76 People Share Their Weirdest ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Moments

Most of us have a few stories to tell of things that we’re sure happened to us, but don’t have any rational explanation. It can be fascinating to speculate about what really happened, but more fascinating still, whether we believe in the supernatural or not, to just accept that there’s no way to find out. Someone on r/AskReddit posted this call for people’s best stories of times they experienced a “glitch in the matrix,” or a moment when reality just didn’t check out, and reading the thread is a journey down a rabbit hole.

Here are stories from people who either made contact with some things beyond the world of the living, got a premonition of a serious real-life crime or accident, or had all of their senses deceive them.


I once clocked out of work at 6pm (like I always did at the time) and began my hour long train ride home.

After I had found a seat, I went to sleep and woke up just before my station. From the station, it is a short bus journey (10-15 minutes) to reach home.

During the entire journey, I didn't use my phone and I don't wear a watch so I didn't really notice the time anywhere.

When I reached home, my family surprised me with "You're home early, everything alright?". I look at the wall-clock and it is about to be 6pm. I was too shocked to understand what happened. Checked other watches, cellphones etc and the time is absolutely right.

A few days later, the admin emailed us the timesheets for the month (times clocking in and out), and every single days for me was around the same 6pm. So it certainly wasn't me having left work earlier.

To this date, I haven't figured out how I gained between 60-90 minutes that day.


I was working on my motorcycle in a dirt lot where I had crashed it trying to do a sick drift, breaking off the clutch lever and the gear shifter. I had brought a wrench set with me and I was using one of them to take off a bolt when I put it down on the ground to finish unscrewing the bolt with my hand. Two minutes later I went to pick it back up and it was gone. I ran all around this dirt lot looking for it to no avail, luckily I had a spare in the car. Fixed the bike and drove back to my apartment to shower as I was filthy. I walked in my room and sitting on my desk was the wrench. I was dumbfounded


I have a good one.

I was about 12 years old, and woke up in the middle of the night needing to take a leak.

I walked across the hall to the little bathroom, hit the lights, and was about to reach for the toilet when I glanced up and saw a face in the mirror.

It was not my face.

It was as if someone was on the other side, standing to the right, with their face right next to the glass, staring at me. I only saw it for the briefest moment, but it is seared into my brain.

I screamed, and ran out of there to find my Dad. Of course, my dad investigated, then calmed me down, or tried to. Eventually we had a prayer session, because I was so freaked out. Eventually I must have gone back to sleep...

Fast forward to my 30s. I’d forgotten all about the event. One night while visiting, my dad quietly brings it up. “Remember that one time you saw a face in the mirror...”. It suddenly came back to me in a rush of memory, sending a chill down my spine. “Yea, I remember”

“Well...” he said, “I sometimes think about that night.” He looked down at the floor, with a serious expression. “I saw it too.”

He went on to describe exactly what I’d seen. We have no idea what that was. Apparently when he investigated, he saw it and had a freak out of his own. Apparently the prayer session was as much for his own nerves as mine.

I respect him for keeping that tidbit from me till my thirties, but I kinda wish he’d never told me.

Many close encounters can be explained by false memories⁠—that is, when information that you learn after something happens influences you to recontextualize or even imagine more details to what happened before or during the event, recreating it so clearly that it blends into your memories.

For example, the pall that a death or accident casts over your memory of the day that it happened could influence you to believe that you had a foreboding feeling that something was wrong, or that a coincidence that happened earlier that day was warning you of what was to come.


1985. My ex wife and I were sleeping. There was a small sliver of light coming in through the window from a streetlight, so the room and bed were dimly visible. Our black Pomeranian was at the end of the bed asleep.

I dreamt that I woke up, reached down to pet him, and he turned into a glossy black bivalve/oyster thing which opened up to reveal rows of gleaming glass teeth. I woke up to my ex backpedalling up the bed over the pillows towards the wall.

I asked "what's wrong??" She said, "what is that shiny black clam thing with the teeth at the end of the bed?? Where's the dog?"

We had had the same nightmare at the same time. This still gives me a chill.


So this has always bothered me. I was 13 years old at the time and my dad was a coal miner. He worked 3rd shift (known as the 'hoot owl shift) which was midnight to noon. As such he got home around 2 pm and slept till around 9, got up had dinner with us and left for work.

My dad was always pretty gruff and constantly yelled at us if my younger brother or I made too much noise and woke him up after getting home from somewhere(which as an adult now I completely understand).

So one day I did something to wake him up, I forget what. Anyways he calls me back to the bedroom and I'm expecting to get a dressing down but he just looked at me and said.

"it's ok. Come over here and give me a hug". What 13 year old boy wants to hug their dad? I kinda squirmed a bit and he followed up with

"What if something happened to me?" and just layed there all grizzled and tired..... I didn't hug him.

That night there was an accident in the mine. He saved everyone on his crew, including the one person he went back in for.

His was the only death, and I'm convinced he knew it was gonna happen. I'll never forget his eyes that day

If someone asked you for a hug give it to them. I love you dad


My mom told me a story that still baffles me to this day.

When she was 10-years-old her parents went out for the evening, asking her to let them in when they come back. She wasn't left alone tho, there were two of her older siblings there too, but only her room was on the first floor, so naturally, she'd be the first one to hear someone banging on them. So the parents come back at around 2 AM and my mom wakes up. But she's not in her bed. She's standing holding a friggin WINDOW!

She now realizes that someone is banging on the door loudly, puts the window on the floor. Lets the parents in and they're scared, asking what took her so long. Then they see the window and they're all shocked since my grandpa knew there was NO WAY someone could get it out without tools. My mom tried to lift it, she couldn't it was too heavy.

She says she doesn't remember how she managed to unscrew the window but is still shocked it happened.

The effect can be even stronger when there’s more than one person there to back it up. This happens so often in relation to history and pop culture that it has come to be called “the Mandela effect” (named after the belief that Nelson Mandela died and his funeral was broadcast on TV in the 80s, decades before he actually died in 2013) when people who misremember a public event the same way compare their memories and are certain that with so many witnesses, it must have happened.

It’s not surprising that a smaller version of this could happen if you and a friend go through something harrowing together and then try to get your story straight.


Taking the trash out at night, super remote area so I know for a fact we're the only ones around here, getting close to the road and I hear very clearly "help me" from a female voice. Even knowing there's such a slim chance of there being another living person around, I still feel like I should look around and check it out in case I wasn't just hearing things and someone actually needs help. Take about two steps in the direction I thought I heard it, hear a giggle in the same exact voice, turn around and walk promptly back up the driveway because f**k that s**t. Anyone who actually needed help wouldn't be laughing, I don't think.


I've told this story before and could go into a ton of detail but here's the short version.

I am 100% sure I vividly remember a dog that apparently doesn't exist. When I was 16 we lived on the other side of the province and my uncle had this little jack russell named Crue. Crue went missing for several months and then turned up at a humane society over an hour away and we were all shocked this little dog has made it so far.

anyway that was almost 20 years ago and the other day I was talking to my parents and was like you know "whenever I hear about Jack Russells I think about Crue and that stunt he pulled" and they had no idea what I was talking about. Insisted my uncle had never had such a dog, I must have dreamed it, etc. Honestly anyone else who would have remembered this dog has been dead for a long time and I don't even have any pictures of my uncle. I have absolutely no way to prove this dog existed but I'm sure that he did.


My friend Sarah was in a nightclub, drunk off her face, when she got an overwhelming urge to tell a total stranger that her leg hurts (edit: it didn’t). All a bit strange, she ignores it but it doesn’t stop so she walks up to this guy and says, ‘I know this is crazy but I’ve got a huge urge to tell you my leg hurts. I know that’s crazy, again! Sorry!’

But he bursts into tears. Turns out his dad had just died and they made a pact before that if there was an afterlife he would get a message to him saying a totally random phrase, so there could be no mistakes, which they decided was ‘I’ve hurt my leg.’

If you’ve ever had a bizarre experience with no apparent explanation, though, it may not be worth speculating about what psychological phenomenon could have really caused it. In most cases, it’s not like there’s a way to test it or find out, for better or for worse… so we’ll never run out of weird stories to tell in the dark.


In college, I took a hard news/soft news journalism class where one of the assignments was to write an obituary for one of my grandparents. The professor told us to write it on a deceased grandparent, but if all of your grandparents were still alive we had to choose one. In my case, all of my grandparents were alive. I procrastinated actually doing the assignment until the night before it was due because it seemed like a morbid assignment (especially once all of my grandparents were still alive).

Scramming for an easy grandparent to write about, I gave my mom a call and asked her for some basic biographical information about my maternal grandfather. As we were talking about my grandpa's career, my mom couldn't recall the name of one of the companies he worked at. She lectured me about waiting until the last minute to write the assignment because it was late -- 10:30pm my grandpa's time. However, she said she would give him a call to see if he was still awake and be able to answer that question once my assignment was due the following morning.

