50 Of The Best Submissions To The Latest Heartwarming “GrandPawrents” Challenge In Which People Share Pics Of Parents With Their Pets

We know the scenario all too well—your parents are against getting a pet, but when you do, they're the ones who spoil the little furry friends rotten. Someone online has even coined a term for "grandparents" of pets—"grandpawrents." Soon enough, the term went viral online, thus prompting a so-called "grandpawrents challenge." To participate, people are tagging adorable pictures of their parents or grandparents with their pets with the hashtag #grandpawrentschallenge, usually accompanied by a heartwarming story of their friendship.

Scroll down below to see the adorable photos and read the heartfelt stories (we can't promise your eyes won't get watery). As always, vote for the entries you liked the most and share a story of your "grandpawrents" in the comment section!


This is my Dad and his Grandpugs, Harvey & Layla. This is one of my favorite pictures in the world. Quick story behind the photo, it was midnight on St Patrick’s Day a few years ago and had just moved back in with my parents due to a failed relationship. My dad comes into my room after getting home from work late and asks if I am awake because he has something “really important” for the dogs. And then he pulls out these little St Patrick’s Day hats for them, picks them up and asks that I take a photo with him and the pugs as if they are partying together. This picture will forever bring a smile to my face. My dad loves his Grandpugs.

Image credits: Krystie Pironti


This is my grandpa and my brother’s dog, Ace. Both my grandpa and Ace have passed since (both of old age), but I still remember this day like it was yesterday. I was home from college for Thanksgiving and was meeting my brother’s new puppy for the first time. My grandpa was also over for Thanksgiving dinner. We are sitting in the backyard and my grandpa insists that the puppy is cold and must be tucked into his jacket. (Mind you, this was Texas, and it wasn’t cold that day, lol). It was so sweet though seeing how caring and gentle he was with the puppy.

Image credits: Chelsea Parten


from the grumpy man that didn't want me to get a puppy AT ALL .... to the pawpaw that calls us when we're out saying, "where did you take my baby ?" oh how the tables have turned !!!

Image credits: Beck Riley


My mom died 5 years ago after a battle with melanoma. She thought I was crazy for wanting a big, hairy dog, but she loved my Daisy. ❤️ She would take her for afternoons while I worked, and she would send me videos of all the shenanigans they’d get into together. From dropping a cheeseburger on the ground and Daisy getting it, to her taking the whip cream can and spraying it straight into Daisy’s mouth... they were always doing something to piss me off together ?❤️ Oh what I would give to take more pictures of my mom with my first born, Daisy.

Image credits: Lauren Woods


The three best friends that anyone could have.

Image credits: Krstn Deely


We have 5 dogs. And I can promise you that majority were his idea. Especially this girl. We were two hours away from home for my cousins wedding and we had to stop at Walmart for a card. While we were in the store he texts a picture of this white tiny puppy with pretty blue eyes. And asked if we could have her (she was free lol). My mom said NO. But we went over there to find tons of different breeds of dogs. My dad tried to leave with two and my mom said NO but did let him take the white one. He stayed outside the whole wedding holding her. Her name, Elsa, her age now, 7. Who gave her life? My dad apparently ??

Image credits: Makenzie Weaver


My dad just had a major abdominal surgery, but as long as 110lb Fred is gentle he’s welcome in Grandpa’s lap ?

Image credits: Jennifer Wilson


My mom would kill me if she knew I was posting these but I couldn’t let the woman who taught me how to love dogs

Image credits: Christy Kirkland


As soon as my dad met Edgar, they became best friends. He always said that if he had a pet bulldog, he’d have named him “Spike,” but I suppose a grandbulldog named Edgar (with a human neighbor named Spike) would have to do. My dad would drive up to my house once a week, pickup Edgar for a “road trip,” and then drive him back to his house to hang out for the day while I was at work. I’d pick Edgar up on my way home, like I was picking a child up from the sitter’s. Dad would feed Edgar string cheese, peeling the mozzarella and asking for a handshake or a high five for each strip. He’d sneak corned beef hash under the table for him at brunch because he was being “a good boy.” He’d always top off Edgar’s water bowl with extra ice cubes. My dad found our second bulldog, Alice, annoying, because she wanted his attention so badly, but he would still give in to her googly puppy eyes. (In fact, when I told him my husband and I were getting another dog, his immediate response was, “I feel bad for Edgar.”) When my dad got sick, he couldn’t see them as much because the chemo made his immune system weaker and his skin thinner. When he did visit, he wore long sleeves and washed his hands vigorously after each pet. The picture with Edgar and Alice is probably the last time he saw the pups. He was the best grandpawrent. I know Edgar must miss him tons.

