204 Times Kids Thought They Were Smart But Made Everyone Laugh

Some time ago, we were all tiny versions of ourselves with heads full of the most insane ideas and thoughts about the world above and beneath us. Fast forward to today, and some may be raising kids of their own, while others are sharing homes with little brothers or sisters. The fun part about it is that it never gets boring.

Because kids are goofy, silly, cute, and totally clueless about this whole thing called Earth that we live on. Out of sincere curiosity and hunger to get to know things, they come up with the funniest things you’d never read in books.

From searching for tiny seashells that are in fact just pistachio shells washed ashore, to making more money out of a $1 bill by cutting it into pieces, the list goes on. Bored Panda compiled pictures of some of the funniest incidents that only little ones can get themselves into. Psst! More of the same goofy kids just being kids wait in our previous articles here, here, and here.

#1 My Son Found Sea Shells On His First Trip To The Beach. I Didn't Have The Heart To Tell Him

Image credits: ShadyDingo

#2 Got New Doors Installed. He Doesn't Realise One Of His Favorite Hide And Seek Spots Has Been Severely Compromised

Image credits: stepuptoredalert

#3 My Niece’s Hiding Spot

Image credits: secret_agent_dog

#4 Identically Unperturbed By What They Did To Themselves With The Clippers At 5am

Image credits: passingglans

#5 Mom Told Her Daughter To Grab Her Mask So They Can Go To The Store. This Was The Mask She Grabbed

Image credits: jorhey14

#6 Okay All You "5G Risk Deniers" - This Settles It, 5G Is Dangerous

Image credits: pkmnTrainer_axl

#7 My 6-Year-Old Was Trying To Email Me, Apparently

Image credits: SeanGThomson

#8 Cyclop Tiddie

Image credits: AngryManTV

#9 My Mom Gave My Daughter Two $1 Bills. She Took It Upstairs And “Made More Money”

Image credits: buckbeaksarmy

#10 My Sister Drew On Her Passport

Image credits: LuisSweden

#11 My Son Asked Me Why This Lady Is Reading Poop Magazine. I'm So Proud

#12 Never Tell Your Horse Loving Daughter That She Was Born In The Year Of The Monkey

Image credits: NumberJ5

#13 Bought My Daughter A Gaming Chair

Image credits: 4hourserected

#14 Someone's Kid Hung Up The Wet Wipes To Allow Them To Dry

Image credits: thinkingbell955

#15 My 7-Year-Old Son Was Excited To Show Off His Clay Pirate Boat

Image credits: TheDiscordium

#16 Winnie The Poo

Image credits: cactusqueen94

#17 My 3-Year-Old, Everybody

Image credits: wutwut191

#18 She Put Sunscreen On This Rock "So It Doesn't Burn"

Image credits: DatGunBoi

#19 I Still Cringe When I Think About This Lol

Image credits: neither_thing

#20 That Time I Figured Out How To Take The Lid Off Of The Vent, And Proceeded To Get Stuck In It

Image credits: yatenate

#21 My 3-Year-Old Insisted On Making Me Breakfast

Image credits: LockStockNL

#22 When I Was A Kid I Was Stupid

Image credits: NonSonoTommyy

#23 A Friend On FB Just Posted This

Image credits: natisnotcool

#24 My “Cousin” Put Himself In Timeout For An Hour

Image credits: 0tt0_12

#25 Potato Mind

Image credits: rururu38

#26 My Son Legitimately Thought I Wouldn't Find Him

Image credits: Chris14253

#27 My Kid Asked Me To Play Hide And Seek With Her. I Of Course Obliged. This Is Her Genius Level Hiding Tactic. The Cat Bed

Image credits: sejotas

#28 Remember, Always Use Your Dominant Hand If You Want To Win A Chess Match

Image credits: jazz_inmypants

#29 My Son After Being Told He Couldn’t Taste The Dishwasher Detergent

Image credits: FrankandRon

#30 Here's Me In Year 5 Thinking I'm Cool And Badass By Secretly Sticking My Middle Finger Up

Image credits: jelly_adult

#31 My Nephew Got A Card From His Teacher And Was Stoked. He Read It, Then Instead Of Showing Anybody, He Sat Pensively On The Couch For A While. Finally A Quiet Voice Asked “Auntie, How Long Have I Had Autism?”