When my mom called my grandpa, my grandma answered the phone in a panic. My grandma frantically explained that the paramedics had just arrived and were performing CPR on my grandpa because he had stopped breathing and lost consciousness. My mom was able to stay on the phone with my grandma until they took my grandpa to the hospital, where he was declared dead.

In the time my mom and I had been talking on the phone about my grandpa's "obituary," he was dying. (His death was entirely unexpected at that. Although he was in his eighties, he was the healthiest of my grandparents at the time. We ended up using the obituary I wrote for that writing assignment as his actual obituary. Still freaks me out when I think about the timing.


I was on vacation on Florida visiting a friend, we were walking on the beach on a perfectly sunny day when everything went black for a second. I think it was weird but explained it away thinking that my eyes were playing tricks on me until he looked at me and said "did everything go black for a second?"


Removed a painting from the wall during a late evening cleaning, put it away and returned to the wall to see a never before seen painting on the same spot, put a chill down my spine.


This just happened today.

My daughter (4) was playing in her room on the second story. I was two rooms away, playing my guitar. Very loudly, I heard my daughter screaming "daddy come to the guest bedroom, I want to show you something!" This immediately seemed off. We have an extra bedroom, but I had never heard her call it that before. While she also has pretty good speech, this was amazingly clear.

When I walked around the corner, into the bedroom to see what she wanted, I saw two little legs sliding out the window. I jumped across the room, and grabbed my daughter by her ankle before she could fall out.

After a not great moment where I yelled at her, then hugged her, then yelled again, then apologized for yelling and hugged her, I finally calmed down. We had a talk about why we don't play in windows. While I was putting the window back together (she had pushed and popped out the storm and screen window from the bottom) I asked her what she wanted to show me.


"What do you want to show me? You asked me to come see something"

"No I didn't daddy."

"Are you sure? You told me to come to the guest bedroom."

(A little whiny now, and annoyed) "No I didn't daddy!"

"You didn't ask me to come to the 'guest bedroom' to see something?"




I had just pulled into the parking lot of where I worked and was walking towards the building. It was like 3 in the afternoon, broad daylight.

All of a sudden, I heard an ambulance’s siren start sounding. Naturally, I looked down the road to try and see the ambulance. I see it approaching and decided to watch it for a bit. It was quickly getting closer, and it was about to pass right by me. However, there was a large SUV waiting to turn out of the parking lot and onto the road, blocking a few meters of the road from my view. The ambulance passed behind the SUV, probably about 50 feet away from me at most, and I vividly remember the siren becoming completely silent in that instant. The ambulance had vanished entirely as it passed behind that SUV.

I was so confused. The road did not have many cars on it at the time, and it was broad daylight. I did a triple-take and made sure that I didn’t just miss it. I had a clear view of the road going both directions, and there was no more ambulance to be seen. No more siren either. I walked up and down the road, trying to find it for a solid minute. But nope, it was gone. I was well rested, not on drugs, and I didn’t have a history of hallucinations. It seems dismissible, but I was completely aware of what happened, and I can’t explain it to this day.


I remember driving my car to this intersection in this rural area and I'm checking both sides because of terrible blind spots. In the corner of my eye my mother is sitting there and says something like "it's all clear my way"

I look back and she isn't there. My mother had been dead for a few years at this point. This was also in the middle of the day and I've never had it happen since.


I had a very important document that I only ever kept in one place. I kept it in the top drawer of a small filing cabinet. I never moved it and would always see it in that drawer whenever I opened it for whatever reason. The day came that I needed it now and I didn’t sweat it because I knew exactly where it was. Well, I be damned if it wasn’t there. Cue panic attack.

I tore that filing cabinet up. I removed everything and spread it out, flipped papers over, dug through envelopes, shook everything out, shined a flashlight all through the emptied cabinet in case it was somehow stuck to the sides... I mean, it was not there!

I can assure you no one took it or was messing with me. I was so frustrated. I even looked through other parts of my house... but I knew it wouldn’t be in any of those places and it wasn’t. I was intermittently going back to that dumb filing cabinet. No luck.

Super irritated, I searched the rest of the house again and, on my way back downstairs where my filing cabinet was, I called out in frustration, “Okay! Bring it back!!!”. I don’t know who I thought I was talking to because I was alone, but you guessed it... I found it in the top drawer of my filing cabinet where it should have been in the first place.

I was relieved and totally freaked out.


When the song “The Final Countdown” was released in the 80s, I already knew it. It was brand new, just released, but I knew the tune and the words and could sing the whole thing beginning to end. I believed for a while that it was a cover version, but it wasn’t.


One day when I was about 8 I didn't go to school because I was sick. My friend was suppoused to bring me homework etc. but he never came. My granddad came home from work and he told me that that friend was dead, I was devastated. That night I had a dream. I was with my friend at a playground next to our school and we were talking, then he told me that he is safe and it didn't hurt when that car hit him. The next day my mother wanted to talk to me about that situation and she asked me if I wanted to know what happened. I told her that I know everything because my friend told me. She thought that my granddad told me but he did not. He said that he did not wanted to tell me without her knowing it. That night I had a dream again and I was talking to him again. We were playing and having fun and he told me that he really had to go and we wont see each other ever again. The next day was his funeral and I really havent had a dream about him ever since.


I died. I saw it, I lived it. Either it was another world with a version of me that died I saw or I'm going crazy but I DIED.

We had a pep rally in school and after it was finished we had to go back to class. Well, my friend and I were not into that so we wanted to to across the street to Sonic. Across the school there is not heavy traffic, but if you don't pay attention you could get hit.

Well I remember walking with him and he dropped something so I went across the street first. I just saw a red Tahoe heading right for me and I got hit.

I remember everything. I remember gasping for air, I remember waking up and sleeping again. Then nothing. All of a sudden I was back in the stadium again and the EXACT SAME WORDS came out of the principal's mouth. My friend wanted to go get sonic but i was freaking out. Was asking him everything.

I thought it had to be a dream, so I went with him just to see what would happen. He dropped his stuff again and I waited. To my horror, that same red Tahoe showed up. I told him that I'm going back to school, I ain't dying again.

I can still see the other version of me on that street just messed up. Not even moving.


When I was a teenager, my family lived in a big 115 year old brick house. Plenty of creepy stuff happened but one night I was heading to bed when the door between the first floor kitchen and the basement stairs absolutely SLAMMMMMMED shut. It had a unique sound that I recognized immediately as the kitchen/basement door.

There were no windows open that could've caused a draft. Our dog was asleep on the second floor. I was on the second floor. My parents were both asleep in the third floor attic (had been converted to a master bedroom).

None of us could've shut the door.

Terrified, I worked up the courage to go investigate, carrying my hilariously teeny pocket knife for protection. As I went downstairs I turned on every light.

When I reached the kitchen, the door was wide open.

Even more freaked out I ran back up to bed (leaving the lights on).

A minute or two later, I heard a definite "sssshhhh ok ok" from downstairs.

I laid in bed and was ready to accept my demise.

Eventually I somehow feel asleep and in the morning I was there first downstairs (I woke up before my parents and dog) and found that the lights were all off and the basement door had been shut again.


I was driving about 50 mph, and a car ran a stop sign on an on ramp and pulled out right in front of me. I remember bracing for impact and then I was about 300 yards down the highway and I saw the car at the ramp in my rearview, just about to pull out.


Around 12 years ago I had a dark purple 3 series BMW which I drove to work and parked in the same spot for around 3 years. I sold the car due to mileage and wanting something a little more reliable and purchased a different car.

1 week later, I turn up to work to find my purple BMW parked in my parking spot. I was totally WTF?

Turns out that we had a work-experience kid start that day, and his dad had dropped him off in my old car that he bought 2 days earlier.

What are the chances of that? I've never met this kid or his dad, and yet here was my old car in my/its space.


I don’t personally remember this, but I would see my dead grandfather all the time when I was a kid. From the ages of 7-9 there was probably 10 different incidents.

My dad was an absolute pansy when it came to “ghosts” (which I don’t really believe in) and wanted to take me to the doctor. My dad had one of those bathrooms with a separate toilet room and no one that lived in the house closed the bathroom door unless they were bathing. I was playing runescape and my dad asked why the bathroom door was closed, and I said it’s because grandpas in there. That’s the only one I actually remember.

There was maybe two other bathroom incidents and some incidents when I would sit on the floor and watch tv with my dad and he would tell me to go sit in the (what was once my grandfathers) chair and said i couldn’t because grandpa was sleeping.

I don’t know how creepy these are tbh but they freaked out my family for sure.


I have a jade Buddhist necklace I bought in China about 10 years ago. It dissappears for months at a time only to reappear somewhere obvious like my desk, my dresser, in a drawer I use every day. I just say it goes on a trip and will come back eventually.