Image credits: Jordan Gilletti


a proud grandpaw ???

Image credits: Tabitha Francis


This photo was taken shortly after my Mom was diagnosed with heart failure and dementia. As she kissed our Basset, Bane, she said, “This is so I’ll always remember you.” She didn’t always remember his name but right up until the last time I saw her before heart failure took her she would ask, “How are the boys?”

Image credits: Laura Muench-Thomsen


As you can see my mom is smaller than my dog. He outweighs her by a good 30lbs. She loves him. She will get on the floor to play with his so he doesn’t knock her over.

Image credits: Herbie Broden


Flynn loves his Grandma!

Image credits: Jennifer Los


My dad in August: “ YoU gOt A pItBuLl?!” My dad now: “Jenny, she looks cold”

Image credits: Jenny Sanford


My dad when I said I was adopting Nola (then my 3rd dog): No. My dad now: I'm making her a rack for all her medals. ?❤?❤?❤

Image credits: Kristin Kay


So I begged my parents when I was like 13 to let me get a husky because I've always wanted one and my dad was like "no we dont need a dog" but my mom was all for it so of course happy wife happy life. I saved up some money and got my boy Blizzard. Well now I'm 21 and I cant even have my dog with me at my house because my dad says that Blizzard is his little buddy and that he isn't going anywhere lol. Blizzard always lays under my dads feet when he's home and they definitely bonded more. Even though I'm salty my dad has my boy, they love each other too much lol. P.S. He can never know I did this, he hates his picture taken ??

Image credits: Brooke A Shelton


My mom takes a family photo for her Christmas cards every year. This year, my dad asked for a picture with his "granddog". We never had pets when I was growing up. When I got Stevie, my parents thought I was crazy. My dad said he "didn't get why people are so weird about dogs". Cut to now, they spoil her rotten, buying her treats and toys - I think they get more excited to see her than me! ?

Image credits: Courtney Agnew


My mom came to visit and Willow was obsessed

Image credits: Tonya Tanney


A little back story, my wonderful parents (who split a long time ago but remain great friends and still married!) were not ready for their 20 old year old nomadic child to make them grandpawrents. And they were not going to like that dog (shepherd puppy I found while backpacking in mex). Nor were they five years later ready to again become grandpawrents and they DEFINITELY were not going to accept this dog (this time because how could he in anyway be as amazing as his sister & coming from generation they did they were not going to trust a bully breed ((bubs is great dane×mastiff but basically looks like a 175 lb pitty)). A little side note, we've never lived together with them, this is just the kind of treatment they get anytime we visit ❤

Image credits: Katelyn Nicholson


This is Luna and my Gpa only a few weeks after I got her. Luna is a rescue and has already had 5 owners in her short 3 years of life. She was abused badly and terrified of men when I first got her. Wouldn’t come close to any males and definitely wouldn’t let them touch her. This was the first time I brought her over and I turned around to talk to my Gma and next thing I know... Luna jumps up on his lap happy as can be. I cried and every time we talk on the phone he always asks how his grand puppy is doing and when we’re coming over next. Him and Luna are now best friends and pretty inseparable when they are together ?

Image credits: Brittanie Chambers


This is my dad, Jed. He is a formidable man of 6 feet 6 inches tall. He's the son of stern and strict Dutch immigrants. He was strict growing up and continues to be aloof to this day...until he met Lulu! ❤️

Image credits: Brie Blaauw Molaison


Duffy and his Nannie are the best of friends. ?

Image credits: Chrissy Faith Jacobs


My dad 7 years ago: No you are not getting another animal. No. My dad now....

