Structural inspectors aren't the only ones who can tell if you're living in a shitty home. Plumbers can do that too. Recently, a plumber who goes by the nickname Bfizzle shared just a fraction of all the weird stuff he has seen on the job (unfortunately, Verizon lost a bunch of photos when he changed phones), but it's clear that too many contractors simply don't care what they're building.
#1 Candles Left On The Toilet Tank
Image credits: Bfizzle
"I'm 27 and live in the greater Seattle area. Been a plumber for 2 years and an apprentice 3 years before that," Bfizzle told Bored Panda. "I'd say one of the most common reasons I get called is because a house has cheap plumbing. For example, if you buy a $50 toilet, you're going to have issues with it in the near future."
Even a leaky faucet can become a big deal. For example, if it drips just once per second, it still can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water per year.
#2 Reach For It
Image credits: Bfizzle
"Another big thing is that home builders don't ever think ahead, I had to replace a shower valve yesterday and there was a fireplace behind it so the only way to access it was to smash the tile inside the shower," the plumber explained.
#3 Your Sewer Is Blocked
Image credits: Bfizzle
According to the professional, the easiest way to make sure your plumbing is in good condition is to make sure it's up to code. "The plumbing code exists for a reason, and just because an inspector passed off on it doesn't mean it is. Inspectors don't go in your crawl space and aren't really even tested on their code knowledge. A certified plumber will know."
#4 A Repurposed Toilet
Image credits: Bfizzle
#5 In A Chinese Restaurant
Image credits: Bfizzle
#6 How Not To Stop A Leak
Image credits: Bfizzle
#7 Homeowner Did A Remodel, Needed To Downsize The Shower
Image credits: Bfizzle
#8 Homeowner Fixed His Own Leak
Image credits: Bfizzle
#9 Don't Like The Leak? Put A Cork In It
Image credits: Bfizzle
#10 The Handyman Special
Image credits: Bfizzle
#11 The Day After Taco Bell
Image credits: Bfizzle
#12 What Did You Eat Sir?
Image credits: Bfizzle
#13 Hose Bib Leaking? Slap Another Valve On!
Image credits: Bfizzle
#14 Big Apprentice, Small Crawl Space
Image credits: Bfizzle
#15 An Old Water Heater
Image credits: Bfizzle
#16 This Is Why Your Kitchen Drain Backs Up
Image credits: Bfizzle
#17 This Is Why Your Faucets Have Low Flow
Image credits: Bfizzle
#18 I Guess It Works
Image credits: Bfizzle
#19 Neat Tub Shower
Image credits: Bfizzle
#20 Another Repurposed Toilet
Image credits: Bfizzle
#21 No Words
Image credits: Bfizzle
#22 How Not To Stop A Leak
Image credits: Bfizzle
#23 50+ Year Old Water Heater
Image credits: Bfizzle
#24 Don't Flush Tampons
Image credits: Bfizzle
#25 Why Does My House Smell Like S**t?
Image credits: Bfizzle
#26 Found Underground
Image credits: Bfizzle
#27 Also Found Digging
Image credits: Bfizzle
#28 A Valve On A Valve
Image credits: Bfizzle
#29 That's Not How Grounding Works
Image credits: Bfizzle
#30 Another Handyman Special
Image credits: Bfizzle
#31 That's Not How Venting Works
Image credits: Bfizzle
#32 Yet Another Handyman Special
Image credits: Bfizzle
#33 A Homeowner Did His Own Bathroom
Image credits: Bfizzle
#34 Try Digging Through This
Image credits: Bfizzle
#35 That's One Way To Replace A Water Heater
Image credits: Bfizzle
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