For obvious reasons I always keep a reverse UNO card in my pocket.(a blue reverse UNO card which I once found on my nightstand.)

Anyways, I had accidentally washed it with my pants, it was destroyed, the next day after waking up, guess what I found on my nightstand, a blue UNO reverse card.


Might get buried but oh well. When I played baseball as a kid, they were handing out the trophies at the end of the season. They called out the names of the kids while we received our trophies. They're happened to be a kid with the same name as me. We met after the ceremony because it was weird since our last name isn't a very common one. We had the same birthday and everything. We looked alike, both our Dad's were named Derek and both of our sisters were named Lilly. As a kid, I found it cool. As an adult, I find it cool and also disturbing


A minor one but why not.

My wife and I are space nerds, so we follow pretty much all news regarding space travel. Of course, we're all hyped AF (if skeptical) about the whole Starship thing. And the glitch is exactly about that thing.

About 3 years ago, SpaceX YT channel posted this vid, showcasing the first iteration of their Mars craft. I watched it on like day 2, with my wife sitting behind me, eyes wide and in absolute awe. We finished watching, I turn back - and see that incredilous look on her face.

"But we already watched this... Some three weeks ago"

I look at the posting date - nope, nada, it was definitely 2 day ago. I do a quick search in YT and Chrome history, going all the way to the beginning of the year - obviously, no trace. I even check the internet and ITS (as Starship was called back then) was not even revealed 3 weeks prior, at least not in any video published by SpaceX or any other official site.

Then she starts going through things I apparently said back then, during that previous watching, up to quoting my exact words - some of which sound pretty similar to what I thought while watching the vid (but definitely didn't speak aloud, as I was too stunned and awe-struck).

At this point I recall that at 2:40 timemark, she had said something along the lines of "Look, now it's going to deploy panels, it looks so funny" - and the scene happens then, a few seconds after her remark. So either she actually saw the vid before me, or guessed the moment, based on what was being shown in the vid.

We chalked that up to either her watching it a day prior, just after it got uploaded, and forgetting about it, or an actual harmless glitch (I actually believe in glitches, kinda in a Pratchettesque manner of 'things just happen - what the hell').


When I was a kid I had a dream. A bunch of us kids were playing hide and seek near my house out in the snow. I started digging into the snow to hide and came across a dead girl. The very next day, I was walking home from school and pretty much in the exact same area I dug in my dream, I saw the girl. Same hair, same face, same jacket. I was across the street but I kept staring at her while walking, she eventually noticed and I ran off. Never saw her again. Was the weirdest thing ever.


It's an odd thing where people close to me talk about things I was previously thinking of before I see them


About two years ago, I went to collect my husband from the ferry after work. My husband got into the car and as I was driving very slowly out of the car park we both noticed two people standing a few metres in front of our car. It looked as though they were strangers, older looking professionals, both walking to their separate cars in different areas of the car park. The man was reaching into his side bag and the lady was further ahead than the man, with her head turned to the right. I know the exact positions they were in because they were completely frozen on the spot! My husband and I sat there watching the frozen strangers, not saying anything to each other and then all of a sudden it was like someone pressed play and the two strangers just continued on like nothing had happened. My husband and I promised to each other that we would never forget how weird the experience was. I can't remember exactly how long they stayed frozen like that but it was long enough to freak us both out!


Two things. Each was witnessed by at least one other person and both were while driving. Once at a stop sign in a neighborhood. All of these little sparkles started swirling around in mid air roughly 3-4 ft off the ground out of nowhere. The group of them were roughly 2 ft wide by 3-4 ft tall. It lasted 3-5 seconds and then they were gone. No one was around and when I asked my passenger if he saw it too he breathed a sigh of relief and said yes. We spoke about it a little more but there is no reasonable explanation. The second happened when myself and 3 friends were driving down an empty country road. Very straight stretch. A man on a bike appeared. Someone said to watch out for him, so not to hit him and then he disappeared. Our minds were blown to say the least. Just “poof” and he’s gone.


After my little brother was murdered the next morning I was talking with a friend and he mentioned this other dude I went to high school with younger brother had died in a car accident a couple weeks before.

Later that day I pull out a slip of paper with this other dudes number and name on it from my pants. I vaguely remember running into him a year or so before this at a club where he gave me his number.

I swear I had worn and washed these jeans at least a dozen times since I had run into this dude. I still makes no sense how that paper was there and I only found it then.

I call the dude and we talked a bunch it really help me deal with the situation.


I've got several kids and night terrors are always a bit freaky, but once you know it's normal and what it's like, you kind of get used to it. But my middle child had something happen a couple years ago that didn't seem like it could be a night terror. He's almost five now and has been pretty advanced in academics for a while (somehow learned how to read the names of numbers and colors and such and I accidentally found out one day when I caught him reading what I had written).

He came into my room very upset one night. Night terror. Except he was fully awake. I know they can seem like they're awake but they're not. But I had him doing math. 3+2 is? ... 5. Asking very high level questions about things. He seemed fully alert and aware. But he was seeing something my wife and I could not see. Something threatening and scary. "The fly" was going to get him. He shrieked ear piercing screeches, consistently turning away and back to the doorway into my master bath where he saw this thing that was invisible to me. This happened for a few nights, too. I could only reassure him that he was okay and nothing was there and we would protect him. "You're okay. You're okay, " I'd tell him.

He always darted down the hallway between his room and mine for a few days after this, reassuring himself by saying "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay" as he ran. Poor thing. Freaked my wife and me out completely.


The entire world have slowed down for me a couple of times in my life. My best guess is some kind of adrenaline spike causing my brain to go into overdrive.


When I was living with my parents, my dad was cleaning out one of his drawers and found a piece of paper with a postcode for a nearby city on, when he showed me I immediately recognised it as my own handwriting except I have no memory of ever writing out this postcode, so I punched the postcode into maps to find it is a random street I have never visited before and I have no reason to visit it.

I wish I had have gone, maybe the universe was trying to show me something.


This summer I bought my girlfriend a last-minute birthday trip to go kayaking around the San Juan Islands off the Washington state coast. After a long drive and ferry trip, we found the tour group of about 20 people and were then shuffled into a shuttle van for a ride to the beach.

Now, my girlfriend has a unique name similar to the name of a famous painter. Let's say it's Rebecca Warhol just for fun (it's not). She's a little ray of sunshine, and started chatting with the middle aged woman sitting next to her on the shuttle as we waited to leave. The woman noted that she had always loved the name Rebecca, as it was her mother's name. They made pleasant small talk in the van until the tour guide passed around the sign-in sheet for all of us to fill out. That's when things got strange.

My girlfriend wrote her full name on the sheet and passed it on to the woman, who immediately shouted "Oh my God," and started crying. After a few minutes of total confusion, she told us "Rebecca Warhol was my mother's full name, and these islands were her favorite place in the world. She passed away this summer from cancer and we've traveled hundreds of miles to spread her ashes here." We were STUNNED. I literally picked a random date, time, and tour company, and THEN we were split into the same group as this woman AND my girlfriend was sitting right next to her on the shuttle. What the hell? She continued by saying, "My daughter told us that Nana Rebecca would be with us on this trip, and I didn't believe it until now." It was the most unbelievable coincidence we had ever experienced, and has totally convinced me that there's more to this world than we think. As my brother later said, the Universe winked at us that day.


Well my story is a bit creepy cuz i lost myself, this was like 7 years ago when i was still in high school, it was a normal day all classes went well till the math class began, the teacher was explaining the lesson and how it was related to the previous lesson we had the previous day, everything the teacher was explaining was new to me and never heard before so i was like yeah sure I wasn’t paying attention again during that class, so i opened my notebook to check what i wrote about that class - I always write everything discussed during math class cuz i sucked at math and my dad was strict about it which got my teacher to be strict also with me - and found nothing about the previous class, i asked my friend sitting next to me to give me his notebook to make sure and i found like a whole new material from the last class that I’ve never seen before, so I started investigating after the class going around asking my class mates this crazy question “was i here yesterday during the math class? ” And they were like “what ?” And I explained the whole thing to them and apparently I WAS NOT THERE, i attended both classes before and after the math class and wrote everything of both classes in my notebook but i have no memory where i was during the math class, and the schools where i live have a “one class system” where students stay in their class and teachers come to them for the lecture then leave and the next subject’s teacher comes and so on, so we know each other well and everybody i asked said that I wasn’t there during the math class.

So yeah, i lost myself for approximately an hour.


This didn't happen to me, but to my mother and aunt when they were younger, and to this day is the creepiest thing I've ever heard.