Image credits: extidedetergentfan

#32 When I Was 2 I Thought An Electrical Box Was A Robot. My Mom Let Me Take A Picture With It, And I Have Come Across That Picture Again

Image credits: Atrylno

#33 My Little Brother Grabbing Live Wasps Because "It's Fun"

Image credits: Nixoli100

#34 Kids Are Stupid

Image credits: Kids_kubed

#35 He's Cute Tho

Image credits: oumahgad

#36 Me Being A Silly Child

Image credits: thebigfigdig

#37 Not The Smartest Kid

Image credits: ponettplus

#38 Found This Tweet On Here And I Had To Seek It Out To Contribute My Own Hide-And-Seek Story

Image credits: dad_on_my_feet

#39 This May Work For A Long While

Image credits: DJLevela

#40 It Just Formed Like That

Image credits: Joshua4Workers

#41 My Daughter Was Furious That We Wouldn’t Let Her Keep A Handful Of Coins In Her Mouth

Image credits: SleepyGary5

#42 Well, It Was For Science

Image credits: Enkaybee

#43 Then Whats The Point Of Memorizing

Image credits: XplodingUnicorn

#44 Kids Are Stupid. Over

Image credits: HenpeckedHal

#45 Yugioh With Made Up Rules

Image credits: frogitivity

#46 He Wants To Get On The Bus, And The Bus On The TV

Image credits: claire_adlam

#47 My Niece Took 457 Selfies On My Phone That All Look Like This

Image credits: kokolista7

#48 My 2-Year-Old Asked Me To Make Him Tea And Handed Me This

Image credits: Ricketyribbet

#49 My 9 Year Old Son Put This On Our Front Door For The World To See. He Thought It Was For Nut Allergy Awareness. Don't Have The Heart To Tell Him

Image credits: Areoseph

#50 My Daughter Took It Upon Herself To Microwave Some Syrup For Her Waffles. For 5 Minutes

Image credits: WestTinLA

#51 My Kid Won't Eat Her Eggs Because They Have "Dark Spots". Yeah, That's The Fork

Image credits: thisissixsyllables

#52 My Little Brother's Search History. Lots Of Diarrhea And Vomit Followed

Image credits: SentientFecalMatter

#53 Of Course Not

Image credits: ebruenig

#54 I Told My Little Brother To Stop Throwing His Controller. 5 Minutes Later I Hear A Bang And I See Him Crying And The TV Looking Like This

Image credits: Bigestboi142

#55 "My Laptop Isn't Charging"

Image credits: Mckeyjane

#56 My 1,5-Year-Old Daughter, Ladies And Gentlemen

Image credits: sabby55

#57 Thank You For Your Service

Image credits: throwaway63729199363

#58 One Of My Earliest Memories

Image credits: Crew_Joey16

#59 Mmm Maybe

Image credits: bwecht

#60 How My Dad Tricked Me Into Eating My Crust

Image credits: SageAnowon

#61 Kids Are Quick Learners

Image credits: loghan10

#62 Oh No, We're Lost

Image credits: Sky_Crescent

#63 Enjoy My Story

Image credits: rriro

#64 “Why Are You All Looking At Me Like That?”

Image credits: enormous_earl

#65 My Niece Drew This "Troll" And Then Got So Scared Of It She Made My Brother Throw The Picture Away

Image credits: dipdipperson

#66 In A Book I Wrote In 2nd Grade, Which I Titled “The Universe”

Image credits: iiCabin

#67 Stupid But Wholesome

Image credits: Luciuxness

#68 She Thinks She's Controlling Paw Patrol Because She Saw Her Daddy Using The Controller To Control The TV

Image credits: DippyNikki

#69 This Hide And Seek Champion Had Me Count Right Next To Him 4 Times To Find Him In The Same Lidless Tub

Image credits: roamingdakota

#70 My Daughter Told Me Her Knee Hurt And That She Needed A Bandaid. She Also Didn’t Want To Take Her Tights Off. Apparently, This Made Things All Better

Image credits: JephriB

#71 My Three-Year-Old Granddaughter Playing Hide And Seek

Image credits: maxie62209

#72 Better To Be Safe Than Sorry

Image credits: hankgreen

#73 Bread Go Brrr

Image credits: tom_g40

#74 Kid Thinks His Mom Is A Murderer

Image credits: mirielmargaret

#75 *Patrick Selling Chocolate* “I Love You”

Image credits: emmaaraphael

#76 There Yah Go Buddy

Image credits: DanielGAlarcon

#77 It's Not Like I Bought The House Kid

Image credits: XplodingUnicorn

#78 Yes That Is How It Works

Image credits: AndrewYang

#79 When I Was A Child, I Insisted On Sleeping In Sunglasses So That If Nick Jonas Decided To Dome Sweep Me Away In The Night, I'd Look Fashionable