Image credits: Emily Mahaffey


This is my Dad with my baby girl Liesl. I adopted Leez five years ago, she's the love of my life (as is her naughty sister! Pic of that little diva in the comments ?). When my Dad first came over to meet her, Liesl growled, cried, and hid behind me - but only for a second. I told her it was okay and to go and say hi, and instantly she adored her granddad! She throws herself at him whenever he visits now. She has some kind of trauma from her previous life, but nothing stops this sweet girl from snuggling up with those she loves!

Image credits: Haley Byrne


My parents and my boy Mozzy. The love is mutual❤️

Image credits: Polina Vasilevskaya


I seen the dont tell my mom I posted these threads and I HAD to share my absolute favorite pic ever of my momma and her guardian angels. She hates pics and claims she hates HER animals..but clearly, the lie detector test determined that is a lie!? She has a tough exterior but is the biggest softie I know!? Luna, my old gal in the front and Larry on her side. Not pictured are Naughty and Joseph, Sir Chonk, the void and her 3 human children.

Image credits: Emily Louise Svien


Old, but gold. ❤️ DON’T TELL MY MOM I POSTED THIS or she’ll kill me. ?? Anyways... This is my mother who allowed family pets throughout our childhood, but wasn’t near as obsessed with the dogs as my sisters and I. Didn’t really want them sitting with her or on the furniture. Preferred that they were outside, etc etc and you get the gist. This is her around this time a couple years ago with 1/3 of my babes. She fell in love with our dogs. And I guess decided she needed one too.. because she now has a dog of her own who she spoils more than she did us kids. Every store she goes to 99% of the time she buys something for her dog and not even herself. ??‍♀️?

Image credits: Kendahl Savannah


In March: “You got a puppy? Well, you need to make sure that dog is trained before he comes to our house.” Meanwhile, at a sleepover at Oma and Opa’s house recently: While totally letting Bert jump up on them all the time, lick all the dishes clean, and chew sticks inside, “Aw, look how much they love each other!”

Image credits: Becky Hartle


My Amstaff cross Brutus (big grey), English staffie cross Tilly (red) and their cousin Max (lilac Frenchie) getting spoiled by their grandpa who also carries dog biscuits in his truck so he’ll always be prepared with snackos.

Image credits: Georgie Robyn


Here is Dolly with her best friend Michael, aka my dad. She has only ever howled for him.

Image credits: Claire Eh


We never had dogs growing up, I had no idea how my mom would be around my daughter when I got her (pictured here as a 4 month old puppy) but my mother could not love her more. She's always vying for granddoggy time and recently told me with intense severity that she's very attached. ? The feeling is mutual, Maude lights up when she sees her Momo and always comes back from their outings in the best mood ever. ?

Image credits: Jenny Ramsey-Rowe


Freddie adores his Grandad ❤️

Image credits: Amanda Rogers


this is my Papa and my old girl, Nibby! They have been inseparable best friends since he reluctantly took me to the shelter on my 12th birthday to get her ??

Image credits: Ally Jessika


This is my girl Lenore and my dad. Since my dad has had 4 strokes, has brain damage, showing early signs of dementia, and other complications due to strokes, she has been amazing therapy for him. She loves my mom and dad and because I have 2 boys she knows them as grandma and grandpa. All I have to do is say " is grandma here" when they pull up in front of my house. She will instantly get up grab her toy and go to the window with her tail wagging and her butt shaking. She is just a spoiled by my mom and dad as my kids are.

Image credits: Stephanie Beth Heminger


“I CANNOT BELIEVE you got that dog. He’s insane! He has WAY too much energy!!” -Pop Pop He’s very active and also what helped me get out and run with him every day. He keeps me going. I’m now down two pants sizes just because him and I started running together and now I even lift weights. Jasper likes to hang out at my parents house and runs all day long on their 15 acres while I help my dad with work stuff. He just turned two and is the little light of my life ? “He will NEVER be on the furniture!!” - Pop Pop Yeah right. They’re the best of buds.

Image credits: Dee Nelson


This is the first time my parents met my doggos who I adopted back in June. Charlie gave mom the biggest hug and Ellie have Dad all the love. Mam says Charlie is the image of the dog she had as a child. He even has a white mark on his other hip in the same spot as Captain mom's childhood dog.