So one day when they were around 16 years old they were alone in the house for a couple of hours while their mother was out working. I don't remember exactly which one of them noticed this but one of them walked into the kitchen and was shocked to find that the stove had somehow been ripped open all the way into the oven. My mother described it as is someone had stabbed the top of the oven, slashed it, and then pulled that slash open with their hands.

Both of them saw it and when I asked my aunt about this story she gave me the same description. Also, this was definitely not a visual hallucination because they swear they reached with their hand from inside the oven to the top through the hole. They both swear they were sober at the time and I believe them because they were raised in an extremely religious environment so it's impossible they were drunk or high.

When my grandmother got home they naturally went to show her the slash, only to find it was completely gone. The stove was completely normal and there was no sign of a hole ever being there.

This experience is probably the only reason why I'm not completely sceptical about the supernatural. I've got other personal experiences of this sort but they all can be explained rationally one way or another in a way that makes complete sense, but this story is way beyond me.


I usually break this out when someone asks for a "ghost story," but I don't believe in ghosts, so we'll say it fits this category.

I have always loved exploring abandoned buildings in the American west. Mostly ghost towns, abandoned mines and such, but old ranch houses and other building can be interesting, too.

In 2005, I was in central Nevada, heading for a week long exploring trip. I passed an old house on a large (former) ranch property that I know had been inhabited just a few years earlier, but now appeared to be abandoned. No cars on the property, about half of the windows boarded up, etc.

The front door was open, so after shouting out for any inhabitants with no response, I walked into the house. It had seen other visitors before me. A few windows were broken from the inside, and many of the few belongings left behind had been rummaged through and strewn about. I walked upstairs, and began walking from bedroom to bedroom. Pack rats had begun their takeover, and their droppings littered the floor. I walked into what was once decorated as a little girls room. There was a cheap brass bed frame, and the mattress had been slid partially off the frame and onto the floor. Some clothes and toys sitting around would lead me to believe the girl was quite young. I peeked into the small closet, which was bare with the exception of a few wire hangers left on the rod. When I turned to leave the closet, there was a girl, around 5-6 years old sitting on the bed, which had somehow had the mattress returned to its normal position.

She said "Hi, Mister. What are you doing in my room?" I panicked, and immediately realized that the house wasn't abandoned, it was just that the family living there was living in extreme poverty. I began apologizing, and explained that I had yelled hello, and nobody answered, so I thought the house was abandoned.

"It's okay, Mister. Mommy isn't home. I haven't seen here in a long time. Maybe you could help me find her?"

She stood up, walked toward the the open window and sat on the ledge, looking out on a vast empty field of sagebrush.

I asked her to come downstairs with me and we would go find her mother.

She started to stand up from the window, but turned around suddenly and said "Oh no, he's coming! I have to go, Mister. He's coming! You should probably go too." She then kicked her legs over the windowsill and jumped. I raced to the window, and looked to the ground, expecting to see an injured little girl, but there was nothing there. I raced back downstairs and out of the house. I looked around as I walked back to my car, but saw nobody.

She wasn't what I think of when I think of a ghost. There was no transparency, no foggy haze around her or anything like you would expect from a movie "ghost." I still don't know what the hell I saw. I pulled into Austin, NV later that evening and met up with the group I was planning on exploring with. We went for drinks that night at a local bar, and after a few drinks they convinced me to tell my story to the bartender. He listened, and then asked me to confirm the location of the property. When I described the location and condition of the house, he explained "Oh yeah. That's the old _______ ranch. Sounds like you had a visit from Nellie. She likes to chat with people that stop by. She's harmless." He then explained that the original owner disappeared in the late 1960's after leaving a note saying the family was moving to Alaska, so he could try his luck at gold mining in the Yukon. He was later located in Oregon, and largely suspected of killing his wife and daughter, however no bodies were ever found. His version of the story was that the wife and daughter did not want to leave Nevada, and left him somewhere along the way.

I absolutely loathe telling this story, because I don't believe in ghosts or the paranormal, and I feel like I'm trying to tell a spooky story to a group of children. I went back to that house 2 more times before it was burned down a few years back. I never saw or heard anything unusual since my first visit.


Not me but a buddy of mine, we were playing Xbox and we both have elite controllers which have magnetic joysticks that pop right off so you can switch to another, well he tossed his on his bed and went to the bathroom, he came back to find his right joystick missing. I let him use mine because I prefer the longer ones, during the summer he texted me saying he found it, at his dads house, 150 miles away from where he regularly hangs his hat(his moms house)


Once when we were kids, I had some friends with an ouija board at the basement of the building where I lived. Through the stairs there was an elevator shaft that had these wide bars where you could stick your arm in them, typical old elevator design. So one night, they decided to go to the basement to do another ouija session, and I decided to drop a cup of glass through the shaft, just to scare them off. I let go of the cup, saw it vanish into the darkness, and I never heard the cup hit the ground.

I stood there, confused. Next day, I went downstairs at the basement with one of my friends, and the cup was there, placed in the middle of the elevator shaft floor. The cup was upright, and intact. I was seriously freaked out by that, because it would be impossible to someone enter the elevator shaft and place the cup there like that. The cup should have broken into pieces since I threw it from the 10th floor against a cement floor.


This happened about 20+ years ago, well before the The Matrix. It was exactly like that Matrix scene, but instead of a cat, it was a person.

It was on the morning bus ride to school, in the late fall, early winter. I always rode the window seat because I would listen to music and had to hide my walkman (this was in a time where having electronics on school property [including the bus] was banned), the point of saying this, I was always studying every details of what I saw outside while keeping my calm.

Bus comes to a stop, and I look out and see the kid walk from his front door to the edge of the driveway, wait for the driver to signal and walk across. I remember he was wearing a navy blue jacket that had purple stripes on the sleeves. This kid I knew enough of was "fashion conscious" and never wore the same jacket more than once a week. He gets on the bus and takes his seat. I wait for the bus to move, but it doesn't. The delay makes me curious so I look out to see if there is a reason. And I look out and see the kid walk from his front door, to the end of the driveway and wait for the driver to signal, wearing a navy blue jacket with purple stripes down the sleeves, he walks across, boards the bus, and takes the exact same seat.

Every single detail between the two moments were identical. the car in the driveway was in the exact same position, Clouds in the sky, the car who stopped for the bus, everything.

That family only has one kid...


Similar experience, walking home in a residential neighborhood at night, i was 14 at the time and this car is driving behind me very slowly, too slowly. It pulls over about 5 ft ahead of me and stops. Alarm bells were already ringing at that time and I BOOK it home. Just pure adrenaline, I burst through the front door, hyperventilating, manage to get out what happened to my dad who takes off sprinting down the street. Sure enough dad finds the car and is like what’s going on man. The guy laughs and says his car died, he must have really scared me for me to run like that. Hardy har. Good laugh at my expense, dad says I’ll be right back, I’ll jump you. Dad goes back literally under 2 minutes ( this was maybe 1 1/2 football fields away from my house, but not a straight shot) and guy isn’t there. Well guess who’s laughing now?

No one because it was terrifying.


I was walking my dog and I was almost to the driveway when I looked down for some reason and I looked back up and I ended up being back at the road about 6 blocks away from where I thought I was. I was so confused but my dog looked completely fine.

FYI- I don’t drink or do drugs, I’m still pretty young


My wife passed away a year ago today. Had a some odd things happen like a couple of old meaningful pictures show up that I swore were in storage. The strangest one was I vacuumed the carpet and as soon as I was done a diamond ring was on the ground right where I had just cleaned. It was like she was saying "Hey this one is real don't lose it!".


Around 12 years old I was watching megas xlr, or something that was on at the time. Sitting there I noticed that the sun just turned off. Like completely. I was real confused, opened the blinds and it was dark. Show was still at the same spot, but the clock on the cable box said it was 5 hours later...

My best guess for what happened was that I passed out without realizing it, like those nights where you lay in bed and blink and suddenly its morning.

So I'm guessing I fell asleep sitting up, for exactly enough time to have cartoon network play a rerun of the show get to the exact spot I fell asleep at.

Was surreal tho


I think most of the people here have experienced the "something falls down and seemingly disappears" thing, but the exact opposite happened to me a couple of months ago.

Basically me and a bunch of friends were standing in a circle in our school's hallway, when suddenly we heard something fall. We all simultaneously looked at the floor, and there was a small, silver, foreign coin (swiss I think) just laying there. I picked it up and asked if any of them had dropped it, and they all denied. I looked around and there was nowhere it could've come from, and the hallway was empty, so there was noone who could've thrown it.

Later we joked, that someone in Switzerland probably dropped it, and is now frantically looking for it.

I still have the coin in my locker, so if anyone wants pictures, I can take some when monday rolls around.


