Theresa May Dancing On Stage To ABBA Is The Cringiest Moment Of 2018

Theresa May
There are a couple of things in life you can always depend on to ignite a frenzy on social media. Par example, people lying about their kids being profound, race hatred and football. Another one is dancing. 
Not the good kind. Not ‘Wow, these guys are cool AF!’ dancing that sometimes goes viral. I’m talking about the type of physical rhythm that makes you question whether or not AI is already among us.
I am, of course, referencing Theresa May, who has just set feeds across the nation alight by walking on to ‘Dancing Queen’ by ABBA at a Tory party conference.
Watch this before I continue:

Is that the worst display of movement-to-music ever? This isn’t about politics BTW, it’s about the human race. If Jeremy Corbyn cut shapes as terribly as this, I’d be making Momentum cry like babies with a scorching take.
Prior to saying soldiers killed in World War I should not have died in vain, the Prime Minister poked fun at her own dancing, the likes of which previously went viral last month on a visit to South Africa.
May was papped dancing with school children in Cape Town over the course of a three-day visit. I don’t think it was as bad as this. In fact no – nothing is, really. Bring on the nukes.
At today’s (Wednesday) conference, she also made fun of past experiences, saying, ‘You will have to excuse me if I do cough during the speech. I’ve been up all night supergluing the backdrop.’
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