Andrew Skowron has been an animal rights activist for over 20 years, and for many years he's been documenting the reality of animals in factory farms. The places he visits and the images he sees on a daily basis are unbearable for most people, but Andrew keeps coming back and fighting even harder for the world to see the animals for who they truly are - friends, not food.
For the new decade, Andrew wrote a letter to everybody who loves animals and wants to see them free and happy.
"Hi, my name is Andrew.
I've been working as a farm animal photographer for many years. Today, I want to ask you a favor for the new decade.
Every year, I visit numerous factory farms. Very often people don't want to look at my photos, not because they are bad, but because they show the reality our society doesn't want to see. We don't want to see the pain, the neglect, the suffering. We don't want to acknowledge the terrible crime we, as humans, committed towards the animals. And I get it, trust me. I know how difficult it is to see another living creature hurt. I've been to more factory farms than I can count, and the things I've seen will haunt me forever.
Calves crying for their mothers, as they are taken away from them right after birth. Exhausted, exploited laying hens, practically featherless, barely breathing. Broiler chickens too heavy to lift their own bodies, unable to get to water or food. Minks and foxes going crazy in tiny cages of fur farms, with injuries to their paws and bodies. Quails kept in cages so small and dirty, they couldn't even dream of spreading their wings. Piglets having their tails cut off, teeth clipped, castrated with no anesthesia, screaming for help. Sows kept in farrowing crates, where they can't even turn around. Geese transported to slaughter in 40-degree heat.
I've been to hell and I keep coming back. I get it - it's difficult to watch. But we cannot turn a blind eye on the way animals are treated on factory farms anymore. We cannot pretend they are not there, just because we can't hear their screams from our apartments. It's time to wake up. It's time to make an uprising.
This next decade, I am asking you to be more open-minded. To do your research. I am asking you not to skip that slaughterhouse video. I am asking you to live according to your values - if you really love animals, help them. Don't eat them. Support animal rights activists, fight for the better world with us. Open your mind, eyes, and heart. The nightmare we created for the animals is real and difficult to accept, but if we unite and act now, as a community - we will win this fight and make this world a better place for the animals. And for ourselves.
I believe in you. I believe your heart is stronger than your taste buds. I believe you don't want animals to suffer. I believe we're in this together.
Let's make this new decade a new era."
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#1 A Pig Transported To Slaughter
Image credits: andrewskowron
#2 A Sleeping Chinchilla On A Fur Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#3 Pigs Consoling Each Other, Pig Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#4 A Meeting With A Bull, Dairy Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#5 Sleeping Piglets On A Pig Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#6 A Fox Making An Eye Contact During An Intervention On A Fur Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#7 Broiler Chicken, Unable To Move
Image credits: andrewskowron
#8 Motherhood In Factory Farms, Pig Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#9 A Pig Interacting With The Activists
Image credits: andrewskowron
#10 A Piglet Screaming In Pain, Pig Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#11 A Lamb Drinking Milk From Its Mother
Image credits: andrewskowron
#12 Ducklings On A Duck Farm, Ukraine
Image credits: andrewskowron
#13 Determining The Sex Of The Chickens
Image credits: andrewskowron
#14 A Pig Breathing Fresh Air For The First Time
Image credits: andrewskowron
#15 A Piglet Having Its Tail Cut Off Without Anesthesia
Image credits: andrewskowron
#16 A Crying Cow On The Way To Slaughterhouse
Image credits: andrewskowron
#17 Terrified Fox, Waiting To Be Rescued, Fur Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#18 Dirty And Exhausted Pig On A Pig Farm In Poland
Image credits: andrewskowron
#19 Pigs Going To Slaughter In An Overcrowded Truck
Image credits: andrewskowron
#20 A Curious Fox On A Fur Farm, Looking At Activists
Image credits: andrewskowron
#21 A Terrified Raccoon Dog, Fur Farm In Poland
Image credits: andrewskowron
#22 Pigs Going To Slaughter, Trying To Breathe Fresh Air For The First Time
Image credits: andrewskowron
#23 A Scared Piglet Looking At The Photographer
Image credits: andrewskowron
#24 Minks Living In Dirt, Fur Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#25 Sad And Lonely, Pig Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#26 A Chicken Transported To Slaughter
Image credits: andrewskowron
#27 Exhausted Broiler Chicken
Image credits: andrewskowron
#28 A Dirty, Scared Pig, Pig Factory Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#29 Pig Screaming In Pain
Image credits: andrewskowron
#30 An Activist Holding A One-Day-Old Broiler Chicken
Image credits: andrewskowron
#31 A Calf On A Dairy Farm, Kept In An Igloo Booth
Image credits: andrewskowron
#32 One-Day-Old Broiler Chickens
Image credits: andrewskowron
#33 A Raccoon Dog, Fur Farm In Poland
Image credits: andrewskowron
#34 Calves In Igloo Booths, Dairy Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#35 Broiler Chickens, Interacting With Each Other
Image credits: andrewskowron
#36 Hatched Chicks Waiting To Be Transported, Hatchery
Image credits: andrewskowron
#37 The Beginning Of New Life, Hatchery
Image credits: andrewskowron
#38 Chinchilla Fur Farm, Ukraine
Image credits: andrewskowron
#39 A Sick Quail On A Ukrainian Quail Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#40 A Fish Caught In The Net
Image credits: andrewskowron
#41 Curious Pigs On A Pig Farm In Poland
Image credits: andrewskowron
#42 Mink Farm In Poland
Image credits: andrewskowron
#43 A Terrified Piglet Before Castration, Pig Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#44 Broiler Chicken With An Injured Beak, Ukraine
Image credits: andrewskowron
#45 Fox Fur Farm In Poland
Image credits: andrewskowron
#46 Horrific Conditions On A Quail Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#47 Pig Interacting With Activists, Pig Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#48 Piglets Cuddling With Mom, Pig Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#49 Piglets Hugging And Playing, Pig Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#50 Silent Victims, Laying Hen Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#51 Laboratory Rabbit
Image credits: andrewskowron
#52 Awful Conditions Sows Must Live In Factory Farms
Image credits: andrewskowron
#53 Calves Separated From Their Mothers And Each Other, Dairy Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#54 Piglets Keeping Each Other Warm, Pig Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#55 Laying Hens In Cage System
Image credits: andrewskowron
#56 A Curious Mink On A Fur Farm, Poland
Image credits: andrewskowron
#57 Baby Chinchillas Hugging, Fur Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#58 Chickens Going To Slaughter In Broken Containers
Image credits: andrewskowron
#59 Foxes Interacting With Activists, Fur Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#60 Laying Hens In Cage System
Image credits: andrewskowron
#61 Longing For Freedom, Geese Farm
Image credits: andrewskowron
#62 Terrified Piglet, Right Before Tail Docking
Image credits: andrewskowron
#63 The First Day Of Broiler Chickens In Poultry House
Image credits: andrewskowron
from Bored Panda
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