You might have seen by now that the (rather excellent) Soul Calibur VI has its very own character creation tool, and the internet is doing what it does best: coming up with some truly horrifying abominations.
It helps that the character creation tool in the new fighter is actually ridiculously detailed, allowing users to modify existing characters, or choose from 16 basic races that range from human, to lizard, to mummy, to skeleton.
With a little tweaking, you can give characters butts for heads, or even giant… erm… appendages. Where the internet has gotten really freaky though, is in the creation of twisted funhouse mirror versions of beloved pop culture icons.
You can head to r/SoulCaliburCreations for the full range of horrors, but I thought I’d highlight some of my favourite pieces of nightmare fuel right here. Let’s start with Jynx, already a terrifying Pokemon – now a hideous she-demon, thanks to PatBeefy.








Vagabond Melody
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