118 Of The Freshest Jokes About The Pandemic To Make You Laugh (New Pics)

As confusing as the world is right now, there are not that many options but to live through it. With safety belts fastened and survival kits prepped, we’re gonna keep on rollin’ into 2020, which is like an old Klaxons song “Not Over Yet.”

So what's a better way to get your sanity deficiency cured than a dose of good humor? And not just any kind of humor. We’re talking about the new comedy genre of the year, pure gold in the mockery department, and already a cult classic—Bored Panda’s compilation of corona jokes.

The punapocalypse is back, so get your masks ready, 'cause it’s about to feel like someone turned on the laughing gas. Be sure to check out the previous parts here, here, and here. Trust me, just like wine, they even get better with time.


Image credits: MC_engineeer


Image credits: darrenbrads123


Image credits: reddit.com

It's easy to lose hope with all the challenges that 2020 keeps throwing at us. Especially when you look at how the coronavirus has been resurfacing in some parts of the world in the past few weeks. There are now 10.5 million confirmed people who have been infected with Covid-19 worldwide; over 2.6 million of them are in the United States.

On Tuesday, June 30, more than 48k new coronavirus cases were confirmed in the US. Meanwhile, at least 36 states have cases trending upwards, some states have put a stop to easing lockdown regulations, and the number of new cases in the US has risen by 80 percent in the past 2 weeks. So it's easy to panic and to feel stressed.

However, laughter and seeing the silver lining can help psychologically and physically. And if you feel guilty about laughing during this crisis—don't. Humor helps us get through the toughest times.


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Bored Panda previously spoke to comedy writer and comedian Ariane Sherine about whether or not it's all right to joke about the coronavirus during the pandemic.

According to her, it's "essential" to joke."Humor is a release mechanism to help us cope during dark times," she pointed out. Now that's something we should all keep in mind the next time someone tells us that we're being insensitive while laughing, don't you think, dear Pandas?

However, that's not the only plus of laughing during a crisis. Ariane told us that shared humor also helps us bond with one another. "Lockdown would be very gloomy indeed if we couldn’t laugh about our predicament!"


Image credits: PotatoeMasster69


Image credits: crazymagichomelesguy


There are lots of fun ways to boost your mood if you've got the pandemic blues. Hilarious lists like this one work wonders, as do stand-up comedy shows, funny movies, and comedic books.

Comedy writer Ariane revealed that her personal favorite go-to funny movie during the lockdown is the 2004 flick 13 Going on 30. "It’s really heartwarming and the Thriller scene is hilarious. It always lifts my spirits when I’m feeling low."

What about you, dear Readers? What do you do to cheer up during these stressful times?



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Image credits: JennyENicholson




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Image credits: ZythorEbonlock



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Image credits: -Masqua2269


Image credits: Just_Corneel


Image credits: famsteve20015


Image credits: FunnHydra


Image credits: thegreenroad45


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Image credits: Rogers4Texas


Image credits: SensitivContent


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Image credits: streetrat64


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Image credits: mattz.memes


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Image credits: feministnews.




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Image credits: Okuno7


Image credits: SH4F3


Image credits: Lochltar


Image credits: a_succulentmeal


Image credits: ShyGuyMemes









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Image credits: Knight_Fisher61


Image credits: Acrzyguy


Image credits: AnimalFire77


Image credits: DjaNikPro


Image credits: Everseer12







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Image credits: AMIS7


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Image credits: Squmy


Image credits: PutinExplainsMemes


Image credits: Deer-frm-the-pool


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Image credits: i_wuv_cubing_uwu


Image credits: ikennaezeee


Image credits: Lanhdanan


Image credits: Lanhdanan


Image credits: vodray


Image credits: LollipopFromHell


Image credits: Miguenzo


Image credits: carrrrraaaaaa


from Bored Panda https://bit.ly/2C1raDy
via Boredpanda

118 Of The Freshest Jokes About The Pandemic To Make You Laugh (New Pics) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown