The mummified body of a woman has been found well-preserved inside a previously unopened sarcophagus.
The discovery was made in the city of Luxor, in Egypt, in a necropolis on the west bank of the Nile called El-Asasef, a place of burial intended for senior officials and noblemen.
The woman was lying in one of two ancient coffins found in a grand tomb; complete with detailed ceiling paintings portraying the owner and his family.
The first coffin to be opened contained the remains of Thaw-Rakht-If; a priest who had been responsible for the important task embalming the bodies of pharaohs. In life, he had worked at the Temple of Mut in Karnak as the mummification supervisor
You can watch footage of the sarcophagus being opened below:
The female mummy lay, wrapped in linen inside the second coffin; an elaborately carved and ‘maginificent’ sarcophagus shaped like a woman, complete with eyes decorated with sheets of gold.
In a statement, the antiquities ministry gave the woman’s name as being Thuya. However, ministry spokeswoman Nevine Aref later explained how researchers were still working towards definitively identifying the mummy.
When excavating Tomb TT33, three-hundred meters worth of rubble were painstakingly removed over the course of a five month period. French and local researchers began the excavation in March 2018, pausing in May before resuming work in August.
The tomb of Thaw InkhetIf the #overseer of the #mummification shrine of #Mut #Temple #discovered #Assassif #Luxor #Egypt pic.twitter.com/huUHj5k6kn
— Ministry of Antiquities-Arab Republic of Egypt (@AntiquitiesOf) November 24, 2018
Dating back to the middle-kingdom, a time period nearly 4,000 years ago, the tomb had been was reused during the late period. Inside, archaeologists found skeletons and skulls as well as the mummies.
Archaeologists also found five colourful masks, ceramic jars used to hold removed bodily organs and approximately 1,000 Ushabti statues.
Crafted from wood, faience and clay, these miniature figurines depicted servants who ancient Egyptians believed would serve the deceased in the afterlife.
As reported by Reuters, Minister of Antiquities Khaled El-Enany has said:
We found a new Ramesside tomb with colour paintings, a depiction of the queen Ahmose-Nefertari and their son Amenhotep I.
#Ministerof Antiquities announces #today a new #discovery in #Assassif #Luxor #Ramesside #tomb #sarcophagi #painted walls #lid of #canopic jars pic.twitter.com/gPgpCrQaU4
— Ministry of Antiquities-Arab Republic of Egypt (@AntiquitiesOf) November 24, 2018
In another statement, Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities Khaled Al Anani said:
One sarcophagus was rishi-style, which dates back to the 17th dynasty, while the other sarcophagus was from the 18th dynasty,
The two tombs were present with their mummies inside.
The Eighteenth Dynasty can be dated back to the 13th century BC; a time period when some of the most famous Pharaohs in history, including Tutankhamen and Ramses II, reigned.
Ancient Egyptians mummified their dead with the intention of preparing their bodies for the afterlife; a realm sometimes referred to as The Field of Reeds or The Field of Offerings.
Since the start of 2018, Egypt has revealed more than a dozen ancient discoveries. This latest unveiling marks the very first time authorities have opened a previously unopened sarcophagus before the eyes of international media sources.
It’s hoped these historical finds will help to revive interest in Egypt among travellers, with tourism having suffered in the troubled years since the 2011 political uprising.
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