If fairytales had hairstylists, Alejandro Lopez would be the first in line. The 21-year-old who was born in New Jersey currently lives in Orlando, Florida, has only been in the hair industry for about two years but it was enough for him to master braiding and coloring.
From crochet to fishtail braids, and beyond. You name it, Lopez has done it all. And he's constantly experimenting in style and scope, too.
"I've always loved color I love being able to use all the colors in the rainbow to create something magical," Lopez told Bored Panda. "[When it comes to braiding], it's definitely what I'm more known for in the industry—for my unique and intricate work. I really let my imagination take over and I push myself to create content that makes me happy and inspires others."
#1 I N T E R T W I N E D
Love how this came out I wanted to try something new with this look whenever I braid I like to stick with 1 technique throughout the whole look that I’m doing, this beautiful wig is from @foxwigs, for styling I used @sexyhair avant-garde and there tactile spray, what do you think of this look !! .

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#2 D R A P E D L A C E
creating is something I always love to do, for this look I wanted to create a draping effect with braids I love all the details that you can see in each braid ! This beautiful wig is from @uniwigs for styling I used @randco new bleu flexible hairspray and there optical illusion oil !! What do you guys think of this look !!

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#3 P E R I W I N K L E
Starting the new year off with this look this year I definitely want to push myself so get ready for some exciting stuff!! This beautiful wig is from @uniwigs for styling products I used @sexyhair tactile spray and there avant-garde spray as well !! What do you think of this look

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#4 T R E N D S E T T E R
waiting to create this look for some time now ! This beautiful wig is from at @weekendwigs ! For my styling I used @randco flexible hold hairspray and there 2 way mirror hair oil ! I will also be submitting this for the @oneshothairawards for the braiding and styling shot categories

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#5 D R E A M E R
I thought it would be fun to create some jumbo sized flower braids on each side ! Haven’t done one in awhile so I had fun with this whole look and I really love how it came out ! This beautiful wig is from @uniwigs the color is soooo beautiful! And the quality is perfect ! For styling products I used @randco 2 way mirror and there vicious strong hold flexible hairspray!

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#6 B L O O M I N G V I N C A F L O W E R S
This look reminded me of a vinca flower I really love how this came out such a unique and spring look ! this will also be another @oneshothairawards submission!! I really wanted to put all I could out there this year and push myself to really get creative and fun, try new things and add my own twist on everything that I do/creating new content !! This beautiful wig is from @foxwigs make sure to check out there store and for my styling products I used @randco vicious strong hold hairspray and there 2 way mirror hair oil !! It was a dream making those flowers with those products by my side !!! As always definitely let me know what you think of this look !!

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#7 H E A R T C A T C H E R
For this Valentine’s Day inspired look I used my white wig from @uniwigs and I clipped on my @glamseamless extensions that I then colored with @pulpriothair for the red I mixed fireball with countess and alittle of absinthe and for that pink I used candy straight ! For styling I used @randco texture spray there optical illusion smoothing oil and there flexible hairspray I’d love to hear what you guys think of this look

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#8 Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
I hope everyone had a great holiday!! Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has loved all my Christmas looks !! It was soo exciting and fun to create these looks so I thought I’d share them one more time before the holidays are over !!

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#9 S Y M M E T R Y
Placement I think is definitely what I think about most whenever I braid now, the Balance of it is very important. Sometimes less is more sometimes more is more you just have to have an eye for small details. This wig is from @weekendwigs and its 30inchs !! I’m obsessed and love it so much !!! For a finishing product I used @stylefactor_edge wigout hair shine spray for some nice shine and I think it worked amazing. As always let me know what you all think I love hearing your thoughts always

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#10 B L O S S O M I N G B L U S H
Awesome collab I got to do with @gerilynghaisarzadeh she used @pulpriot blush with @b3 ever step of the way then got to do this amazing braid

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#11 D R E A M C A T C H E R
Wow I created this look about a year ago on my only wig I had at the time !! @uniwigs I never expected for it to blow up as big as it did but I think this is what made people realize that I have something unique and different. I’ve always have love to create new content and this will always be one of my favorites I have ever created, I thought it would be cool to share a straight on shot of this braided style! What do you thing ?

