Image credits: Ron_Qwanson

#119 This Water Spill On My Sink Looks Like A Dancing Lady In A Dress And Top Hat.

Image credits: -ratmeat-

#120 This Is What 5oz (Standard Wine Glass Size) Looks Like In Different Wine Glasses

Image credits: just_add

#121 Snowpile In The Corner Of A Building That Refuses To Melt

Image credits: tbone2max

#122 Am A Mail Carrier. These Are The Pennies I've Picked Up On My Route In The Past Six Months.

Image credits: mike_pants

#123 Our Scanner At Work Looks Like A Xenomorph

Image credits: Ugievsoj

#124 The Results Of My Allergy Test Today. I Am Allergic To Everything They Tested For.

Image credits: ZessT2912

#125 These Dinosaurs Wearing Masks At The Indianapolis Children's Museum

Image credits: consoLe_-

#126 I Got A Mosquito Bite On Top Of A Bruise And It Drained The Blood From The Impact Site.

Image credits: Hearkittykitty

#127 The Pattern Of Bite Marks On My Dog’s Frisbee After Thousands Of Fetches

Image credits: yoshiplace

#128 These Tinted Windows Make It Look Like We’re In The Ocean.

Image credits: demarcora

#129 There Were (Literally) Whole Grains In My Son’s Cheerios.

Image credits: RunsLikeAnAntelope

#130 This Deflated Balloon That Looks Like Mozart

Image credits: kimbclark

#131 This Home Depot Has Little Mini Bathtubs For Display Purposes

Image credits: SchrodingersCatPics

#132 This Glove Looks Like A Sphinx

Image credits: Cheez-lt

#133 Old Serving Dish Looks Like The Google Chrome Icon.

Image credits: jamesdtbrown

#134 The NYC Model That Some Guy Spent Years Building By Hand That Is Now Sitting In My Empty Local Mall ..

Image credits: Vaedur

#135 Chopsticks I Got In Tokyo (2019) For The 2020 Olympics That Never Happened.

Image credits: KazaksMaster

#136 My Peeler Gives Pixelated Looking Peels

Image credits: blueskiesarepretty

#137 I Was Born Without Finger Or Toe Prints.

Image credits: jedWanderMouse

#138 Picasso Pebble

Image credits: jonofthesouth

#139 The Windows Xp Wallpaper Is Now A Vineyard

Image credits: whynotanything

#140 Shadows Of Birds Perched Atop A Tent

Image credits: goodcheapandfast

#141 This Mini Greenhouse From The Turtle Shell Lid To My Son's Sandbox

Image credits: SH00TERxx

#142 Mold On Cream Cheese.

Image credits: vgonz9

#143 My Shirt Has A Microfiber Sewn On The Inside To Clean Glasses

Image credits: benjaminrodtx

#144 Accidentally Cross Sectioned A Screw In Wood.

Image credits: I-Killed-JR

#145 This Tomato Looks Like A Rubber Duckie

Image credits: SpuddyMcSpud

#146 My Beer 4-Pack Came With Paperboard Rings, Instead Of Plastic

Image credits: heterosis

#147 This Tiny Star In A New Train In Stockholm.

Image credits: adamientos

#148 My Dog Knocked Over A Bottle Of Bleach Cleaner Near My Laundry Pile And I Got A Sick New Shirt Out Of It.

Image credits: universe_point

#149 I Made Tiny Pizzas The Size Of Pepperonis.

Image credits: amycusfinch

#150 A Hand Drill From The Early 1900s That I Fully Restored

Image credits: bumbosaggins

#151 My Dog Yawned At The Exact Moment I Took A Photo Of Him In Front Of The Graffiti That Looks Like Him.

Image credits: living-trainwreck

#152 The Petals Of This Camellia Flower

Image credits: ewilio

#153 Inside Of This Tomato Looks Like A Perfect Strawberry

Image credits: Calpa

#154 This Zigzag Pattern Appears When Her Fur Is Raised!

Image credits: bee-milk2

#155 Local Plant Nursery Has A Guide To Their Pets That Roam Around Greeting Customers

Image credits: RhaegarDragon

#156 Anatomy In Marble

Image credits: Ukkalizer

#157 Learning To Waltz While Waiting For My Covid Vaccine

Image credits: iguessthisisgood

#158 Surprisingly Voluminous Trash Cans In Amsterdam

Image credits: Alter_Tobi

#159 In My Shoprite, When The Price Of Pies Gets Reduced, It Gets Reduced To Pi.

Image credits: BadManRen

#160 My WiFi Extender Makes My Outlet Look Like A Pissed Off Robot

Image credits: jenniferlorene3

#161 I Have An Official Mcdonalds Sign.

Image credits: 2001_DJ_YT

#162 Biggest Fry I’ve Seen In My Life

Image credits: reddit.com

#163 Neighbors Tree Was Struck By Lightning, It Now Blooms In Different Stages

Image credits: CretinousCarrot

#164 This Print My Dusty Jeans Made On The Chair Whilst I Ate My Lunch.

Image credits: stenno1

#165 These Gender Neutral Bathroom Doors

Image credits: smokeontheslaughter

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3v8pyOq
via Boredpanda

165 Times People Spotted Something ‘Mildly Interesting’ And Documented It For The Internet To See (New Pics) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
