BNPB Indonesia/Twitter
The volcano, Mount Soputan, is located on the north of the island, and erupted just before 9am local time this morning, Wednesday, October 3.
A column of ash and smoke could be seen rising from the mountain. There are currently no reports of evacuations, with people in the area being advised to remain indoors.
BNPB Indonesia tweeted (translated):
Soputan Mountain, Southeast Sulawesi Province, North Sulawesi Province erupted as high as 4,000 meters, 3/10/2018 at 08.47 WITA. The ash column with strong pressure was observed to be gray to brown with thick intensity inclined towards west & northwest. Level 3 status (Alert) & 4 Km Safe radius.
Gunung Soputan, Kab.Minahasa Tenggara Provinsi Sulut meletus setinggi 4.000 meter, 3/10/2018 pukul 08.47 WITA. Kolom abu dgn tekanan kuat teramati berwarna kelabu hingga coklat dgn intensitas tebal condong ke arah barat & barat laut. Status level 3 (Waspada) & radius Aman 4 Km. pic.twitter.com/NCTYHb9aNc— BNPB Indonesia (@BNPB_Indonesia) October 3, 2018
from UNILAD http://bit.ly/2P1Py9w
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