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#12 L O L I T A
So excited to share this look !! It reminded me of Lolita dresses ! I’ve been dying to do something incorporating lace. this beautiful wig is from @uniwigs I hand sewed the lace onto the braids I also made those dainty bows out of left over ribbon I had ! For styling I used @sexyhair tactile dry texture spray and there avant-garde spray I absolutely love how it came out and I’d love to hear what you all think of it !!

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#13 D E L I C A T E F E A T U R E S
Feels good to create something new !! Sometimes I just try and think hard of something new I can create ! It definitely doesn’t just come to me I have to play around with it first and I go from there ! This one was no exception but I think it’s really pretty this beautiful wig is from @foxwigs !! For styling products I used @sexyhair avant guard heat protection and finishing spray with some hairspray to hold everything in place ! I will also be submitting this to the @oneshothairawards !

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#14 B U R L E S Q U E
Right after I created the black bow look I did a few months ago I new I didint want it to look exactly like the black bow look but more of a variation of it. this look consist of a corset inspired look I created using silver jump rings from @krownd_hair and also using some black ribbon I had laying around, with the corset being the main focus with some accent details on the sides and ofcourse a black bow in the middle ! This beautiful wig is from @foxwigs and Ofcourse my styling products I used is @randco using there vicious strong hold hairspray and there trophy shine and texture spray. I will also be submitting this for the @oneshothairawards Definitely let me know what you think about this look and share with friends

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#15 Bouquet Of Flowers
I’ve been wanting to do this look for awhile now, understanding how to do the top was the biggest roadblock but with time you figure it out !! Definitely let me know what you think !!

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#16 R I B C A G E
This look reminded me of a rib cage so I thought the name was fitting, this beautiful wig is from @foxwigs and for styling I used @randco Death Valley dry shampoo to give me so texture and hold and also to refresh this wig from all the product that was in it before and I also used my 2 way mirror oil and some of there high hold hairspray

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#17 Scissor Braids Are Always Fun Once You Get The Hang Of It

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#18 Intricate Braiding

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#19 R A I N B O W S
This beautiful color work was done by @gerilynghaisarzadeh and ofcourse she let me braid it and have some fun ! I just loveeee the rainbow against the dark and into the braids definitely was super cool !!! Gerilyn’s paint was @pulpriothair .

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#20 C U P I D’s L A D D E R
First Valentine’s look for the year ! I wanted to really incorporate color in this look the wig is from @uniwigs I used @glamseamless extensions that I then colored with @pulpriothair for the red I used countess with fireball with alittle bit of absinthe and for that pink I did candy straight ! For styling I used @randco texture spray there optical illusion smoothing oil and there flexible hairspray I cut out the hearts myself from some fabric I had and I also added some pearls and glitter what do you guys think of this Valentine’s Day look

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#21 S I L V E R K N I G H T
This was a look that I created a year ago but never took photos of it cause I didint like it at the time but now looking back I think it’s pretty cool and I’m happy I was able to recreate this look and take photos of it. This wig is from @feshfen and for styling products I used @randco ultra hold hairspray and some texture spray with some 2 way mirror hair oil ! The right drying products will either make or break your look !

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#22 T H O R N C O V E R E D R O S E S
I love creating roses and this look came out so amazing. This wig is from @foxwigs for styling products I used my @randco 2 way mirror oil and my vicious strong hold hairspray ! As always let me know what you think of this look

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#23 I Really Loved How This All Came Out The Dangling Hearts Were My Fav Part

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#24 T H E B L A C K B O W
With this look I wanted to create something that had more of a theme, I wanted to create something slightly dark but still beautiful with my own style I think it came out so beautiful and I really love being able to intertwine these beautiful cords into my braiding ! My favorite part are definitely the bows ! This wig is from @foxwigs and it’s definitely worth checking them out ! my styling products I used were my @randco vicious strong hold flexible hairspray and there 2 way mirror hair oil these beautiful cords I got @joann_stores along with those crystals

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#25 C I N D E R E L L A
For this look I was going for more fantasy, dreamy very girly. I created this with 4 strand braids and substituted one of the strands with this white mesh material, the bows are handmade by myself as well with a total of 9 bows. In between the 4 strand braids are your traditional 3 strand braids I intertwined with pearls to give it some pop. This wig is from @uniwigs and for styling products I used my @randco flexible hairspray to hold the braids together