Image credits: Anna Higgins


Image credits: Angela Rinsem


Margaret “Rita” Rose with her namesake, Margaret “Maggie” Rose ? Grandma has never had any pets, and has only ever really connected to the Labrador we had when I was a child. Even still, she has never been up for more than a quick hello. These pictures are from the first time the two of them met ? Maggie is well on her way to becoming a service dog, and will be my right-hand gal for many years to come. I decided to name her after Grandma because she’s shown me much the same support throughout the years. I was a bit nervous about her reaction when I told her that I had named my new puppy after her and was delighted when she took a deep breath, sighed and said “this is such an honour” ? Despite sharing a name, Grandma misheard me once when I called to Maggie, and has since taken to calling her Megs, “just like you do” ❤️ I personally think it’s perfect ?

Image credits: Laura Hinchcliffe


My dad is the best grandpawrent anyone could ask for. Except my baby loves him more then me. ??? she's poppys girl true and true.

Image credits: Amanda Kelly


I always wondered why my dogs would run towards the cabinet after going out. Thought at first that is just where they stopped to make sure I was following them. Come to find out during quarantine that grandma always gives them a treat after going outside ? Grandma gives the best cuddles and the most treats.

Image credits: Sarah Ward


his past year I lost two of my grandparents, my moms dad and mom. It's been very hard without them but I thought I should share photos of them with the babies. My grandpa is pictured with River, my husky baby boy who is usually anxious of people but loved grandpa right away. No surprise there ?? then pictured with my grandma is Finley, our aggressively loving Australian shepherd who was always by grandma's side. Some days are worse than others in terms of grieving but with my pups by my side I find relief.

Image credits: Kristen Hall Pastor


My mom passed away 3.5 years ago, but she and my dog Penny were soul mates. I got Penny as a puppy when I lived in my first apartment before realizing they had a strict no puppies under 6 months old policy. She then became our secret dog and when my husband or I wouldn’t be at home, we would wrap her up in a blanket and carry her to the car and drive her to my mom’s house so Mom could puppy sit while I was at school or work. Penny loved going over there so much we would ask her if she wanted to go see Granny and then she would run to the blanket and lay down and wait for us to wrap her and take her to the car. My mom spoiled her rotten. Constantly held her even when she had outgrown that spot on her chest. Would feed her a few pieces of food at a time from the palm of her hand. Would pour bottled water into a tiny Dixie cup to let her drink from her hand. I think Penny still looks for her when we visit my dad and it breaks my heart.

Image credits: Amanda Marlar


This is Mushu when he first came home and met his grandma at 2 months, and him now at 10 months. Can you tell Mushu loves his grandma? Lol

Image credits: Marley Salazar TL


My dad didn’t think I should get a dog...so, like a good daughter...I got a dog. I drove from Louisiana to Tennessee to rescue her and then to Arkansas to visit my dad. Within the first hour they were best buds. He loves her something fierce and treats her like a baby. (See photo of a conversation we had when he came to visit). When he lived 10 hours away and would visit for holidays she’d be the first to get greeted. I’m convinced he traveled all that way to see her. ??‍♀️ She (and her sister Rue) both know the word “grandPAW” and get super excited when I tell them grandPAW is coming over. Now he lives in the building next door and they get daily walks with their grandPAW. Not sure what her obsession is with licking his head...it’s weird.

Image credits: Brandy Nearns


One of my favorite pictures of my mom and our rescue Leia Princess Leia’s story About 6/7 years ago we got a knock on the door from the county animal control officer. As my husband walked with him back to his truck he explained that he chose our house because we were the only one in our rural neighborhood without a fence (ironically we are putting the last panels up on our new fence as I type this lol). He asked if we or any of our neighbors could be possibly missing a Chihuahua and our closet neighbors had a couple smaller dogs. We called and all of theirs were accounted for.  As I’m sure we all have our feelings about animal control officers and their lack of compassion in most cases.. but we were blown away by his honesty and empathy for the poor little dog. He proceeded to say “So I will take her in if you guys don’t want her but I’m just going to be honest with you she’s not going to fare well if I bring her in” aka she would have been put down. She was emaciated, literally skin and bones. You could see her saggy teets as she had a litter and was dumped in our neighborhood I’m sure as soon as they gave away/sold all the puppies and kept one for themselves. She was terrified but of course was the sweetest little thing. She was actually a Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix and is much bigger than your average Chihuahua. You wouldn’t have know it by her condition. The second picture collage is from the first day we got her her first bowl of food/water to six months later. She thinks she is as big as our pitbull giving her kisses in one of the pictures and much tougher but she still is the sweetest little thing. She loves attention and snuggles. Her one naughty habit is she cannot help herself but rip open any garbage she can find, due to her surviving in our neighborhood after being dumped for we think about a month before she was caught and given to us. It’s a small issue that is outshined by how wonderful she is. 

