The Norwegian resistance against the Nazi regime in Norway began in 1940, shortly after the beginning of World War II. Nazi Germany controlled Norway until the German capitulation in Europe at the beginning of May 1945. During the occupation, Norwegian resistance took several forms: the initial defense in Southern Norway, which allowed the government to escape capture, then – asserting the legitimacy of the exiled government, followed by organized military defense and counter-attacks. Finally, the armed resistance in the form of sabotage, commando raids, assassinations, and civil disobedience and unarmed resistance as well. Of course, those who joined the resistance were punished harshly. One of those people is the dad of Tor Ekeland – a lawyer based in Brooklyn, New York – who shared a captivating story about the lessons his father learned while being in the Norwegian Resistance and spending four days being held by the Gestapo.
More info: Twitter
Image credits: TonsbergHans
“My dad was tortured by the Gestapo for 4 days and thrown in a concentration camp for being in the Norwegian Resistance. Growing up, he would tell me things he learned in the Resistance. I thought I’m never going to need this stuff,” Tor wrote on Twitter. He then went on to list eight lessons that his dad taught him: make it hard for your adversary to operate, take small acts, use your privilege and access if you’ve got it, do things right in the open, bide your time, operate in cells, be careful who you trust and finally – use the skills you already have to contribute. Tor’s Twitter post with dad’s advice soon went viral, with more than 70k people liking it and almost 37k retweeting the post.
Image credits: TorEkelandPLLC
Image credits: TorEkelandPLLC
Image credits: TorEkelandPLLC
Image credits: TorEkelandPLLC
Image credits: TorEkelandPLLC
Image credits: TorEkelandPLLC
Image credits: TorEkelandPLLC
Image credits: TorEkelandPLLC
Image credits: TorEkelandPLLC
Image credits: TorEkelandPLLC
Tor ended his viral thread with an ironic comment about the President, saying that “we don’t have a President who openly admires and coddles dictators while trashing our democratic allies.” We sure don’t…
Other people shared Nazi-related stories as well
Image credits: pamelarwalker
Image credits: 1c3B3rgMama
Image credits: onetruebritt
Image credits: Wendell25
A Twitter user Doug Horne also chimed into the discussion, mentioning a quote from a child survivor of Lidice, Czechoslovakia. Not that long time ago, Bored Panda wrote about the tragic destiny of the children in that village.
Image credits: cbwaszak
from Bored Panda
via Boredpanda