I always have weird visions or i’ll see something in a dream, but i won’t notice that i’ve seen it, then like a week or so after i’ll see the exact same thing, almost like deja vu but not quite since it hasn’t actually happened before. It would always be something so specific and it has happened multiple times so it can’t just be a strange coincidence. Edit: It’s very reassuring to see all the stories of people experiencing the same thing, assures me that i’m not going insane, or maybe many others are just going insane with me. I won’t be able to read them all as my phones been blown up with them but i’ll try my best!


A total of 3 times in my life I have had memories of seeing movies/movie trailers that hadn't been made yet. It's not even a feeling of Deja vu, it's a clear vivid memory of seeing the movie before.


Every night I go to bed about two hours before my husband. I always wake up when he comes into the room. One night he was gaming with a friend and it was hours later I heard him sneak into the room and crawl across the floor so he could pop up and scare me. I felt the floor kind of shake and felt him bump clumsily against the side of the bed in the dark. I held out my hand and asked him not to scare me, I was already scared enough and begged him to just take my hand and come to bed. I couldn’t see anything in the room, but knew he was there and just waited for him to jump up so I could move on and go back to sleep. That’s when I heard him talking to his friend in the other room. I was frozen. I know there’s sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming or something that explains this, but I would have sworn on my sons life that someone had crawled across the floor and jostled the bed.

Eventually I worked out of the fear enough to grab my phone and text my husband to come in and turn on the lights and check under the bed. But holy s**t, it boggles me how real it felt.


Every time I drop something and it literally disappears to nothingness. Like wtf?


it isn't creepy but.. when I was in high school I had a dream I was in all white class room (totally white, like the ones you would see in a dream), and a girl was sitting in the chair on my side. During the dream, I knew it was a dream because that girl was a senior; we didn't have common classes .

About six years later, I was at a master class, the sun was shining bright outside, the classroom was very illuminated, and I see this girl on my side. We are doing masters together... and having a class, in all white f**king classroom.

Of course I remembered the dream at that very moment.


Probably going to get buried, but I met someone who no longer seems to exist.

In October 2018, I developed tendinitis in my hand, so I went to see a hand specialist at my regular hospital. I remember the hand specialist really clearly. She was a really happy, talkative Vietnamese woman with straight, dark brown hair and glasses. She had a German-sounding last name, which I assumed was her married name. She was really really nice and we had a long conversation about a medical conference that she goes to. She explained that my hand issues (caused by phone usage) were the "hot topic" of the conference and that she'd probably use my injury as an example when she goes there.

Anyway, she gave me care instructions and sent me home. I was told to return if it didn't resolve in a few weeks because then I'd need to be reexamined and sent to physical therapy.

It didn't resolve and I went back. I had an appointment with the same doctor, but the woman who came into the room was completely different. She was a white woman with light brown hair, no glasses, completely different face shape, really dull and unwelcoming disposition. I was so f**king confused. I asked her her name, and she gave the same name the Asian doctor had. I asked if there was another doctor by that name and she told me no, it was only her. I described the doctor I had seen and she got annoyed and said she didn't know who I was talking about.

I later went online to the hospital's staff directory and tried to find the Asian doctor -- I couldn't. I have no idea what happened to her. I even checked my medical records to see if maybe I remembered her name incorrectly but I didn't. Both of my visits have the same doctor's name on them. I've always been confused about this and it really bothers me that I met someone who doesn't seem to exist anymore.


Ok my sister and I were playing the age old game of "Get the f**k out of my room." If you've never played it before, all you do is try to get the intruder out. I managed to get her outside the door, but she always trying to push it open while I was attempting to close it. Suddenly, I slam it shut, meaning I won. I turn around and there is my very confused sister wondering how she ended up back in my room. In her confusion, I managed to get her back out.


I was a young boy of 5-6, I think, maybe 7, at summer camp. The supervisors took the kids to a swimming pool and we were all swimming there. One of the supervisors was throwing kids into the pool, we'd splash around, climb out, and get tossed in again, which was great fun. It was my turn to get thrown in, except I forgot to take a breath before I hit the water and went under pretty deep. Now I was underwater and I really had to take a breath and was fighting the urge to breathe. I lost and inhaled. I swear to f**king god, I'm not making this up but I somehow breathed air. I felt calmer and my lungs and body relaxed, just like I had taken a gulp of fresh air. I swam around underwater for a bit, just because it was so weird, but then I had the thought that maybe I shouldn't test or take for granted this thing that just happened, I should just count my blessings so I went up and surfaced. The rest of the day was normal and I never told anybody.

I should mention that as a very young child, age 2-4, that I hallucinated a few times. Once I was walking down a hall in my house and I started floating in mid-air. If I thought about it, or questioned it, I'd start sinking, but if I just relaxed and accepted it, I could float again. That only happened to me once, but I would have dreams where the same dynamic would happen for many years. Those stopped around the time I hit puberty, I think.

Anyway, I don't know what happened that day in the pool. My first thought at the time was that it was another hallucination, but the part I don't understand is why I so desperately needed to breathe *before* the hallucination happened, and why I was so relaxed and calm and not panicky as if I had actually breathed afterward. I even stayed underwater for a bit. It was pretty surreal.


This happened around 1991. It's the middle of the night. I'm standing in my sister's living room and it must be a full moon, because even though it's around 1am and the lights are off, I can see clearly. There's a mixing bowl with popcorn kernels in the bottom on the floor in front of the tv and some rental VHS in a pile nearby. I hear a noise and turn around to see my sister's normally very friendly labrador retriever looking like Cujo. Fangs bared, snarling, hackles raised. Suddenly there's a bright flash of light and I wake up like I hit the bed from a great height. I think "That was a weird dream." Eventually, I fall back to sleep and in the morning I call my sister, planning to tell her the story, but she preempts me by telling me about the weird thing that happened in the night.

They woke up to the sound of the dog snarling at about 1am. Her husband thought there was a prowler in the house, got a gun and went to find the dog. She was standing in the living room snarling at the middle of the room. He couldn't see anyone, so he flipped on the light. No one was there, the dog instantly stopped snarling and walked to her bed like nothing had happened. He checked the property and went back to bed.

We talked a bit and I found out they watched some rental movies and "Of course we had popcorn, why?" My sister is a little woowoo at times, so I decided not to tell her about my night. She lived about 450 miles away by the way.


Me and my buddy ryan were big dubstep fans at the beginning of highschool. One day between classes we both turned the corner to run into each other, while singing the exact same song, at the exact same point in the song (stranger by skrillex). We are still amazed at how weird of a coincidence it is when we bring it up.


Weird but happy. About 5 years ago in November we lost our family dog to cancer. She was the dog my children grew up with, loved by all. At the next Christmas, at the end of the day of gifts, food and family, as I was picking up, I found a tiny pewter dog figurine sitting on the mantel. I asked everyone who had been at the house that day if they left it. No one had. Okay, weird, but took it as a good omen. When my eldest went back to college at the end of that Christmas break, he asked if he could take the little figurine, to remember his dog. Of course, I said yes. A week or two later, picking up around the house, there was the figurine again! I called my son, and said, “You forgot the dog figurine!” He said, “No I didn’t, it’s right in front of me on my desk!” I had now found a second figurine!! Again, no one claimed any knowledge of it. No idea how....but I still have the two of them tucked away on a shelf to this day.


I remember being pretty young like 9 or 10 and I was the car park of a pub in England (Southend). I remember seeing someone in their teens in the window of a house looking over the car park. They waved at me and I felt like I knew them somehow. My parents asked who I was waving at and I said just some lady in the window over there. Didn’t think much of it. Fast forward 10 years. I was at my nans new house. I remember walking into her room (which I never was allowed to do) going to the window. I then realised I was in the house looking over that same parking lot and remembering that interaction years before. Then a girl around 9 or 10 who was in said car park waved at me and I waved back. I felt like I knew her.

Could not explain it and have never told anyone about it. It freaked me out.


I wouldn’t say that this was creepy, but it’s definitely one of the most quaintly surreal things I’ve ever experienced:

So, back in 2016, I was injured at work and for about six months my life consisted of going to physical therapy and being confined to bed until I could walk again. With that in mind, I had a lot of time to read books. One of the books that I was reading was “Ex-Heroes”, by Peter Clines.

Now I don’t know about anyone else, but when I read a book I like to “cast” the characters in my head, coming up with how they look. One of the minor characters in this book was named Ilya and, because I know someone named Ilya, and because the book is set in Los Angeles where I live, the Ilya in the book became the Ilya that I knew in my imagination. But then, something strange started to happen. The Ilya in the book made specific references to movies like “Aliens”, a movie which the Ilya I know is a huge fan of. The Ilya in the book was a big fan of firearms, as the Ilya that I know is. Put into words, these details seem slim, but there was something so strange about the character in this book that I eventually reached out to the Ilya that I knew to ask about it.