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#26 T H E E Y E O F T H E S E A

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#27 T H E H E A R T O F R O S E S

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#28 It’s A Sunflower

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#29 S O L I D G O L D
Using unconventional materials on hair is always really fun and exciting I just really love creating and thinking outside of the box. This beautiful wig is from @foxwigs ! I love it so much ! I used gold cords and did an infinity braid submitting the hair you would use to wrap over and under with gold cords for products I used @sexyhair tactile dry texture spray to give the hair more of a grip and so the cords didint slide down and also @sexyhair avant-guard heat protection and finishing spray ! Really loved both of these products for this creation I also will be submitting this to the @oneshothairawards ! As always let me know what you think about this look down below and share

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#30 B O H E M I A N T R A I L S
When @gerilynghaisarzadeh paints a dimensional blonde on AAAhmazing hair and I whip up a braid in 20 minutes Painted with Pulp Riot Bonded by B3

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#31 R O Y A L T Y R E I G N
I’ve been so excited to post this beautiful work I created ! I love incorporating different material into my braids and I’m obsessed with how this came out I found this material while I was thrifting inspiration is everywhere so when I saw it i new I had to create a look with it ! This wig is from @foxwigs as well ! I am also submitting this to the @oneshothairawards for the intricate braiding and special event styling categories!! Definitely let me know what you guys think I’d love to hear your thoughts

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#32 G H O S T L Y D E T A I L S
Really can’t believe it. I thought the most fitting way to close it out would be to create the final creation on the wig that started it all, my heart is full, full of happiness. When I look back on all the hard work ive put into all my work, all I can do is smile and think about how far I have come as an artist, as a hairdresser and as a person I’ve poured my heart out and have literally dedicated my life to this industry and to my clients. I have my head held high submitting this final entry to @oneshothairawards and I wish good luck to everyone who has entered as well and I thank you all for all the support and love. I can’t wait to continue to create more art for you all. Thank you ! As always definitely let me know what you think of this look

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#33 R O S E P R E S E R V A T I O N
The other day I put up a poll on my story of the top 6 that never made the cut and asked which one deserves to be recreated and here is the remake ! I wanted to change it up by converting it into a ponytail style vibe to give more drama towards the bottom and did fluffed out twist braids instead of pull throughs but I love the outcome ! This wig is from @uniwigs amazing quality and color !!

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#34 S U N B L A Z E D
Loving this beautiful new wig I received from @foxwigs if this isint my dream hair then idk what is haha this look is a combination of 5 strands braids, twist loop braids, basket weaving and whatever you call the middle part haha

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#35 Christmas Look

Image credits: rtistic.aestheticss
#36 E T H E R A L G O D D E S S

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#37 O N C E U P O N A D R E A M

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#38 I Love This One So Much Just For The Sheer Fact Of The Attention To Detail And The Amount Of Time It Took !!

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#39 Flame Thrower

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#40 My Girl Is Graduating Today And She Wanted Me To Style Her Hair For Her Graduation She Loves It And So Do I

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#41 My Pastel Dreams Look
ONE SHOT AWARDS !!! My next submission for the @oneshothairawards is my pastel dreams look !! It’s crazy to look at all my hair looks I have created and sometimes I even ask myself how the hell did I do that haha but I have always been Imaginative and I have always had lots of patience so I think those two things have played a huge part in my work

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#42 Dragon Tails Look

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#43 Christmas Look

Image credits: rtistic.aestheticss
#44 S I L V E R K N I G H T
This was a look that I created a year ago but never took photos of it cause I didint like it at the time but now looking back I think it’s pretty cool and I’m happy I was able to recreate this look and take photos of it. This wig is from @feshfen and for styling products I used @randco ultra hold hairspray and some texture spray with some 2 way mirror hair oil ! The right drying products will either make or break your look !

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#45 My Girl Is Going To A Concert Today And She Will Definitely Be The Center Of Attention With These Braids

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#46 S L A T E G R E Y

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#47 The Black Sheep Of The Family

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#48 This Look Has To Be Another One Of My Tops That I’ve Ever Done So Far

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
#49 Detailed Delicacy

Image credits: artistic.aestheticss
from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/383JzwH
via Boredpanda