How often do you wonder about what would actually happen if you just asked the person you fancy out on a date?
Of course, this would be way too straightforward for many modern daters who allow romance to awkwardly blossom through months of flirting, confusion and angst.
Rarely will we humans do anything as straightforward as sending a text to the person who has caught our eye; asking them out on a good old-fashioned date.
Dare I say this is particularly true of women who – in my experience – will typically consult every single of their mates/relationship psychologists before drafting a message to a potential love interest.
However, one admirable bunch of girls decided to take the love bull by the horniness, asking their crushes out on a date before sharing their responses in a hilarious – and often brutal – thread.
Award-winning sex & relationships blogger Oloni set her followers a deceptively simple task, sparking savagery and sweetness in equal doses.
The author and podcaster tweeted:
Ladies ask that guy you fancy out on a date and tweet me a screenshot of his response.
The cheeky tweet was met with multiple responses, with varying levels of success. I have to say, I admire the ballsiness of these lasses…

Some of the texted guys seemed fairly positive about being propositioned, admittedly leading to me momentarily reaching for my own phone for a bit of a ponder, shall we say. I mean, what’s the worst that could possibly happen?
One bloke replied ‘yurp’ while another gave a slightly less enthusiastic ‘K’, no doubt bringing yet further frustration for our bold heroine. Some responses got a little bit naughty, with one Romeo suggesting they ‘skip straight to the banging’. Charming.
One response in particular made me melt a little bit; momentarily making me feel I was peeking into the beginnings of an extremely cutesy rom-com.
No doubt most people wish they could receive this sort of text message at some point in their lives, rather than just endless spam from pizza delivery chains:
Hell yeah!! I been in love with you since the first day we met. Bring that ass here gurl!

However, others were harsh with a capital H, with the plucky women in question receiving some ouch inducing rejections. I hand on heart honestly felt some of these…
One man retorted, ‘with what money?’ while another suspicious individual queried, ‘are you trying to have kids with me?’
One crushee used sarcasm to reject the texting temptress, deadpanning, ‘Hmmm… do sharks walk?’
Another scoffed:
I’m surprised your big eyes didn’t see this rejection coming. I beg you bounce.

Luckily, plenty of the girls who were rejected were able to laugh it off; responding with ‘lols’ and crying laughing faces. Hopefully this won’t put them off being fearless in the pursuit of love/a sly snog.
I really don’t think I could bear to hit send, and I have sent texts I would wish to claw back I assure you. Have any other women been inspired to give this challenge a go?
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