Turns out that Ilya knows the author, Peter Clines, who had put him in the book! What are the odds that I would choose to buy a random book, with a story that takes place essentially on my street in Los Angeles, and features someone I know in real life as a minor character? That blew my mind, and it’s easily one of the most surreal experiences I’ve had.


My wife and I were at the local mall shopping. We were walking around in Spencer’s and there was a display with a bunch of sexy/slutty boxed outfits. Once we saw them, we both blurted out “this looks like something Samantha(an acquaintance we both knew from from mutual friends) would wear”, at the exact same time. We started laughing about it and as we walked around the corner, the SAMANTHA we were talking about was looking at the exact same rack but form the other side! We were both like “WHAT IN THE F**K?!?!”... We hadn’t seen her in probably a year or so before then. That left everyone scratching their heads for a bit...


Three times in the last year I have had a strong feeling to comment to someone about a part of their body. I've not done so because a) their people I don't see often and b) it would be weird. But a few weeks after each one of those people were diagnosed with cancer in the part of the body i felt I needed to comment on. If I get that feeling again don't care who it is I'm gonna say something.


When I was 14 (1995) during the eerie calm before a summer lightning storm, my dog Daisy, (Chow Lab Mix) started barking at the corner of the basement. There was nothing to bark at. Just stone fireplace and a tile floor. Suddenly a lamp set above the fireplace had the lightbulb explode and a painting hung next to it shattering as it flew off the wall at an almost 90 degree trajectory, landing ten feet from the wall. My brother and I have theorized for years what it was. Our best guess is that lightning hit the chimney and that's what did the damage. We've never been able to figure out how our dog knew it was about to happen...


When I was in high school, I remember reading a question on a test, thinking to myself, "Why do I already know the exact numeric answer?! I'm not even done reading it!". Thinking on it for a brief moment, I realized I had literally dreamt this exact question word for word the night before. Only time it's ever happened to me, but to my grave I will swear that it did. Got it right, btw!


I once went to sleep in a unmade bed ( cause I'm lazy and was too tired to make it lol), I was laying under the covers and I woke up laying facedown sideways on top of a completely made bed.


I always seem to glance at a clock with the 11 minute showing at least four times a day. It drive me bananas for some reason.


Joking I couldn't go on vacation because every time I did, a war broke out. I finally went on vacation and flew to New Orleans on September 10, 2001.

Haven't taken a vacation since.


I had two scars on my right knee, I got one from picking a scab when I was 5, the other I got in 5th grade. The story behind how I got the second one is too long, but it have been impossible for the wound to happen on my left knee. A few years after I got the second scar I wake up with both of them on my left knee. I also have photos of my legs with the scars on my right knee.


I lived in a shared house while at university, and it was a freaking odd place. Things would go missing in plain sight and then reappear moments later. Not just small things like lighters but big things, jackets, plates, text books. We got so used to it we ended up accepting it. Everyone would leave the room for a minute and when you came back in whatever was missing would be right back wherever it last was.

The living room had a sliding door that gave access to the hallway. We were poor students so all the radiators in the hallways were always turned off and we only heated the bedrooms and communal lounge, so that door was always closed. Most nights the door would have a good rattle. We were all inner city kids and just put it down to passing busses. Until someone pointed out that we were out that we lived on a residential street, no busses, no trucks and the underground tube trains came nowhere near the place.

The neighbours came around one evening and very politely asked us to stop banging up and down the stairs late at night. That caused a uncomfortable moment when we apologised but mentioned we thought it was them banging up their staircase.

The weirdest moment was me in bed one night sleeping, waiting for my girlfriend to get back from a night out with her girlfriends. The bedroom door opened, and I felt the bed “bow” as she climbed in. I could feel the warmth of someone beside me but it didn’t feel like A, I rolled over and there was no one there. By this time you just accepted weird stuff happened, it never felt “threatening”.

I am a scientist and an atheist, I don’t believe in weird s**t, but something was f**king wrong in that house.

I sometimes wonder if it was something to do with my girlfriend then A. She was named after an elder sibling who died young, before A was born. At times she was capable of the weirdest s**t - I had long hair back then and the part of London we lived in still had a culture of “freak bashing”. I remember someone starting to pick a fight with me in the pub one night. He pinned me against a wall and got in a few solid punches when A stopped him in his tracks with a calm statement along the lines of “listen, I know your mother left you when you were 6 and your grandmother brought you up. I know she died last month and your are angry, but this isn’t going to make you feel better. She loved you, she wouldn’t want you to be like this”.


I'm not superstitious but there's this one thing. My lucky numbers are 317. And then my daughter was born on March 17 (3/17). And then After I got divorced and was nervous to start a new life I ended up getting this awesome apartment and guess what number it was? 317. Honestly knowing that it felt like my daughter saying "you're gonna be ok" made my new start ok.


There have been sooo many times that I’ve had a dream and it turned out to be true. It happened when I broke my arm, the first day of middle school, and even simple things like when I saw a friend at a coffee shop were exactly like my dream. It’s super freaky


I remember having a conversation with a green aura at the end of my bed as a kid. I remember watching it disappear infront of my eyes and that night I had a dream with me and my dad and the aura was "friendly" following us the whole time


I stopped to tie my shoelace in Amsterdam after I felt someone push my shoulder. The person was not here.

A brick feel about a few cm away from my head from the construction above.

Someone saved me.


One night, me and a buddy got stuck at a house party with no ride home, so we had to walk 15 miles home.

As we walked, we lamented the fact that we didn't have any cigarettes and all of the stores we passed by were closed.

After a while, we found a pack of Marlboro Lights on the curb with 17 cigarettes left.

And a few miles later we found another pack of Marlboro Lights on the curb with 17 cigarettes left.

What are the odds of finding two packs of the same brand, with the same number of cigarettes, while walking down the street on a completely unplanned route???


I saw my old cat after he passed away. I don't believe in ghosts/spirits/presences. There may be souls or a god, but I think that when a human or animal passes, that's it for this body on this earth.

My cat that passed was white. Let's call him D. His surviving younger brother was P. About a month after D passed I adopted E because P was not doing well as an only cat.

E is light orange. P is grey.

Woke up in the middle of the night. P was asleep in the cat tree. E was in the saucer chair.

......and D was on the end of the bed where he always slept.

Checked to make sure I was awake. Looked at the clocks. All the same time. Counted out loud. Took stock of my surroundings. Definitely awake and alert. I don't take drugs and I hadn't drank. I don't have a history of hallucinations. I was sad about Ds death, of course, but not insane with grief. He was 19, old and sick. I missed him but he had a long, great life.

And then I thought my eyes were f**king with me and light orange E looked white in the low light. So I counted cats.




One. Two. Three.

There should only be two.

And then I watched as D jumped off the bed and was gone.

I don't believe he "came to visit me". I don't believe it was sleep paralysis or a hallucination. I don't believe it was grief. Idk what it was, but I know what I f**king saw.


I’ve made a post before about this so I’m gonna go find it and copy paste it again.

I found it! Here it is

My father was telling some stories about his past and one of them was mind blowing. For me.

He was a kid, camping with his father (my grandfather), and it was really far and cold. When he got home he was exhausted and he wanted to sleep for about 15-30 minutes and go take a shower. His father already had the water running (in the north part of Russia you have to preheat the water to take a shower), and made lunch. This was Friday at about 14:00, and my father remembered the time when he fell asleep.

When he woke up, he looked at the time and it said 13:00. He was really confused because he fell asleep at 14:00. What he didn’t know was that he slept for 23 hours and missed school and the shower and everything else. He only found out about it when he called his father and he told him that he tried waking him, but that didn’t work out. So he let him sleep.

The crazy part is that it felt as if my father fell asleep and woke up in a mere 15 seconds. But in reality he slept 23 hours. He’s 43 now and he still doesn’t understand how he time travelled through 23 hours for 15 seconds in his sleep.


So, this might be hard to explain. I was probably 12, and lived in a big log cabin. One day while my parents were at work, I got in a fight with my brother (18) who had some anger issues. He chased me through the house and I ran out one door, around our porch and in through another door. I was going to lock it behind me but didn't have time because he was too close behind me. So, I slammed the door behind me and kept running. When I glanced back to see if he had made it through the door yet, he was banging on the window of said door and yelling for me to unlock it. The door was locked and there was no he had locked it, because the door could only be locked from the outside with a key (of course), and our parents never gave us keys. There was also no way the door could have accidentally locked when I slammed it behind me, because it needed to be fully turned to lock, and usually required some finagling at the end to make it actually lock. I stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds and then ran to a bathroom and locked myself in there. Definitely feel that saved me that day.


I was reading Kurt Vonnegut’s last book, Timequake, and had put it in my backpack to read while on the bus. I left the house and for some reason about a block later I thought to myself, “did I put the book in my bag?” I looked and it wasn’t there, went back to the house and couldn’t find it, retraced my steps to where I turned around and it was nowhere to be found.

I never found the book again, and gave up on trying to get another copy. I think it was Vonnegut’s way of telling me it wasn’t worth the read.


A friend and I went to a buddy's house for a bday party. Stayed up playing halo 2 and hanging out. We all crash in the basement.

R (friend who came with me) and I got up at the same time. Not like one after eachother, we both got up at the same time after being asleep for a few hours and rushed to the bathroom.

R was more athletic than me (probably still is) and beat me there. I ran upstairs, barely getting my head over the toilet before puking my guts out. R was doing the same thing in the basement. I was wearing a wooden cross my grandmother mailed me from Romania (I'm not religious but I appreciated the gift as I had never met her at that point). Cross somehow became detached from the cord, fell on the tile and broke into two pieces.

So we both call our respective mothers and get picked up. By now it's like 3-4am.

Felt sick up until we left the house. Once I was in the car and a few blocks away, felt perfectly fine.

R reported the same thing to me that day over MSN Messenger. Felt perfectly fine after a few blocks.

Got the pictures developed a few weeks later. Theres a picture of us on the couch rocking some Halo and the whole room looks like it's filled with mist. Super spooky. I've been looking for the pic for a long time and I can't seem to find it anymore, but every few years my sister and I search my mom's photo albums for it.


My sister pretended to feed my bear when we were kids. I saw the beans on the spoon. She put it to his mouth and scooped, showed me the spoon and the beans were gone. No beans on his lip. Nothing..like he actually ate it. She never told me how she did it and she doesnt remember doing it now.


I used to have a recurring dream as a teenager every night for months.

I was sitting at a table on the patio of a restaurant, I was out there alone, waiting for my food. A homeless man comes up to the other side of the patio and asks for change. I'm digging in my wallet for a couple dollars and then I hear tires screech and look up to see a crash in an intersection near the restaurant. I run out there to see if I can help and as I run out into the road I get hit by a car and wake up at the impact.

After a while the dream stopped and I put it out of my mind. Fast forward to me being 28 and sitting at an On The Border, on the patio waiting for my food. A homeless guy comes walking past the restaurant but doesn't stop and ask for change. It makes me think about that dream though and I start to feel uneasy. Shortly after, I hear the tires screech and I see a wreck happen in the intersection near the restaurant. I begin to run out there but stop at the sidewalk and look out towards incoming traffic and there is an SUV not slowing down. She was on her phone and blew through the intersection completely unaware of what had just happened. Ran out and checked on the people. Everyone was fine.


About a year ago me and my cousin visited Los Angeles. We were driving around using google maps and after missing our 3rd or 4th exit we swear we both heard it sigh loudly before it rerouted us. We freaked out and made sure our driving was on point the rest of the ride. The rest of the trip there if we missed any of our exits or turns we always apologized to google so hopefully she would know we were just morons and not assholes.


I should have fallen into the River Thames once.

Me and some friends from uni were exploring London and taking pictures beside the Thames when I decide posing next to the wall is a weak photo, so decide to climb up for better photo opportunities. As i hoisted myself up I must have used far too much power and knew fully I was about to go straight over and into the river, which was like a 20ft drop. I managed to get one foot onto the wall and felt something completely stop my momentum. almost felt like divine intervention in a way. i stood up straight, alive and still on dry land.

As i turned to express how close i was to dying there and then someone took a photo of me, which is still one of the best photos ive had taken of me to date.


Several years ago, I went home, turned on my PC, browsed the web for a bit, literally watched a video about The Matrix, then looked out of my window.

Then I suddenly snapped awake sitting in my chair. I looked at my monitor to see that it had turned off.

I thought "Strange, I must have fallen asleep" and proceeded to move the mouse to wake my PC from sleep mode.

It did not wake up.

I was confused until I noticed that the power strip was not even plugged in.

It had never been turned on in the first place.

That one weirded me out out for quite a while.

I must have gone home, fell asleep and dreamt the whole thing (at least I hope so...).


My first pair of glasses just disappeared. When I went to bed, I would always put my glasses on my nightstand, and really never took them off other than at that time. One day, I put my glasses on the nightstand, woke up in the morning, and they were just gone! I asked my parents and sisters if they moved it, and they all said no. Our whole family turned the house upside down, but couldn't find it. I still don't know where they are. Or I could just be an idiot, and left it somewhere, but I severely doubt that I was that stupid


I’ve posted about this experience a few times now; about two years ago I was driving up a short hill in the overtaking lane. I was attempting to overtake a particularly slow car. I was going far too fast, I absolutely knew this but was somehow fine with it. Then I had a burst of adrenaline and decided to accelerate even harder to overtake the car, before the overtaking lane merged back into one lane. Sometimes I don't think I was successful. I think after I crested the hill I was two abreast in the now single lane. A truck was in the opposite lane starting to come up to the hill and I think I hit it at the right hand side (the truck drivers left side) straight on, at considerable speed.

I remember looking at the truck and thinking I'm going to hit it but feeling that that's ok, everything is going to be fine. I think I saw the front of the truck hit and crumple the left side of my car, saw it come right up to my face then, for a second, nothing but black. A moment later I was parked by a small factory type building about half a mile down the road. I remember my skin feeling prickly and tingly and I felt the adrenaline whoosh out of my body. I cut my journey short and just went home.

Now, on occasion things just feel left of centre, the world just feels a little more gray and cold and I mean that literally and figuratively. My family and friends seem absolutely the same and I'm very happy in my life but some things in the world just seem off.

This seems absolutely ridiculous to say but sometimes I'll be in a place and I'll get an odd, uncomfortable feeling and then the place seems to flash to warmth and sunlight and happiness, it then goes back to this slightly off, grayer place. I see the same physical place but for a while it seems much more beautiful. I'll read an article or listen to the radio and I'll think that that's not how it's supposed to be, so I'll google it and sure enough I was wrong. It's not all the time and it doesn't worry me, as I said my personal life is the same and I'm happy, it's the outside world that sometimes feels so off and so wrong.


When I was 5, I was sitting and watching my dad cook. Everything went white for what seemed like a minute and then back to normal. Still sitting upright, my dad still cooking in the kitchen. For years I was convinced I had been abducted by aliens.

Of course, 10 years later I was diagnosed with epilepsy... So it was probably just a seizure. I guess what I'm getting at is that any unwilling lapses of consciousness feel kinda like the world s**t the bed for a moment.


I carry the same pen in the same pocket of my scrubs everyday. I was doing my thing at work earlier this week, I go to grab my pen and there were two. :-O

It's not a big deal and maybe not entirety creepy but it legit rocked my brain and freaked me out. I didnt accidentally pick up another identical pen at some point that morning. Not even possible. Yet there it was... second pen. WTF.


I was living for three summers in a big old house that served as the Rectory (Church house) for a church where I was working. The Minister was in-and-out all summer, and I was also there to housesit while he was on vacation.

At the time I was really into sleep tracking apps, and particularly sleep-noise-recording apps to see if I could hear myself talking in my sleep.

I ran it almost every night and never heard a single interesting thing. I barely snore, so I would hear the odd siren outside, the bed creaking as I rolled over, breathing, a fart, etc.

One morning when I was alone in the house (Minister on vacation) and I opened the app to playback noises from the night before - all the usual stuff until the second to last recording.

The recording was from around 3:30/4 in the morning. You can clearly hear me breathing and that I am not rolling around or moving much. If I had rolled or gotten up the app would have recorded it as it was an old and creaky bed.

Suddenly, as you hear me breathing, there comes the noise of three very distinct and unmistakable raps of knuckles on wood, followed by a two second pause, and the snapping of fingers.


It was super unnerving especially because there was no evidence that it was me doing it.

It bothered me enough that I set the phone back down on the night stand and tried to recreate the noise from anywhere that I could reach while laying on the bed - the frame, the bedside table, the nearby bookcase, but I could never get it exactly or figure out what wood was being tapped on. Whatever the case, the noise was distant enough that it could not have come from anywhere that I could have reached while lying in the bed.

I have never been prone to sleep walking, talking, or even getting up in the night to go to the bathroom, so I am quite certain it wasn't me.

This is something that has stuck with me and for which I have no answer.


Will probably get lost but here goes.

Was driving home from college and kind of daydreaming during the long drive. I had been doing suspension work on the truck I was driving and suddenly had a vivid picture in my mind of the right front wheel spindle. I imagined a bolt that I had screwed with had shaken loose and the tire became completely uncontrollable. In my imagination the tire deflected fully to the right and immediately threw the nose of my truck around and the whole vehicle started rolling maybe a dozen times.

On the highway in the middle of nowhere it would've taken a long time for an ambulance to reach me if I needed it. Since I was seatbelted I would probably survive if this happened.