Image credits: Debauchery_

#80 A Common Mistake, Really

Image credits: JelloBodega

#81 I Call This One “Dad Forces Starvation Upon The Village By Needlessly Outlawing Sucking On Wet Paintbrushes Like A Popsicle”

Image credits: fireinvestigator113

#82 Dream Big, Kid

Image credits: Gaston-Glocksicle

#83 Kinetic Sand In Both Ears

Image credits: THEnuthead

#84 Kids Are So Fucking Stupid

Image credits: Energetic-Potato

#85 Oh My Lord What Even Are Children

Image credits: jamessmurray

#86 My Daughter Can't Figure Out Why We Can't Stop Laughing At The Yoda She Made

Image credits: Rumblepuff

#87 She Got Laid-Off

Image credits: WonderMonkey78

#88 Why Would It Be Called Jacket Potato Then?

Image credits: maiseydavisonx

#89 I Forgot About This! I Took This Photo Seven Years Ago

At first, I thought the woman was excited because she had won a prize, but I was wrong. Fifteen minutes later the fire department came to get the kid out.

Image credits: LanaBuffay

#90 Some Idiot Kid Took Several Bites Out Of A Fake, Foam Apple

Image credits: Heyo-Mayo91

#91 But What If?

Image credits: TomerUllman

#92 World’s Biggest Bruh Moment

Image credits: strawberrymilkbun

#93 My Sister Just Set Up Hulu At My Parents' New Place

Image credits: BuzzUrGirlfriendWOOF

#94 His Nephew DGAF

Image credits: V_nASSty

#95 Not Ready To Be A Bird

Image credits: cassietotallyjust

#96 That Is Hilarious

Image credits: meowdiao

#97 The Classic Tactic Of Holding The Old Maid Higher Than The Rest Of The Cards

Image credits: farole2424

#98 Happy 4th Of July To All The Clueless Kids Out There

Image credits: CyphDadNextdoor

#99 Youtube Isn't The Same As Zoom?

Image credits: Lexontheles

#100 Eternal Bleeding

Image credits: goldmund22

#101 Saw This On Facebook And Knew It Belonged Here

Image credits: barf2288

#102 At Least He Was A Good Sport About It

Image credits: organic_lettuce

#103 It’s Just A Little Bit Crispy

Image credits: braedyn420

#104 When The Photographer Says “Touch Your Cheeks Together”

Image credits: DooDooPapa

#105 My Brother Couldn't Find Any Toilet Paper So He Took This Kitchen Roll And Cut It In Half

Image credits: AvohcahDoe

#106 I Told My Four Year Old To Stick That Tape Measure Down The Hole And See How Deep It Is. He Just Threw The Thing In There

Image credits: hobnailboots04

#107 Being 3 Is Hard

Image credits: SkellingtonsGF

#108 Secks? You Mean Holding Hands?

Image credits: animeweebgrill

#109 Nothing Will Hurt You

Image credits: silverlegend

#110 Smart Kid

Image credits: Luz_235

#111 Kids Have Very Specific, Yet Completely Wrong, Explanations For Things

Image credits: Beast-_-Master_-_64

#112 Kids Imagining What Life Would Be Like At 40

#113 And After All That, No Prince Was Ever Reported

Image credits: nevers_

#114 Makes It Easier To Predict A Child’s Future

Image credits: randypaint

#115 The Sunglasses Aren’t That Good

Image credits: minimuffinbasket

#116 Ah Yes Poseidon

Image credits: iamunrelenting

#117 The Water Isn’t Broken Anymore

Image credits: dinglehoppercomb

#118 I’d Been Lying Awake With Cold Arms For Years

Image credits: MarMarNi

#119 My 5-Year-Old Nephew Figured Out I’m Still A “Kid”

Image credits: frannyfranfran5

#120 True Story While Walking Home With My Mum

Image credits: coral_parsons

#121 When I Was Eight I Had This Book That Asked A Bunch Of Questions About You. This Is One Of My Answers, I Hope It's Stupid Enough

Image credits: SuspiciousQuestions7

#122 My Daughter Mistook Her Frosty For Her Drink. When It Didn’t Come Out She Just Kept Lifting It Higher. I Jumped Into Action And Started Taking Pictures

Image credits: Dwingp

#123 Now That’s What I Call Savage

Image credits: wsbtv

#124 My Mom Still Brings This Story Up To Me. Never Living It Down

Image credits: jessisamess__

#125 Little Cousin’s Prompt Was, “What Place Do You Want To Go And Visit? It Can Be Anywhere In The World”

Image credits: garbich

#126 "Faster!"