Image credits: Sara Lorenze


My mom when I got taco: “I don’t like dogs” My mom now: cut him up his own thanksgiving dinner

Image credits: Lizzy Calingaert


We started off with the Black/White Fox Terrier 14 years ago, she’s the family dog (Luna). 4 years later we found out from my moms friends dog had a litter but sadly the mom had passed away, the puppies were days old and asked if we wanted to adopt one and help raise it since there were too many.. my dad said NO WAY! Mom, sister and I snuck out to check them out and ended up bringing home the Fawn Chihuahua (Miski). 2 years ago my family and I went to Peru to go to Machu Picchu and to see some family. 3-4 days before our flight back to Canada my sister, bf and I went to take my grandparents dogs to get groomed and that’s when I saw her. Kona the Brindle Boxer the love of my life ?? both my parents didn’t speak to me for the next 3 days telling my bf to talk some sense into me and to not bring her back. Obviously I didn’t listen ?. Now this year In October... my bf finds out from one of his clients that their dog was going to be put into a shelter because they couldn’t take care of her anymore. He asks breed and they say she’s a Boxer, my bf without even thinking it says I’ll take her. We adopted a 1.5 yr old Brindle Boxer/Samoyed named Zoey. Brought her to my parents house, parents were about to kill me but they fell in love with her as well... I have attached a picture of my dad surrounded by all dogs waiting for him to feed them. Also have attached a picture of all dogs in my parents living room laying on their beds because my mom babysits them during the day while we’re working.. she sends us daily updates. They never wanted the 3/4 dogs but now they literally can’t live without them?

Image credits: Jimena Aguilar


Last November, I got a puppy from a BYB (backyard breeder) on a sketchy side of our city. My aunt and I saw the sign saying “Chihuahua Puppies for Sale” and we’re both obsessed with chihuahuas. I was like, “since we have nothing to do, we should go look!” And she was so insistent on NOT getting one. We were looking at the pups and there was this little Black and Tan boy puppy, and I held him, and he had the FATTEST GRIN on his face! I told my aunt, “we are getting him.” The place was also infested with fleas and these puppies had 0 emotion... I got the guy to bring down the price on my little boy from $200 to $150. We left and she took me to the ATM and I begged her to take me back there! ? I paid for my puppy and rushed him to the Petco I worked at and gave him a bath, spoiled the shit out of him, and brought him home. I wanted a puppy for a while before this and I just feel it was destiny. After I got him, he ended up getting really sick and had parvovirus and coccidia. Anyways, I’m moved out of her house now and she asks me for a picture of him everyday and she asks me to bring Milo over every day. She literally is obsessed with him and it’s so funny to me since she never wanted him in the first place. ?❤️ Also, the last two pictures are of him now and one with his new brother, Bennie, that my aunt also hates now... but she will eventually love him. ??

Image credits: Kaitlyn Ulness


Me and Freddie are very grateful for Grammy aka her favorite babysitter... Both me and my boyfriend are ‘essential’ and this lady right here never declines to puppy sit when we have to work or get stuck at work. Blessed is an understatement ?

Image credits: Gina Marie


Mom loves Scarlett and Scarlett loves grandma. When I visit them, she goes to my mom first for everything. If I put her leash on to walk, she will sit and wait for grandma to join us and won’t leave without her. Mom talks to her all day long when pupsitting, just as if she were a people. She calls her “our family dog” even though we live two states away. When I call on the phone I get “aww I miss my Scarlett... and of course you too.”

Image credits: Amy Brown

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/39UORfB
via Boredpanda

50 Of The Best Submissions To The Latest Heartwarming “GrandPawrents” Challenge In Which People Share Pics Of Parents With Their Pets Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
