Do you have your bosses on social media? If so, you might want to reconsider after reading Cody Hidalgo’s unfortunate poop-meme story.
Image credits: cody.hidalgo.1
It started on a Sunday. Cody was off work, minding his own business when he decided to post a mildly amusing and seemingly innocent meme onto his Facebook page. “Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time,” goes the caption, under a pic of Elmo sitting playfully on the potty.
Hardly controversial stuff, is it?
Image credits: cody.hidalgo.1
Now, we don’t know the full context or background to this story – perhaps Cody has been a truly awful employee? Maybe Andy, the boss, has put up with Cody’s slacking and ill-discipline for months now, and was itching for an excuse to pull the trigger?
Or it could be that Andy is just a big meanie who has no sense of humor and is on a massive power trip.
Either way, firing somebody for posting a meme in their free time and on their personal social media seems a little…harsh. Don’t you think?
Image credits: cody.hidalgo.1
Cody couldn’t believe what had just happened. He had just managed to get himself fired on his day off with a meme about pooping.
Image credits: cody.hidalgo.1
He continued to plead his innocence but his arguments fell on deaf ears. It does seem like this was the final straw in a sorry saga of workplace disappointment – Cody was clearly not a valued team member.
Image credits: cody.hidalgo.1
However, Andy’s point about the post ‘getting around’ would come back to haunt him as the story soon went viral, and people were taking Cody’s side.
Image credits: BlakeTapper
Memes are a powerful form of communication these days, and you don’t want to get on a meme maker’s bad side! People quickly found the company in question and began to stand up for Cody in the way they know best – leaving hilariously withering ‘reviews.’
Image credits: KyleOfFlorida
Image credits: Roman-Stone-Works
Image credits: Roman-Stone-Works
Image credits: Roman-Stone-Works
What do you think? Was Cody horribly mistreated here, or do you think there might be more to this story? Michigan is a state that has “at-will” employment, which means that both the employer and employee are free to terminate the employment at any given time, and for any legitimate purpose, unless bound by a legal contract. What are the conditions in your state/country? Let us know in the comments below!
Bored Panda has contacted both Mr. Hidalgo and Roman Stone Works for comment.
from Bored Panda
via Boredpanda