Image credits: Smyley12345

#127 Me Being An Idiot

Image credits: nick_the_thicc

#128 My Girlfriend's Nephew Playing Hide And Seek. He’s A Tree

Image credits: Satchmocoltrane

#129 Sweet And Loud

Image credits: GRMurph

#130 "This Is Impossible!", Daughter Encountered Her First Repeating Decimal

Image credits: discojon84

#131 My 4-Year-Old Son's Attempt At Hide And Seek

Image credits: Soulfox1988

#132 A Picture I Drew In Second Grade. It’s A Hot Mug Of Coffee And Chocolate Chip Cookies

Image credits: bggthrowaway13

#133 I Told My Kid To Label His Water Bottle For School. Should Have Been More Specific

Image credits: AllTheSonsCheeseMen

#134 My Two-Year-Old Daughter. I Love Her So Much

Image credits: Olywa1280

#135 My Son Trying To Hide His Phone From Me During Virtual Learning

Image credits: nova70385

#136 I Would've Done The Same Thing As A Kid

Image credits: LaffyTaffy404

#137 Little Kids Should Not Play With Fire, How Else He Should've Cooked It?

Image credits: iDoReallyLikeDragons

#138 My Brother Is Searching For A Nerf Dart

Image credits: sebastianogirotto

#139 My Favorite Photo I've Ever Taken Is Of A Kid Tripping Into $100k Car

Image credits: whitewashed7

#140 In My Defense, I Did Immediately Regret This

Image credits: BlueLikeThunder

#141 She’s Just A Little Confused

Image credits: chalillianaire

#142 Kids...

Image credits: son-of-meme-god-69

#143 Well That Was Unexpected

Image credits: MaxObese

#144 Kids In Rome Were Mischievous Too. Toddler's Footprint In A 2000 Year Old Clay Tile

Image credits: OptimoPrincipi

#145 6-Year-Old Me Was An Idiot

Image credits: moe89649764

#146 A Story From My Childhood

Image credits: wanderingwonderer25

#147 Family That Prays Together, Dies Together

Image credits: NifiiOA

#148 Y’all Like Pretzels?

Image credits: TruePotatoKing748

#149 She Still Thinks I’m Lying

Image credits: sidraecase

#150 This Is How My Morning Is Going Today

Image credits: pb-86

#151 Yeah, I Was A Smart Child

Image credits: kobetwilson5

#152 My Son Cornered And Tried To Pet An Injured Squirrel. Didn’t Go Well

Image credits: YouKeepTheDime

#153 This Is The Skeleton My Younger Brother Built

Image credits: ImNotPlayingFortnite

#154 Was Looking Through My Fourth Grade Yearbook And Found This

Image credits: Sip_the_bleach

#155 I Love My Nephew But He Likes To Break My Brain

Image credits: rwp82

#156 Today My Kid Told Me About The Two Times He Drank His Own Pee

Image credits: dull_pickle_

#157 2nd Graders Having A "Relationship"

Image credits: Digital_Assault

#158 All Kids Are Dumb

Image credits: 6Rawdog9

#159 I Was At A Neighborhood Party And I Was Put At The "Kids Table" I'm 16 And All Of Them Are 11 And Under

Image credits: DaLimeWizard

#160 Was She Wrong?

Image credits: marysuewriter

#161 Sean And Shaun, The Twins

Image credits: MaSoN_-

#162 My Friend's Son Wrote Their Cat A Letter From Summer Camp

Image credits: lanopticx

#163 His Name Was Fred

Image credits: algernaaan

#164 Babysitting My Cousins Gets Easier And Easier

Image credits: 22ndHero

#165 Crusty A** Pancakes

Image credits: Jimeka Brown

#166 Used Mirror To Write “Big Time Rush” Across My Chest, Not Realizing It Was Written Backwards. (Me, About 10 Years Ago)

Image credits: Sungsky2301

#167 Image Mid-Jump From The Bed, He Just Suddenly Stood Up And Jumped. Landed Face Flat On The Floor (No Injury)

Image credits: Christoferjh

#168 My Girlfriend Sure Is Lucky She’s Pretty

Image credits: fapgamestrong

#169 He Got His Head Stuck In Between The Couch And The Window Frame While Trying To Say "Hi" To A Squirrel