Lo and behold, as I come over the next rise I see a truck on the side of the road, tire marks in my lane, people pulled over running to the overturned truck, and one tire fully canted out. Just. Like. I. Imagined. The real kicker is that I think it happened at the same time I imagined it.

I didnt connect the dots until I was already past the accident. I will always regret not stopping.


Around 2012, I traveled to a conference for work from Sacramento to Los Angeles with a co-worker for a couple days. We had some time to kill before boarding our flight back to Sac when I decided to roam the terminal for something to eat. After walking back and forth, I resorted to a random little counter for a pre made sandwich or something. I paid, and as the woman at the counter handed me the receipt she said "Thanks, Isabel.", which is my name.

This moment seemed like an eternity, and I still remember the feeling of standing there stunned, but also questioning my intuition. Within 2-3 seconds I looked at my wallet to see if I had pulled out my ID. I looked at my blouse and jacket to see if I still had a name tag on. I looked in my hands to see if I was holding a debit card (did I pay with card? Nah...). I also scanned the damn receipt for my name. The words "How do you know my name?" were paralyzed on my tongue and nothing came out. Isabel is my name. That particular day was a hard day for me, as it was in memoriam to my father's sudden passing in 2005.

I grabbed my sandwich and sat down next to my coworker and was like "so something weird just happened." I explained it to her, as well as the importance of this day because of my father, and she had no doubt - a quirky lady - and said "oh, I love that stuff. I believe it."

I still try to cast doubt on myself to this day that something must have informed this stranger of my name. It just doesn't add up, right? Ultimately, though, what I trust is the sensational feeling of standing frozen stiff because of something unfolding before me, no matter how little sense it makes. I think we've all had that feeling and have confidence in it more than we want to.


My whole fam and i went out to lunch once. We had a beta fish in a small bowl in our bathroom. When we came home the fishbowl was upside down on the bathroom floor glass beads water and fish all intact, upside down on the floor. No spilled water. We had to break the seal with the tile floor and spill it all to put it back.


I was about 16 when this happened in Chicago. My friend was driving and we were in the alley heading to her garage. Two small ostriches darted in front of the car. We freaked out and chased them, but ultimately lost them when they ran into a yard. We even got out to look for them. When we told her parents, they accused us of being high (we weren't) and they still give us s**t about it to this day.

Honestly, after going over it in my head a bunch, I don't even know what we actually saw.


This is literally the most mundane but odd experience.

I was thirsty so thought I'd have a glass of flavoured water. I poured some blackberry cordial into the glass, but significantly over poured. So I pour some of it back into the bottle, then I realised I haven't poured enough, so I do it again. I end up doing it 7 or 8 times. I was pouring quite a bit back, but checking the glass, it looked like I had more of it after each pour than I started with, and I had this weird sensation that it was refilling itself.

At the time I had the thought of this being some sort of weird simulation glitch (or maybe I have mental health issues, lol)... But this is the only thing that's happened to me that I honestly can't rationally explain without invoking some sort of mental deficit on my behalf (or that Nick Bostrom is indeed right)...


As a kid I played outside in snow. I was alone in the yard and decided to bury a doll in snow. I completely buried it and marked the spot with footprints. Sometime later I went back to the spot, it wasn't here. I'm sure it's same spot. Nobody passed through, or at least stopped long enough to find the doll and dig it up. I went home, hoping to get it back next day, but when snow melted I obviously couldn't find it anymore


Three things have happened to me I can't explain.

Looked for two weeks for a phone number for a friend of mine in Germany who I hadn't spoken to for over a year. Finally found the number, ran downstairs to call him. No dial tone on the phone. I said "Hello?" and my friend said "Hello? I've been trying to call you for two weeks but I couldn't find your number until just now." So he'd called me and I picked up the phone between the time the line connected and the phone rang for the first time.

Someone figure the odds on this one for me.

We were in Maui for about 2 weeks. During that time we drove down to Hana, just driving around exploring. We found an avocado tree which was dropping fruit everywhere, including on the road. We picked up about a dozen of them and ate them as we went along our travels. Before leaving the islands, we knew we had to go through agricultural inspection and we had one avocado left. On the rental van shuttle we decided to offer the remaining avocado to the driver. He said, and I quote "Oh, thank you! My tutu (grandma) said you'd be bringing me this avocado from her tree." We asked him where his grandma lived, and he described the exact tree and the exact spot we'd picked it up. We asked "Is that your grandma's house?" He replied "It was, but she died 20 years ago. She told me in a dream last night you'd be bringing me the avocado from her tree."

How the hell do I explain that? I'm a skeptic, but this s**t is just beyond me.

I grew up on a farm 10 miles west of the middle of nowhere, northern Wisconsin. A flatbed truck from the 1930's - in pristine condition - pulled on the yard. A gentleman in vintage 1930's garb hopped out of the cab and frantically said "The mail lady just crashed into the bridge down the road and she needs help!" I ran inside, called 911, then took my ATV down to the bridge. Sure enough, the mail lady was pinned inside her Chrysler K-car, which had crumpled up like tissue paper. I learned the power of adrenaline, as I had the strength to rip the driver's seat (which was pinning her legs) right off the tracks. Once the paramedics got there I went back to the farm. I asked everyone if they'd seen the flatbed, but no one had. My grandpa finally told me "That sounds like old Bill - he died in a flatbed truck when he crashed in that exact same spot about 50 years ago." He described Bill down to the ratty old hat, suspenders, and pin-striped shirt.

Mmm hmm.


Back in the mid-80s Prince releases a song called Raspberry Beret which the title is in the chorus. For the first several weeks when the song was on the radio, he was singing Raspberry Pu-tang! Prince was known at the time to be sexually controversial. It was blatant, then about a month after it's release the words in the song were changed to Raspberry Beret! To this day, I've never found a version or seen anything online to verify my story. Nobody remembers?!!! When I tell the story typically everyone laughs and blows it off!


I was about 8, and my mom started loading music onto my Zune, songs I had never heard before because she wanted me to have "variety" in my taste of music. Stuff from Mozart to Lil' Wanye. Anyway, she loaded "I knew I loved You before I met You" onto it. First time she showed me the song, I knew every single lyric. She claims that she played the song a lot when I was still in the womb


So this happened to me, when i was younger - about 17 or so - and to this day i still dont really understand what happened.

So there were four of us - we went to one of our friends place, where him and his family lived - they werent home. They lived in this old blacksmith, which was very nice, but also kind of .. dark, and.. well, a blacksmith but with the touch of a family living there.

We were up in his room, which was in the attic, smoking alot of weed. At one point i had too much, and i was like "I need to ehr.." and i just went down - had to get away.

So after trolling around the house aimlessly, getting more and more paranoid, i stumbled on alot of VHS tapes next to their tv ( yes, im old ) - i scanned through them and there it was.

Back to the future 4. Yes, 4. The one that does not exist. Now, remember this was way back - there was no internet, i didnt know if it existed - how would i? I had seen the third one, but.. oh well - i put it in, and sat on the couch and watched it. I still today remember scenes from it ; they are not from the 1st, 2nd or third. After watching it, i still felt super stoned, and very paranoid - and i remember the movie not making alot of sense to me, which also heightened my state of paranoia. I had to get out, just get away.

So i walked outside the house; A small path led from their front lawn, out into a very dark, very lonely road. The road went left, or right. I remember walking up there, and knowing i had to choose a path. After what felt like a million years, i went right. I walked, and i just remember walking further into darkness, leaving it all behind (it was out in the country side) - and i walked and walked, until everything was dark.

I could slowly feel the paranoia go away - my heart pounding less alarmingly for each step - and then, i saw it; a a dimly lit road up ahead, with a small house.

As i approached the house, i realised it was his house, and i was coming in from the left.

I dont remember anything else from that point onward, at all.


This is a strange glitch. Not scary, just bizarre. We have a large frying pan that I use to cook tortillas. One day, I want to make tacos, so I go to the cabinets to get my pan. It’s gone. “Well, that’s weird...” I think and proceed to ask my wife if she moved it. She didn’t. We look all over the kitchen. Weirded out further, we look all over the house. Nothing. Nothing else has gone missing and with the number of interior and exterior cameras and motion detectors, and a big Labrador who barks when she thinks someone is at the door, I’m positive no one broke in to steal my stupid frying pan. Stumped, we gave up. “Guess my pan is... well... whatever.” No tacos for yak.

Two weeks later, I open the cabinets to put away a dish, and f**k if the pan is there like nothing had happened. It hadn’t been there the day before, as I used a saucepan. My wife and I are kinda dumbfounded. I checked the security system, and nothing was tripped. It’s like the pan blinked out of existence and then blinked back in. No one else had been to our house and I’m not sure why they’d borrow a pan if they did. Weird s**t.

from Bored Panda http://bit.ly/2RJrRWg
via Boredpanda

76 People Share Their Weirdest ‘Glitch In The Matrix’ Moments Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
