Rockstar has shared another gameplay trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2, ahead of the game’s launch in just – try to contain your excitement – 25 days.
The latest look at the epic open world Western basically confirms most of what we’ve already heard about the game, namely that it’s ridiculously huge and absolutely brimming with detail.
Oh, and it’s damn gorgeous. We knew that already, but it’s worth repeating: This could easily be the prettiest console game of all time. Take a look at the new trailer below.
I just Googled it. It’s called knife game, apparently. Nobody strained any brain cells there.
Anyway, in addition to hand stabbing and cattle collecting, we also get a look at train heists. We also get a look at train heists. I feel that was worth repeating, because holy crap, do they look awesome.
Naturally, they’ll have plenty to say if you fail to dress, shave, or groom yourself too. Wild West, baby.
We also got a good look at Red Redemption 2’s overhauled Deadeye system, offering an insanely cool way to take down multiple enemies in slow-motion – which is just as well, since you’ll have your hands full just trying to stay alive in a world where the law are cracking down on criminals just like you.

If you’re still after more, why not take in the game’s immersive first-person mode? Hell, if you get bored of being an outlaw you can just go chop wood or play Poker for a few hours, or even just take in a show to pass the time.
If anyone’s ever told you Red Dead Redemption 2 is just GTA with horses, you’re gonna need to show them this trailer. This game is something special. Which probably explains the hefty install size, by the way.
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