Image credits: curioustiffytwo

#170 He Got The Stool So He Could See The Screen

Image credits: OvernightZombie

#171 My Son Is “Hiding” From Me. That Is My Skirt That I Am Wearing

Image credits: Im_Doc

#172 Told The Kids To Settle Their Argument With A Pillow Fight

Image credits: Pizza-or-death

#173 Me When I Was 8, I Thought I Would Ditch School By Drawing “Chickenpox” On My Face With Red Marker

Image credits: pidgestan4

#174 This Kid Is Going Somewhere

Image credits: Kindly_Kenadee

#175 My 6-Year-Old Wants To Be A Veterinarian

Image credits: dallaaaaas

#176 No One Told Me Which Teeth To Smile With, So I Chose The Bottom

Image credits: smeegdal

#177 My Beautiful Son Killing It At Hide And Seek. Like A Little Speed Bump At The Top Of The Stairs, Ready To Take You Out

Image credits: Marwol80

#178 My 11-Year-Old Came Downstairs And Said She Found A Duck Dynasty Shirt In Mom’s Drawer To Wear

Image credits: caffeinatedelirium

#179 Was Going Through Some Papers And Found A Drawing My Little Sister Drew In Kindergarten. Apparently, She Couldn’t Spell Psychiatrist So She Used A Word She Knew How To Spell

Image credits: DEXBOY19

#180 Kids In Norway Are Skeptical About The Introduction Of School Uniforms. "It Is Important That People Find Their Own Style"

Image credits: MSglol

#181 He’s Getting Mad Because He Wants Me To Launch My Car At The Same Time But Not Make Them Crash. He Refuses To Add Any More Track

Image credits: Joba_Fett

#182 Bruh, I Was Dumb

Image credits: Cs4bsz

#183 Seen In Our Neighborhood

Image credits: luaka_

#184 My 6-Year-Old Son Just Drew A Picture Of Clint, The Rockstar

Image credits: InflateLynn

#185 This Is My X-Ray After I Ate A Quarter After Stealing It From My Brother When I Was 5

Image credits: pika_art1193

#186 Only Six Years Old And Already Setting Goals

Image credits: ihatecatsmorethanyou

#187 Ultimate Logic

Image credits: FreakingOwOmyDudes

#188 Carrot

Image credits: freddiemercuryeet

#189 The Way My Nephew "Organized" His Books

Image credits: NocturneTwoEight

#190 Baby Picture

Image credits: OhJay_JuicedOut

#191 I Found This Picture Of My Daughters From Over 20 Years Ago When I Caught Them Bringing Alcohol To Their Slumber Party With Their Friends

Don't worry, they didn't drink at that age, they just thought they should do what the adults do.

Image credits: Eyesandheart

#192 My Youngest Attempting To "Charge" His Copy Of LEGO Incredibles In The Nintendo Dock

Image credits: nuklearshlit

#193 Ah, The Old Fears Brought On By An Older Sibling

Image credits: deepdarkfears

#194 Tooth Fairy

Image credits: wonkydonky828

#195 Flashback To That Time When I Ate Play-Dough And The Camera Man Decided To Take A Picture

Image credits: achilleandafro

#196 Empathetic

Image credits: excogitatezenzizenzi

#197 My 11-Year-Old: "Why Is There A Magazine Called 'Poopie'?"

Image credits: ponycomplete

#198 My 8-Year-Old Came Running Up The Beach Yelling "I Found $100". I Ran To See. I Was Disappointed, He Was Super Happy

Image credits: sarebot18

#199 My 2-Year-Old Put Chicken Nuggets In Her Bubble Gum Machine Within An Hour Of Receiving It

Image credits: Aubrey_82

#200 Our 4-Year-Old Set This Up While I Was In The Bathroom And Then Proudly Announced That I Was Trapped

Image credits: Snorkle25

#201 My 5-Year-Old Just Learned That 911 Still Works On Old Cell Phones. He Was Playing Cops And Robbers With His Brother And Apparently Needed Backup

Image credits: TheTonz

#202 I Volunteered At My 9-Year-Old Son's Day Camp Today. I Asked Him To Pack Us A Lunch. I Regret Not Checking What He Had Packed Before We Left

Image credits: JephriB

#203 I Had To Explain To My 8-Year-Old Niece Today After She Drew This Picture For Me That Although We Watch Scary Movies Together, She Cannot Refer To Me As Her "Creepy Uncle"

Image credits: Jacobg303

#204 I Should Check With My Sister next Time. Probably

Image credits: Addicted2Groove

from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/3ntyBG4
via Boredpanda

204 Times Kids Thought They Were Smart But Made Everyone Laugh Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
