Even though the Japanese are dealing with a severe force of nature and are the rescue efforts are ongoing constantly during the typhoon Hagibis, not everyone is taking the situation completely serious. Some people are out on the streets despite the worst storm in 60 years and are doing the quirkiest things possible to find the silver lining in this miserable situation. This could come as no surprise, as Japan is quite known for all things quirky all over the world but despite that, the positive approach to the storm is quite hilarious, so take a look at this list of badassery!
渋谷スクランブル交差点の定点カメラにて筋トレしてた猛者がいたってマジ!? #台風19 pic.twitter.com/WKsQ4YrXnv
— ヨモギまる (@DEAN_a07) October 12, 2019
— ゆうちゃま 【AXIS】 (@YUCHAMA34) October 12, 2019
HOT LIMITをヲタ芸で表現してみた。 pic.twitter.com/WoDsxUR0f2
HOT LIMIT pic.twitter.com/T9dE5Z6WGz
— 先っちょだけ倉田悠人 (@CaptM1a1) October 12, 2019
— ラブマツ@鎖音プロジェクト (@Matsu_Kusarine) October 11, 2019
お兄さんとの約束だよ pic.twitter.com/ssa3hVmeGw
公園でブランコしてる奴いて草#台風19号 #避難警告 pic.twitter.com/pUoUzC0fUf
— ふっくん🥀 (@ASMR_fukkun) October 12, 2019
— 魔法少女メイドカフェ 🎠マジカルロリポップ🍭 (@maid_Magical_L) October 12, 2019
近隣の方、歩行者の方、メイドさん、こうならないように、お気を付け下さい。 pic.twitter.com/nd47WsgAY6
— せーさん (@sei84s) October 12, 2019
気をつけて😭#台風 #武蔵小杉 #冠水 #氾濫 #多摩川 pic.twitter.com/w2ceVI65Yt
※良い子は真似しないでね。#台風19 #台風19号 pic.twitter.com/lMbmeiMbAn
— ☤NoRA君☤ (@No_x_RA) October 12, 2019
from Bored Panda http://bit.ly/2BgcPiE
via Boredpanda