Another DOOM Movie Is Coming, And It Has Actual Demons In It


Universal Pictures

Do you guys remember the DOOM movie from back in 2005? I thought not. It’s not a story Universal Pictures would want you to remember. 

If you do happen to remember the ill fated picture, it’ll be for one of two things: One, it starred Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and two, it sucked butt. Like, it sucked so much demon butt, it was a symphony of butt sucking.

The good news is that Universal are having another stab with the straight to DVD DOOM: Annihilation. While the phrase “straight to DVD” is guaranteed to strike terror into most hearts, there’s a good chance this new flick won’t be as bad as the last DOOM movie. Maybe. Probably.


The new attempt is to be a live action reboot which is being directed by Tony Giglio, who directed Death Race 2 and 3, but also thrillingly a feature called Soccer Dog: The Movie.

DOOM: Annihilation sounds like pretty standard DOOM fare. A gang of space marines head to a Martian Moon base (sure) to answer a distress call. Would you believe it, the entire place is overrun by demons.

Take a look at the trailer below. What I will say is that it definitely looks like a straight to DVD kinda deal, but at least the demons look pretty cool.

Okay, one of the demons look pretty cool. The rest look like drunk people stumbling out of a club at 3am with bad teeth, but that’s still scary in a different way.

DOOM: Annihilation stars Amy Manson as Joan Dark, and I really can’t handle how B-movie that name is. She’ll be joined by Dominic Mafham, Luke Allen-Gale, and Nina Bergman, and the film is scheduled for a “Fall” release.

In other, slightly more palatable DOOM news, Eternal is the next game in the series and that’s looking fantastic. It doesn’t have a set release date yet, but it should be coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch in 2019.

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Another DOOM Movie Is Coming, And It Has Actual Demons In It Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown
