Guy Tweets How European “Socialism” Is Actually Better Than The Current American Social System, Starts A Discussion

No one government system is ideal. Some are better than others, but even that is sometimes debatable as each has its own upsides and drawbacks when looking at the bigger picture. This is, of course, excluding all of the gruesome dictatorships and authoritarianism.

And since it’s voting season in the US, talks of these advantages and disadvantages, changes in the system and everything around and in between are becoming commonplace, especially on the internet.

It’s baffling to think that there are still people who are against things like universal healthcare and education

Image credits: Jason Rosenberg

One such discussion—specifically about “socialism” and things that often pertain to it, like healthcare, education, and whatnot—was recently sparked on Twitter.

Twitter user Stu Cameron (@stucam7771) recently tweeted his experience of Scotland and “European socialism,” which some in the US claim to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad thing.

One guy shared his experience of “socialism” in Europe—a concept some dare to say is bad to the US

Image credits: stucam7771

In his tweet, Cameron said that he managed to get an education and his parents got immense medical help that cost them nothing:

“I graduated from a Scottish university in the 1990s—level of debt, zero. My parents have survived cancer and a heart attack, level of cost, zero. Most people pay employment tax at 21%. Now tell me European ‘socialism’ is a bad thing…”

He continued: “Of course, the cost of healthcare isn’t zero, but it’s normally zero to the patient. You’ve effectively paid it forward by paying your taxes. If you don’t spend excessive amounts on the military and tax richer people a little more, it’s very achievable…”

The tweets sparked a discussion with many sharing their own positive experience of “socialism”

Image credits: giaolson6

Image credits: rich29uk

Image credits: annieinargyll

This sparked a discussion among tweeters with a lot of people sharing their own experience of healthcare and education outside of the US. Well, more specifically, in Europe.

Many have come out explaining the significant difference in healthcare costs, such as getting a wheelchair, receiving cancer treatment, and the cost of insulin. They’ve expressed their surprise at how such a no-brainer system that effectively ensures basic human rights could be up for debate and even with strong opposition.

And it wasn’t just Europeans—Americans who have either studied or have moved to live in Europe were also pointing out just how absurdly capitalistic the healthcare and education system in the US has become and that some are passionately against “socialism” without even properly understanding the concept.

Image credits: ColdWarSergeant

Image credits: CeasarCzar

Image credits: goldenhathi

Image credits: AlohaKamama

Image credits: RosemarieBrown3

Image credits: dyerson_s

Image credits: ang_cianciosi

Image credits: paleophonic

Image credits: Ellasperson

Image credits: SigOlson

Image credits: jahtrue

Image credits: wes_hepburn

Image credits: IThinkImLost2

Image credits: corrupt_as_fuck

Image credits: FredrikHirsch

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comment section below!

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Guy Tweets How European “Socialism” Is Actually Better Than The Current American Social System, Starts A Discussion Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown