Dataminers are already hard at work scouring through Red Dead Redemption 2 game files, and they seem to have uncovered a few interesting new tidbits regarding Red Dead Online.
Rockstar Intel reports that they’ve managed to find evidence for new vehicles and property sales that they believe are far more likely to be for Red Dead Online than the game’s single-player mode.

Anyone who’s played GTA Online will be aware that buying properties is a major part of that game, and probably one of the only chances people under the age of 30 will have to say that they own a property.
This certainly lends credence to it being a part of Red Dead Online, unless the single-player genuinely has this feature tucked away and nobody has managed to find it yet. The fast travel option was certainly obtuse enough to work out, so that’s genuinely not super unlikely.
You can find a full list of vehicles and properties over on Rockstar Intel – who conducted the thorough search – but some of the items include a Horse Cart ($500), a War Wagon ($500), and a Supply Wagon ($500) – although these prices do seem to be placeholders, so expect ’em to go up or down. Probably up.
Meanwhile, Intel has listed the 10 properties they’ve found – although these are all very vaguely named as ‘Property 1, 2, 3, etc’ and give nothing away in the description as it’s currently all placeholder apart from one, which is described as ‘Rugged homeliness in the countryside’.
The Red Dead Online beta hits this month, so I’ve no doubt we’ll all find out more regarding properties very soon indeed. Yee bloody haw.
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