The endgame of Fallout 76, as I’m sure you know by know, revolves around obtaining nuclear launch codes and having fun by reigning fire on Bethesda’s latest open world.
These nuclear attacks temporarily change the shape of the map, transforming affected areas in high level danger zones, full of cool gear and above average enemies to fight.
If you’re wondering what kind of chaos might occur when three nukes are launched at once, keep wondering. A group of players tried it, and the Fallout 76 servers promptly crashed.

A group of players recently discovered that if you drop a nuke on a fissure site, you can trigger a timed event called Scorched Earth, which summons a terrifyingly powerful level 95 monster called a Scorchbeast Queen, alongside a bunch of other powerful monsters.
You can watch a video of that in action below, uploaded to YouTube by Nickaroo93. Taking down the Queen lands you some great gear, including Ultracite (the best crafting material in Fallout 76).
Greedy for more great loot, these same intrepid players decided to see if dropping three nukes on a fissure point would summon three more Scorchbeast Queens, or perhaps one, even more powerful Scorchbeast God.
Maddeningly, we’ll never know what might have emerged from that ultra toxic waste. As the players approached ground zero, the Fallout 76 servers crashed and booted the players out of the game.
Obviously, Bethesda’s game servers weren’t quite prepared for such a chaotic scenario so soon after beta testing. Three simultaneous nuclear blasts is a bit much after all, especially for a game that’s already told players to expect bugs and other issues going in.
If Bethesda can be made aware of this issue (if they aren’t already), perhaps the next time we get a coordinated nuclear strike in Fallout 76 something truly special can happen.
Or maybe dropping more than one nuke at a time will just break the game no matter what.
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